Dust Allergy
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It's coming to that time of year where hay fever is about to kick into overdirve. but at the moment i am finding breathing ever so difficult and i believe it is because of all the dust that seems to be around... is it possible to have an allergy to dust or is it just that the dust is making it harder to breathe. Waking up regularly during the night unable to breath is leaving me exhausted
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Lizzie46881 MikeP
Sorry to hear you are having a bad time right now. I too suffer from hayfever and also have other allergies, though I'm not entirely sure what to, never having had the tests. I'm sure that dust makes it harder to breathe and depending on what is in the dust, to have an actual allergy to it. When my breathing gets bad, which isn't very often, I just use a ventolin inhaler, which always helps. I also take a strong prescription sedating anti-histamine called hydroxyzine, which not only deals with my allergies but hewlps me to sleep, which is a real blessing, it might be worth disussing with your gp. Hayfever was always a curse for me from childhood, I spent all summer sniffing and sneezing with sore eyes, I've only been on this new anti-histamine for a few weeks so its early days to say if its going to be any more effective in this department. I was prescribed it incidenatlly as I had a bad skin rash with terrible itching, which it has miraculaously cured. Its also very helpful for my anxiety,but thats another story !
Guest MikeP
More about that it will be no use for you, You cannot fight an allergy without knowing which is. Your best alternative is asking to your gp to refer you to an. NHS allergy clinic if you are in England or an Ent in the rest of the UK.
LindaPrime MikeP
"Waking up regularly during the night unable to breath is leaving me exhausted" that sounds like asthma. Are you on a reliever puffer or a preventer puffer?
care4health MikeP
However easy way to find out, go to a different place, - a clean one, stay there for a few days, do you suffer breating problem there too?
You should also get an allergy test done. Keep in mind they do it for common things, you could be also allergic to something which is not included in the test.
About the dust, make sure your house is clean, preferably ask someone else to cean it for you, or wear a mask while you vacuum.
BTW have you got tested for asthma?
You can get dust mite proof sheets, pillow cases.
And for your question if you can be allergic to dust, well, I remember I was staying with a friend once, stayed in the guest room, which hasn't been used for months or even a year. The room was full of boxes and stuff. And probably was full of dust too.That night I remember I almost got suffocated, couldn't sleep, constant sneezing. The nexd day I left, never went back.
alex.buckanan MikeP