Ear ringing, numbness and headache
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hi ladies it's me again... I had some okay days and thought maybe I am getting a break from peri symptoms, who was I kidding ?? early morning today around 4:30am I woke up from body vibration, then after I had breakfast I started feeling ok. My husband, kids and I were out and about doing things then all of a sudden my right ear started ringing loud, I feel my right ear is plugged. I also have numbness on right side of my face around my jaw and behind ear, also got a tension headache. I feel so frustrated, it's always one thing or another, has anyone had any of these symptoms? btw I'm on day 3 of my period. love you ladies, thank you for your support.
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mel11237 ampat1
hi ampat1,
i have these symptoms too. have it now in fact, had it since last weekend. it feels like the whole right side of my face neck and jaw are paralised. the headache kicks in, Im sick and i get a droning sound in my ear like an extractor fan sound. All on my right side. i feel like Im going mad! no period arrives. Have had these symptoms for a while now . i just take paraceptamol/ ibuprofen and go to bed, if im able too. ie not working or sorting the kids out , it usually gets worse when im stressed. it will pass like the other symptoms have im sure. Stay positive lovely. xx
ampat1 mel11237
thank you Mel11237, you're right I should stay positive. It's hormones fluctuating and right now at its worst, it shall pass soon. My ringing also sounds similar to how you described your is, I can deal with painful periods but this just makes me feel so low. I hope we get our normal selves again soon. hugs 😃
Gypsy014 ampat1
Yes to all of it, definitely migrainegraine symptoms which are very common during the change of life! How awful they can get very severe and you have to remember migraines are not just a lousy headache its much much more to it, like ringing in the ears , numbness on one side of body, numbness on the face and head, zig zag vision , vertigo, dizziness, nausea , and then of course the lovely painful migraine attack.. That can absolutely incapacitate you for several hours, by far the worst symptom of all got to be the migraines, aside from the anxiety and depression.. Stay positive that it will get better one day..
sunaina1983 ampat1
Helloooo my dear
Sorry to hear ur having hard time.
me too on same boat.
every day new symtoms..new stuggle ðŸ˜
me too feel nubbness in right side of body spl in night during sleeping.
Headache is everyday story for me.
From last 4 months me too having vibrations in body..during Ovalution days its more or near periods its intensity is more other wise its little less.
when it started first i feel as if me sitting in Local train and jerking all around...very scary experience but now i am use to it .
i told my Dr he told its nothing by seeing my blood test and MRI which r normal ( Thanks to God they r ok )
My Gynecologist says its not Peri..ur too young for it..😠i told about my all symtoms i am stuggling with she told Its PMS ...i told my GP that i feel vibrations in head and stomach and sometimes in legs tooo
my GP told its in ur mind only.........ur too stressed and he gave me medicines for stress and sleeping pills..
No Dr understand my pain.
I can feel ur pain dear
its tough time of life.
Hang is there..we will be like our self soon Love u
will waiting for better days
ampat1 sunaina1983
first of all, no it's NOT in our head so your doctor seems like an ignorant person. yes it's stress that adds more fuel to the fire but the fire was ignited by hormone fluctuations. I have no new stress, same job for last 10years, kids, and all nothing unusual yet I can't seem to cope daily stress as I used to before. It's anxiety brought on by peri which caused my headaches and everything else worse. My ob/gyn told me it's perimenopause, he said you'll have to be kind to yourself and take things easy and be patient. but it's easier said than done. hopefully it'll pass soon. Thank you dear
sunaina1983 ampat1
Good luck for ur journey dear