Ear infections and neurology symptoms, any ideas?
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It started back in January with a twitching right eyelid and then that was followed by slight blurred/double vision and blerephitis.
The optitian prescribed prism and a routine for my eye and told me to mention it to the dr if it carried on.
I then had the first of many ear infections and mentioned the other stuff to the dr who put in down to stress (I was very stressed out back then so I completly accepted that).
The eye twitching has carried on since even after my stress has been relieved and has been followed by the following symptoms.
Extreme fatigue and sleeping excessively.
Muscle spasms/twitches in my back, leg, private area (this was very painful!), and various other areas.
Pins and needles in fingers and toes.
Sinus pain (but think thats just hay fever)
Terribly memory and difficuily gettig words out in conversations.
Dizzy feeling especially after a bath, standing up after being sat down.
So all thats been going on since Jan and getting slowly worse its been acommpanied by 5 further ear infections on both sides, some canal infections and some middle ear infections.
Last weekend it all took a dramatic term for the worst. I had a bad reaction (i think) to the antibiotics and had an attack of heart palpatations. It was really scary and the day after i felt completly washed out and dizzy but more worringly I couldnt speak properly.
My husband rushed me up A&E and the nurse described it as dysphasia as i just couldnt get the words out and would say the wrong word etc.
I was in A&E for hours by which time i saw a different dr as the first had changed shifts and my husband had to take my daughter home. Because the palpatations here gone and i couldnt communicate how i was feeling the dr sent me home thinking it was a panic attack!!! (Ive had a panic attacks before and it was 100% not a panic attack!).
So we put it down to a bad antibiotic reaction and expected everything to go back to normal. A week on and Ive have two further ear infections one of which has perforated which feels better! but my speech is still not right. I cant communicate properly with friends and family and im getting increasingly fustrated.
To make it worse i have a history of anxiety and depression. So the dr's looks at my notes and make their mind up whats wrong. I dont feel depressed and the only anxiety i have is the fact i cant talk and its embarressing. The dr thinks its strange so i have an mri booked for this friday.
Im a little worried its ms but i cant help thinking all this pressure from my sinuses and ears has to be related but the drs keep insisting its a co-insidence.
Has anyone had a simular reation or symptoms or have any idea what could be going on? I just want to get it sorted and be back to normal.
Could MS be the cause? the only reason i think it cant be is that my symptoms are generalized and not localized or on one side etc.
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dorothy90221 Peanuts82
doreen17521 Peanuts82
I think the other symptoms are different and it is good that you are having a scan.
I get the twitching and spasms and pins and needles in my hands. However, i also have a tremor so i think mine illness is possibly different to yours. I should wait for the result of your scan before getting too worried. At least your doctor has dealt with it quickly.
Donna1219 Peanuts82
donna74433 Peanuts82
How are you ?
I'm suffering exactly the same and to be honest sick of going to doctors that look at you gone out that nothing is wrong !
Have you diagnosed your problem ?