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Good evening ladies. just wondering if any of you have experienced ear pain/earache in either one or both ears? I'm 51 and have been experiencing other peri symptoms. but this is a new thing this week. thank you for your input. xo
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Beverlys1 tracy01120
I have been having vertigo,, ear pain and buzzing had my ears cked no ear infection in my middle ear but the doctor thinks I may have an inner ear infection... been running a low grade fever for about 14 days and have no idea what is causeing it.... my peri symptoms are all off the chart,, I think it messes with our head and ears both!xxxx
tracy01120 Beverlys1
I agree. I'm definitely thinking mine is peri related. I've also had the dizziness n vertigo. I've googled and found that earaches pains tinnitus etc are all peri symptoms. feel better soon doll. xoxo
Beverlys1 tracy01120
have also had ear problems the last two years Tracy,,, make sure you get it cked if it doesn't get better... The middle ear thing is called Labyrinthitis,,, its hard to spell... does cause pain and the vertigo was so bad had to go to hospital... xxx hugs
cindy_45475 tracy01120
morning I have experienced ear pain before, along with dizziness and ear sounds (throbbing, buzzing, whooshing) . thankfully all cleared up now but very frustrating at the time . hope yours clears soon.
Chickadeesgrl tracy01120
I have had ear issues for years and have been to the doctor many times about ear pain. My ears have fluid but are not inflamed. I may get a feeling of vertigo if I bend over and get up quickly. I went to a massage last week and asked the therapist to massage my neck, head, throat. It was so painful to touch (I have fibromyalgia) but the next day felt better. The ear pain is bad today and I have developed dry mouth so throat is sore and feels like it is going to close in. I find an allergy pill /decongestant will help. I chew a lot of gum.