Ear and jaw

Posted , 11 users are following.

good morning..☀️. im seeing a lot of ladies complaining of ear and jaw pain on this site and would like to shed some light..i to suffered from this and was recently told i grind my teeth whilst sleeping.dentist also confirmed because of pressure on my gums surrounding teeth thou no visible damage..it can also cause tension on top of head neck and shoulder pain..as meno causes a great deal of stress on the body.i was not surprised..also dehydration can cause neck and shoulder stiffness in morning due to lack of fluids whilst sleeping..im ten years post and my main symptoms were anxiety vertigo and insomnia..i escaped hot flushs night sweats etc probably due to the fact i was 42 when periods just stopped..any changes that did happen i probably didnt recognise or acknowledge as i didnt know at that time it was happening to my body until i was a year post..have a good day and keep well ❤️

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Christine,

    Thank you for your information. It was very interesting. I too have terrible jaw pain and ear pain amongst many other terrible symptoms, but i don't grind my teeth so for me at least it doesn't fit. I do take carbamazepine Anti epileptic medication and that helps it as well as the facial burning and left arm numbness/burning and burning mouth syndrome. HRT helps with the rest. I still have joint, neck and head pain. but i can get through. I hope for it all to stop for myself and everyone who is suffering through this shocking time.

    • Posted

      your welcome..i never knew i ground mine..even clenching your jaw whilst asleep can cause pain which a lot of people do and dont realise..i have to say its all very interesting how much the body changes ...im glad i didnt suffer to much and feel sorry for women who do...hrt put me in hospital they gave it to me a yr post for my bones and it didnt agree with me at all.gave me horrific migraine lost my field of vision completey and my balance went...

    • Posted

      You sound so much like me, I have many similar symptoms. I am on nortriptyline for the head pain/pressure, burning mouth, neck pain and visual issues. I have so many weird symptoms, I also get some random tingling and cold hands/feet. I have had a plethora of tests and seen countless specialists and was diagnosed with late onset chronic migraines at 41 (never had headaches or migraines before - though it is in the family). Christine, I also get the jaw pain and I find that the nortriptyline helps this and I wear a guard most nights (when I remember). I also find that the nort helps me sleep. I really don't like taking meds, but without them I'd feel like complete crap!

    • Posted

      hi Christina,

      You're right, i do clench my jaw in my sleep because my head plays over a lifetime of trauma but i didn't think of that only that i knew i didn't grind as the dentist said i have very good teeth... nice to know something in my body is good. I'm having a really horrible day today, I knew it was coming. The head pressure and pressure in my ears and vertigo and sinus pressure and headache threatening to turn into a migraine, then their is the nausea and overheating. I can't stand it and i'm here on the mainland for a holiday to see my kids and my grandkids. I only get to see them a few short times a yr, i don't want to waste it being unwell. I just want to be normal.

      It's just so unfair that women have to suffer like this. It's so debilitating and yet there is not enough recognition if any for what we suffer. The lack of understanding from the medical profession is horrendous. There needs to be a way of bringing it all out into the light and women suffering as we are need to be listened to and understood not fobbed off by Dr's because certain tests and specialist tests come back negative, so lets stick a mental health label on her. Urghhh i'm ranting now... need to sleep and waste away another day 😦

    • Posted

      Hi Shylee,

      If you can afford it, (they are a little expensive), it is worth asking your dentist to make a bite guard for the clenching / grinding. I got one about 12 years ago and it changed my life. I realized I did not know what a good night's sleep I could have until the clenching and grinding was relieved. For me the pain can be so bad without the guard I have pain down to my rotator cuff.

  • Posted

    Hi mam

    Nice to know ur better now

    Mam in Post meno ur vertigo and head pressure ok now ?

    These r most scary symptoms for me 😭

  • Posted

    Yes to the water.. I feel like I'm drinking enough but perhaps I could drink more. It does make sense that when the body doesn't have enough fluids, stiffness occurs. Many elders deal with issues because of the lack of water they drink.. A few years ago my dentist could tell I was grinding my teeth so I did get a nightguard... He promised my sleep would be so much better but I don't think it is. I still wear it in fear of ruining my teeth.. My spouse does have ear and jaw pressure -- has super high aniexty BUT will not take meds or use a night guard--- so it's on him!!

  • Posted

    Thank you so much for posting this information. I wake up every morning with neck and or shoulder pain. Now I know that it is due to teeth grinding. I have been grinding my teeth for years. I even have scar tissue on the inside of my mouth at the cheek level due to the grinding. It's terrible. But like you said it's because of stress. I'll be glad when all of this is done.

  • Posted

    i am also a grinder and clencher and know i need to get a mouth guard. did anybody get one otc or have a mold made by your dentist fir one?

    • Posted

      I used OTC for a couple years-- they did the trick. But then I finally had one made at the dentist and the quality is so much better.

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