Ear problems in peri?
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hi ladies, I have been hit by peri train few months ago, many symptoms to list, some come and go but some has been ongoing. Severe tension headaches, neck pain, dizzy/imbalance, brain fog, anxiety, but my ears drive me crazy the most, I have ear ringing, congested plugged ears on and off throughout the day. it's making me dizzy too. Is this a peri symptom? Does anyone else have this symptom? I have tried taking allergy meds but it doesn't do much.
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shannonmairs7 ampat1
Sadly, I have had all these too.....just unreal and I hate feeling crappy like this most all the time. Hang in there!!!
kelle34850 ampat1
Me!! I have so many other symptoms that come and to but to me the ear thing is so weird! ringing, stuffed, popping, pain. I get them checked and NOTHING is wrong. Good luck friend!
Shana_P ampat1
Yes I have all of those exact same symptoms you just described it is perimenopause I have been to so many doctors been tested for so many things emergency rooms everything over the last seven months so hopefully this will ease your mind that I am going through the exact . .same symptoms so the thing is my doctor told me that will monel replacement therapy is very dangerous so eating a well-balanced diet drinking lots of water exercising trying to keep your mind off of it which is very difficult because these symptoms can be debilitating. how is your vision I know that a lot of women on here suffer from visual disturbances I actually have snowy vision and I've been to multiple eye doctors ear doctors everybody says everything is extremely healthy thank God but I think after a while once the war moans do whatever they're supposed to do everything will come back down again and in your body
ampat1 Shana_P
thank you Shana. I tried low dose birth control but it made no difference so I stopped after 5 months. I am taking multivit, B12, Vit D and try to eat as healthy as possible. My periods are regular for last four months, prior to that it skipped 7 months. perimenopause symptoms started out of blue, but glad I found this forum. it helps knowing this is abnormally normal symptoms and it will hopefully end soon.
ampat1 Shana_P
sorry I forgot to mention, my vision is ok but I did have floaters a couple of times. I have trouble focusing though especially when I have a bad headache.
Shana_P ampat1
I meant to say Hormal Replacement Therapy
amanda59745 ampat1
Hi ampat, i have the same issues with my ears and the strange sort of dizzy feelings. Periods all over the place but, no flushes x
thank you ladies, you all are amazing. You definitely put my mind at ease, sucks we have to suffer so much because of peri. I was thinking to go see a ENT and/or neurologist but been putting it off. From hearing your experiences I guess if I went they'll probably find nothing. Thank you once again for putting my mind at ease.
pam90720 ampat1
hi!!! ditto to all you said!!!! ent said my itchy ears are from allergies!!!! they are so annoyingly itchy i want to take a pipe cleaner to them and just scratch them!!! lol doc said try benyadryl guess i will ive tried everything else!!!! hugs friend!!
Carolyn09280 ampat1
I recently had that ear problem- not so much the ringing but felt like one of my ears was plugged and made popping sounds. I also have all of the other symptoms you mentioned along with others...This sucks.