Ear, Throat/Tongue Issues
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Hey beautiful ladies;
First year in 51 years I absolutely don't give a s**t about Xmas because of this menopause crap I am about sick of like the rest of you!
**First the nausea and brain fog which has since moved on
**Then to right shoulder=blade constant aching (probably from being completely flipped exhausted from the anxiety! Been better)
**NOW, I have this weird sensation in the back of my throat and ever once in awhile I will have shooting jaw and ear pain.
Is this normal and just another fricken blessing of being a woman going through this or do you think it warrants a trip to yet another worthless doctor who doesn't give a crap about anything accept getting you out of their office, pushing meds and collecting a fee!
I have looked in my throat and there is nothing out of the ordinary that I can see . Sick of all these tests (all blood tests, CA-125, the poop sample test (not to be gross) has came back normal.
Wish there was ONE (just ONE) damn doctor out there that would give a s**t and recognize our issues going through this and get their head out of their ass that there is more to menopause then HOT FLASHES!
Fed Up!
Thoughts on the ear, throat, jaw stuff???????
4 likes, 9 replies
susane84679 leisa56147
hi leisa,
I get the ear and jaw pain from time to time and also the feeling of something caught in my throat. right now I'm dealing with muscle pain in my left arm but I have also had it in my right. it just makes you feel like crap all over. Dr's dont seem to care about all these symptoms and I think that they think it's all in our head. good luck and lots of hugs!
staci88515 leisa56147
Hi, I don't have anything to add because my main issue is vision, but I LOVED reading your feisty post. Keep on, keeping on!
JReady64 leisa56147
I often feel like I have a thickness in my throat.. it makes me feel uncomfortable enough that I have to tilt my head back to breathe adequately.There are other times when my throat feels almost and nom and I have a hard time clearing it so to speak. It's a bit unnerving.
numb..not a nom
JReady64 leisa56147
I often feel like I have a thickness in my throat.. it makes me feel uncomfortable enough that I have to tilt my head back to breathe adequately.There are other times when my throat feels almost and nom and I have a hard time clearing it so to speak. It's a bit unnerving.
Magi777 leisa56147
i have the same a thumping in my left ear then 2 months ago i took tmj not sure the medical term for it , nearly drove me insane with the pain shooting into my head from my jaw
andrea05399 leisa56147
yes I have had the ear nose throat and jaw pain issues. Ever since entering perimenopause with the Irregular periods AND HOT FLASHES/night sweats, I’ve developed terrible seasonal allergies and sinus problems that I have never had before. popping and clicking in my ears with constant drainage down my throat and even popping and clicking in the back my throat. It also gives me terrible headaches.
It sounds like such a benign problem but it can be very painful and debilitating. been to the ENT countless times. try a steroid nasal spray plus claritin plus saline spray. this got rid of the tooth and jaw and throat pain. Now it’s just sinus drainage and headaches. not great but better.
yes I have just started to have terrible shoulder and arm pain in my left arm.
good luck
debra16694 andrea05399
HI GALS - Yep, i have the throat thing, had the jaw & teeth thing & my allergies kicked in so badly that i am now dealing with asthma - The icing on the cake is although i have battled with rosacea off & on thru peri & meno, i am now dealing with horrible ocular rosacea - meno woman are more suseptible - so in addition to all the supplements, asthma/llergy Rx's - i get to be on mega doses of an antibiotic to further disrupt my indigestion - UgH! BtW, i used to take claritin, but my allergist recommends ALLEGRA (fast acting) & FLONASE NASAL SPRAY - I ll save you the co-pay at the drs office - so over it!!!!
tracy43395 leisa56147
Yes. The dentist thinks I'm nuts cause I get it into my teeth. Makes no sense at all.