Dull ache in the abdomen

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For the last few weeks I've noticed a dull warm achey feeling in my abdomen present most of the time and just noticed that it seems to take more of an effort to turn over in bed. I notice it a bit more on a full bladder but its always present. I also have a slight but persistent ache in my lower back. Thses symptoms have been going on too long to be muscle strain.

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Keep a food diary to check for intolerances and monitor whether you have had any recent stressful events first of all.  Then see your doctor and ask about IBS.  Ask for a CT scan, ultrasound, stool and celiac testing, endoscopy, and possibly colonoscopy/ barium enema.  If all these tests reveal nothing, IBS can be diagnosed.
  • Posted

    hi rich, those same symptoms brought me to my OBGyne last month..It was even difficult to walk..I am holding my abdomen everytime i wanted to walk..so basically I was sitting down for 2 days with very minimal movement.... you may think this is funny..but the cause of my pain is air trapped in my abdominal area..which seems to pressdon and pushes my abdominal area... this is the catch..after I took medication, actually natural meds, i gave out the longest and loudest fart I can remember in the history of my life... and Yes! the pain was gone..it was air trapped because had difficulty defecating for several days already.. Hope everything will just be as simple as that.. All the best.
  • Posted

    would just like to add...I am also due for check up..will be having pap smear to check if I have Candida, or yeast infection..this can also cause same symptoms in women.
  • Posted

    It sounds like you have bloating which can be caused by a variety of things.  Add to your list of things to check, a simple blood test for H.pylori bacteria which causes bloating and is in epidemic proportions thorughout the world. ...  and not just in third world countries.

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