duloxetine withdrawal

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I would like to share with you my own experience with cymbalta. I have been taking this medication for a year(60 mg) my doctor prescribed it for depression and anxiety. After 6 months of taking cymbalta i was feeling better, my anxiety decreased and i was able to live a normal life. Now after a year i decided to wean of cymbalta. I decreased my dose to 30 mg for 3 month. And for the forth month am taking 30 mg pill a day after another. Its been a week i started feeling nervous, my anxiety increased and and am having extreme mood swings and an irritabilty that quickly turns into rage. Adding to the previous am having nausea and nightmares. I know these are duloxetine withdrawal sypmtoms that my GP didnt explain it for me when prescribing me cymbalta. I will be strong and am not giving up. I wish i didnt take it.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Farah, I know exactly what you going through...the most I've cut down was the 30mg but at that dose I really struggled and had to up the dose again. I'm going to start cutting down again slowly by removing 2 - 5 of those beads in the capsule a week ...it will take me a long time to get off it completely but I'm not rushing it as its a nightmare coming off it! I wish you the very of luck and keep me update ...like to know how you coping etc. Drs precribe it easily but in the end it's the drugs that's prescribed for depression that actually make you worse off in the end when you come off it. The brain is extremely complex. I would suggest keeping yourself active and eating well to minimise the withdrawal symptoms. What I don't understand is that it's easy to prescribe but when people want to come off the drug...where is the help? Surely there must be something that can ease the withdrawal symptoms??? Makes me angry
    • Posted

      Thanks for your care we both have same experience and yes it will take a long time.

      Indeed, it is veryyyyyy easy to prescribe and when we need to get off no help. I just kept asking drs what is the best solution. Then i realized that drs themselvez doesnt know. Poor patients sad.

    • Posted

      Yes - Drs are not experienced or knowledgable about the subject of depression but ask to be sent to a specialist psychiatrist and here in the UK you have to wait about a year! Absolutely unacceptable! You wouldn't ask a cancer patient to wait that long for treatment ...so why is this any different. Anyway..one step at a time and we can do it eventually.
    • Posted

      I have seen many specialist but non of their solution worked good for me. I am in africa now and i've met a GP who gave me a way to get off.he told me that i should take cymbalta 30 mg for 2 months a pill a day after the other and between the 2 months i take 5 days 30 mg respectively. I will give it a shot. But no way to escape from withdrawal symptoms. I just wana live a normal life without being depressed sad.

      Wish you success

  • Posted

    What about the weight gained with cymbalta!!!!
    • Posted

      I've not experienced weight gain with Cymbalta. It's not known to cause weight gain but it could affect people in different ways.

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