Duodenitis / gastritis odd feelings

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Since I was finally diagnosed with Duodenitis and gastritis I have a few questiosn maybe someone can answer...

I started Ranitidine 150MG at night and Omeprazole in the morning, I read it takes about 6 - 8 weeks to help for 80% of people.

My upper middle abdomen always feels bloated and tender / sore, how long does it usually take for this to go away or start to feel better?

Also, sometimes I can feel my heart beat in the same area (upper middle abdomen) I assume its because od the duodenitis making it tender / sore and the pulse in the aortia is aggrivating it. I had a complete abdominal ultrasound and the aortia was normal, so it's not because of an anryusim or anything like that. Is this common with this inflamation? or should I have them look more into this?

Also, has anyone ever experienced dizziness with this? I know suddenly I am getting dizzy (well more like lightheaded, i dont have the spinning feeling) randomly durning the day. I saw a few places that it had dizziness as a symptom of duodenitis, but I dont know if maybe allergies is making this worse for me, I started having the light headed feeling after allergy season started, and I noticed yesterday that I had a light headed spell after my nose got pretty well stuffed up. I used to take Zyrtec when I had allergies but not sure if that is a good idea with having this now this year.

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi how was you diagnosed with this ? And what were your original symptoms and how long did you suffer ? I'm trying to get to the botttom of mine pain I've been suffering for 3/4 months with upper abdomen pain

    • Posted

      had a physical first when I had a really bad stomach gnawing pain, went on dexilant for 4 weeks got rid of the big pains, but still had a sore tender feeling left in the same area... had a abdominal ultrasound and blood tests to rule out pancreas, liver, aorta and gallbladder problems, all came back normal. Then finally had an EDG (Upper Endoscopy) and they saw a lot of inflamation of the duoeadnum and stomach. I'd have this now for 5 months EDG was just done this past Friday

    • Posted

      The original symptoms sent me to the ER it was a severe spams feeling in the upper middle stomach, didn't know if it was cardiac or digestive, ER ruled out cardiac and sent me home with a Pepcid... then went to my Primary Doc for the start of the diagnosis...

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      I'm still yet to get a ultrasound but should be getting one soon.the pain has really got me down these past few months I've been put on anti-depressants because of how it's effecting me.i hope you feel better soon

  • Posted

    hello, I also have gastritis and deudontis. I've also have had bouts of lightheadedness during the day as well as my upper abdomen weird feeling like my heart or something. I went to the ER and everything checked out fine (heart, etc). so I'm pretty sure it is a symptom somehow. any advice or insight on these symptoms? did it just go away on its own for you or did you take anything? I appreciate it

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