During and after menopause hot flushes severe

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I have had very severe hot flushes , day and night through the last 10 years, and during this time I have been on and off HRT , and although HRT has helped the hot flushes HRT also comes with side effects , so I’ve decided to go it alone, and for the last 3 months I have quit HRT altogether.

I’m currently having 20 to 30 hot flushes every day, it’s a nightmare, and for us ladies who have hot flushes they are not just getting hot and cold sweats , they come with other symptoms like palpitations, wierd head stuff , like strange negative thoughts, bad headaches, anxiety and depression, I sometimes think I would be better off dead, I get awful thoughts like this when I’m going through these awful days, with awful menopause symptoms, also, during the hot flushes I also sometimes feel prickly heat in places  , like pins and needles , or sharp cold prickles, I pray to god for the end it’s been 12 years , when is this going to end, does anyone else have these symptoms will you please share your story thanks Julie 

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13 Replies

  • Posted

     Hot flushes and panick attacks  and anxiety... I have inflammation itchy skin and an enlarged liver i hate this 
    • Posted

      Hi Fiona, I have itchy skin as well , plus waking up every night all night on and off I haven’t slept through for years, Forums like this are good because I don’t feel I’m on my own and it helps to know it’s not just me 
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    Hi Julie, what were the side effects of hrt that made you go off it?
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    Yes i do have all the symptoms you mentioned and the way you describe your hot flushes is exactly like mine.

    They are awful.

    I was 10 years peri and now just post menopause.

    I thought peri was bad but its got a whole lot worse.

    The anxiety i could once control is out of control.

    I have a constant buzzing tremor feeling throughout my body that is driving me crazy and causing my anxiety to be worse.

    My doctor said he would prescribe HRT but i dont want to try it.

    Simply because the way i see it you can only be on it for a certain amount of time then i come off then what?

    Also i dint want to put hormones back that are naturally depleting.

    Dont get me wrong im suffering really badly right now but am considering going on an antidepressant to help with the anxiety.

    But just wanted to let you know im suffering the same symptoms as you.

    The body tremor shakey buzzing sensation is the worst x

  • Posted

    Hello there , I to have had hot flashes for about 10 years or so . I’m only 49 but the constant feeling of being hot and a red face and neck have been such apart of my life that I don’t remember not having them it’s been so long . It’s only been the last 6 months or so though that my cycles are finally indicating that menopause is coming soon . I’m hoping that’s a good thing because everyone says “ it does get easier . All the other symptoms you talk about here I have had too so I can relate . Lord help us . I look forward to the day that my hormones balance themselves out and I will start to feel normal again . 

    I haven’t taken HRT pills or antidepressants as of yet but everything else went out of whack like 𝙒𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝t, blood pressure, chloresterol, heart palpitations. Oh lord , I understand why is woman go through it all though because Men couldn’t handle all this I don’t think . Lol .  I try to get up every day with a positive additude though and also keep to much stress away as I find it only makes the symptoms worse. Try to find soothing calming things daily to help relieve some of it , I find that it helps some if I do that and also if I get some good rest , mind you , some days it’s hard to do that , but I work at it every day . I wish ya all the best and hope you find some good ways to manage it till the hormones settle down. 

    We can do this ! 

    Hugs and positive vibes to ya :-)

  • Posted

    I hate reading posts like this because they scare me thinking it's just going to get worse post meno! 

    Is there anyone out there who did better after their cycles stopped altogether?????

  • Posted

    I;m glad you shared this Jules, I thought with all the other symptoms I get with hot flashes like you described that maybe it wasnt a hot flesh, but like you I get the other symptoms you mentioned too with it!  I also get the cold chills too! I hate those! 
    • Posted

      Thanks for sharing this. It’s awful isn’t it I know when one is coming on,  I get some kind of weird sensation somewhere in my body then it starts , sometimes it lasts a few minutes sometimes up to 20 minutes , sometimes I get a huge sugar drop like I need to eat lots of biscuits or something to make me feel normal, or I feel like I will faint, it’s all awful but good to know I’m not alone that I’m not going completely mad 😞🙁😩

  • Posted

    Hi Jules 

    I went on BHRT and all the sweats etc stopped I didn’t get a lot of hot flashes but did get night sweats but honestly something I can live with.

    What I can’t live with is the depression and fatigue !

    What were the side effects for you on HRT ? 

    I’m wondering if the depression is a side effect ? 

  • Posted

    Hi Jules....oh i am sorry to hear you are suffering so much....would you not consider trying a different hrt like a patch? This therapy has really moved on and maybe it might give you some relief....so sorry you feel this way....the change is a nitemare....keep us posted...CK
  • Posted

    Jules - I have been reading books and medical journals - anything I can get my hands on. I've been watching so many educational videos online from Universities etc. 

    Your post is such a confirmation to what I have been reading and experiencing. I kept asking myself the same questions - one woman posts she feels like she is suffocating. Another woman posts she is tingling in her arm and foot. And then it started to make me realize - wait a minute - WHAT IF THIS IS A HOT FLASH??? What if all of these symptoms that can be scary and weird and intense is really a hot flash????? 

    And sure enough - that's what I have been reading. All of a sudden I will have terrible intrusive thoughts come over me (all new at 49), sometimes about 5 minutes later I will have some physical manifestation of something really unsettling. I am starting to realize that I don't always sweat with it! The "experts" are calling it a Panic Attack - but I'm realizing it's not that - it's a Hot Flash without the sweating. And my symptoms can be different each time before each flash - sweating or not. And like you said - if you're having 20 - 30 a day - it is awful - just awful.

    I don't know the brand/dose of HRT you were on. I'm not on any (as of yet). I hear of women as well as women here on this forum; who plan to be on them indefinitely. 

    Thank for for putting into words your experience - this is what a HOT FLASH can be for a lot of us- all of the emotional symptoms and physical symptoms you describe. Add that to the awful, awful days of being down. I'm trying a progesterone cream that you can buy at the health food store as well as online. I'm learning day by day what this hormone stuff is capable of doing. You are not alone!

    • Posted

      Thanks Finny,

      My word, your reply has helped me so much, I always knew that all the horrible symptoms I was suffering was all associated with the hot flash but you have just confirmed it, in what you experience and what you have read, thanks for sharing this, I have tried various HRT over the years and all come with their own side effects, in one way or another, unless I just never found one that suited me, we are all unique in our own way,  so for now I’m hoping my body and mind can get through this without HRT and eventually I will be over it, I’ve heard some women say that have gotten over the menopause that it’s amazing and they feel better than they’ve ever felt in their lives, this gives me some hope, I am glad you are all her and glad I found you. Jules 

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