Duloxetine - Please be the one to help my depression.

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I have just been prescribed Duloxetine for my depression & anxiety. Please can you let me know of any good/bad & experiences on ths medication. It's always scary starting a new antidepressant.

I really do hope this is the one to help me as i have tried so many with no results. I will put them below:-

Sertraline - Prozac - Venlaflaxine - Citalapram.

Any comments or feedback would be very much appreciated.

Thank you

Butterfly x

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    I am like you I have tried several antidepressants with no luck. Duloxetine had the same effect for me but everyone is different and it does help a lot of people, so let's hope you are one of them. Unfortunately it flared my fibromyalgia and too many side effects.then the withdrawal period, 

    it is difficult to find the right med, I am giving them a rest at the moment, but am using sleeping tabs and lorazepam,

    How are you coping? Have you got good support

    Sorry cannot be of more help, but keep in touch



  • Posted

    Hi Pat,

    Thank you for you're message i really do appreciate it no matter what you're reply is. What antidepressants have you also tried? 

    Did you find these ones no good & can i ask what the side effects were?

    I don't really have any support to be honest but just plod on & hope i get better one day.

    I'm sorry it made you're fibromyalgia worse & they didn't help you.

    How are you getting on with the loraz & sleeping tabs? are you not feeling depressed so much with having a break from anti ds or you juts like me sick or trying them with no results?

    Butterfly x

    • Posted

      Hi I have tried citalapram (twice) paroxetine and duloxetine, I was on citalapram for 10years then stopped working, the paroxetine had awful side effects, as did the duloxetine felt so spaced out and dozy all day, and as I said flared my fibro, which already  gives you a foggy head and bad balance. I think the most horrible thing with these antidepressants is the waiting time for them to work or not, then having to transfer to another one

      and starting over again.

      How long have you had the anxiety, had mine all my life but got very bad the last 12months, At the moment I have a lung infection and on amoxicillin so feel wonderful!!!. 

      Went to the Hospital for a diagnosis for Fibro, had a chest X-Ray which lead on to a CT scan now need to see a Chest Specialist, hope the amoxicillin clear it up. 

      What dose of Duloxetine are you on, I was on 30mg, let me know how you get on.



  • Posted

    I'm on 20mg the doc said 30mg but i don't want to suffer so badly with the side effects so we agreeded with 20mg to to let me get used to it. I must admit i'm terrified of taking it as the coments on here are all saying how bad the side effects are. So don't want to take it sad x
  • Posted

    20mg is a low dose, a lot of people start on that, I took mine for five weeks, it should work by then, the side effects should have eased by 10 days, it did'nt with me so I came off then, some people have good results by day 5-6, it's the old saying try it and see, I know how you feel, I felt the same but decided to take it and see.

    You have to taper them off, I did by taking 1 every other day for a week and them 2 every other day for a week then off. As advised by my Psychiatrist. I should not read too many internet stories, I came off them ok. I think it is harder when you have been on them for a long time.

    Its funny the way we are all different, but there you are.

    Let me know how you get on.



  • Posted


    just thought I would enquire how you are hope getting on with the Duloxetine, had any good effects yet,  I do hope so!


    • Posted

      Hello Patricia,

      Aww that's really lovely of you. I 'll be totally honest i haven't the courage yet to take them i'm really scared sad i bet you think i'm so silly don't you x

  • Posted

    No I do dot think you are silly, it's a big thing taking meds especially when others have failed.

    Let me know what you decide.


  • Posted

    I really just don't know what to do for the best, just wish i didn't feel this way. Can i ask is that why you don't take any is that because like me you have had no results? 

    Also thank you for seeing how i was & messaging me x

  • Posted

    Yes I found no benefit from them, Have you asked your GP about alternatives like CBT

    i think I am going to try Mibdfulness which teaches you a different way of thinking.

    My fibromyalgia is quite bad at the moment so not getting much sleep.

    How do you sleep?

    Keep in touch and let me know how you get on.


    • Posted

      Hi Pat,

      How are you getting on?

      I got through my fear of taking the duloxetine & am now on my 3rd day. It's making me feel very drowsy & tired, but apart from that no side effects other than not sleeping so good. So will give it time & hope it helps my depression & anxiety.

      Butterfly xxx

  • Posted

    Hi Pat,

    Sorry for the late reply.

    Yes i'm having cbt at the moment & it's ok, but still feel this way inside. I feel super low today & am really thinking about trying those tablets from tonight, but still so scared.

    My sleeping is all over the place really. On tabs i can't sleep & On nothing i sleep way to much & still feel shattered & have little energy.So again don't know weather i am coming or going really.

    I haven't heard of the other therapy you mentioned, please would you let me know how you get on with it.

    I'm sory to hear you are not so good & Not sleeping. No sleep is just awful & That's one of the main reasons i dont want the tablets as they mess it all up. I would rather sleep too much than none. So really feel for you there.

    Take care


  • Posted

    Hi Butterfly,

    I started taking my Duloxetine 60mg yesterday. It's nearly 6am now and I have been in bed since 10:30pm and had no sleep. Spent the first 4 hours in bed feeling really really sick.

    I haven't had much luck with previous meds over the last 18 months. I was first put on Escitalopram which I didn't get on with, then I was put on Sertraline 100mg which anxiety wise, did improve slightly. But after 6 months or so, the insomnia was getting a real pain. I asked for a sleeping tablet to go with it but was refused by my GP and so was put on Mirtazapine 15mg. The change over wasn't a pleasant one, my mood went to an all time low. After 4 weeks or so, I started feeling better. Although still not happy.

    The Mirtazapine helped with my anxiety better than the Sertraline but didn't help my depression. I became in a bad way and started self harming so I decided to increase my Mirtazapine to 30mg. This worked brilliantly with sleep, even on 15mg I was sleeping a lot better. Usually within 30-45mins of taking it. If ever I forgot to take it because I'd stayed out at a friends or something, I'd know about it the next day. I'd become so withdrawn from everyone, angry, not speak, agitated. Like a drug come down!

    Mirtazapine has since been changed over to the Duloxetine. I can tell already that I'm going to struggle sleeping, but I'll give it a chance. Have an appointment with GP in 4 weeks to review. 

    Have you tried your Duloxetine?

    • Posted

      Hello Emily,

      Thank you for your reply. I too have taken sertraline, escitalapram with no effects & Now have been given Duloxetine.

      I'm really scared of starting it as side effects on previous drugs have been awful.

      How long have you been on Duloxetine & Have you found any good on this drug? 

      Butterfly x

    • Posted

      I've been taking it for about 4 days now - sleep is awful, been prescribed Zopiclone to help me sleep but trying not to take it every night. Hence why I'm awake at 4.30pm! 

      As with the other SSRI'S I need to give it at least a fortnight to start working, so I'll be sure to message you then. My mood is all over the place since switching meds so looking forward to getting out of this transition stage!

      I have noticed (and this is really embarrassing) that I've been burping a lot on the Duloxetine - not great when you're a singer and performing!! On the plus side though, I've kind of lost my appetite. A bit change to the Mirtazapine as I was constantly hungry on that and put on over a stone in a few months x

    • Posted

      Hello Emily,

      I was the same last night, no sleep. I went off ok but woke at 1:30 & couldn't get back at all. I feel like a zombie today & They make you pretty drowsy too don't they.

      Yes i too have no appetite, altought glad about that as i could do with loosing a few pounds.

      Can i ask why you came off the mirtazapine, did it not work for you?

      Take Care

      Butterfly xx

    • Posted

      Having a very bad time at the moment, My husband had a stroke on Friday night and is in Critical Care at the moment, feeling absolutely exhausted from Fibromyalgia and Anxiety. Feeling quite is life  is not worth while at the moment, can't say much more as too upset.

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