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hi everyone!

This past month my health anxiety has been focused on DVT/PE. I had some slight calf /thigh pain at the beginning of september. My DR agreed to send me for an ultrasound to ease my worries. All came back fine. After a week or so the random cramps came back. Since then my dr has wanted me to go on anxiety medication and is dismissing my fear/symtpoms and saying it is anxiety which i should agree with. I asked her if i could get a d-dimer blood test today and she said those cant be done out patient but agreed to send me for other bloodwork to check my potassium and iron levels which could also be causing the annoying cramping if not my anxiety.

Any tips or tricks to help calm this bout of anxiety down? i am constantly check and atretching that leg which i know isnt helping anything.

thanks everyone

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4 Replies

  • Edited

    try considering the most common causes of calf or thigh pain before thinking the worst. There are many reasons for that kind of pain including sitting for a long period of time, pulled muscle, muscle cramp, a loss of electrolytes such as potassium and sodium, lack of stretching, prolonged physical activity,.

    The ultrasound would have shown a blood clot if you had one.

    work on reducing your anxiety. Keeping busy keeps your mind focused on other things.

    Remember that our thoughts when we are anxious are not based on facts they are just based on emotions which is fear as well as what if thinking. Trust with the doctor is telling you. When you are done with the testing it’s important to get on with your life and enjoy it.don’t waste time with that negative type of thinking. Take care

    • Posted

      thank you so much for your reply. I am relativley new to health anxiety. I have suffered with forms of anxiety my whole life but in November of 2020 had a stillbirth at 21 weeks pregnant which has hightened my health anxiety. I have my first therapy session tomorrow. Im taking steps in the right direction. I hope! Thank you again for your words 😃

    • Edited

      that’s great that you’re going to have the therapy! That’s definitely a step in the right direction! Stay in therapy even when you start to feel a little better. I do virtual therapy once a week and I look forward to it.

      I am so sorry for your loss. ❤

  • Posted

    Don't know if this helps, but I have left calf cramps almost all my life, I'm 36 😄 sometimes, when I'm sitting down, I do a calf dance (involuntary) 😄 its just pops like I'm doing some hip hop calf dancing, I'm used to it now, it use to cause some anxiety but with bloods coming back fine and my general health good, I've learned to take a light hearted approach to it, I sometimes put it next to my wife's face as its cramping and moving by itself to freak her out.....I think with anxiety, everything becomes something serious in our heads where the highest likelihood is we just are....things just happen and we believe in the worst because of Hollywood and news tells us its common, in reality its rare, and the fact its rare needs to be our saving grace and the thing we tell our logical mind, 'its possible, but highly unlikely to be serious' so we move on with a positive mindset throughout our continued battle with anxiety.

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