Early Menapause finding it difficult.
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I was diagnosed with early menapause 4 years ago I was 28. Still finding things so difficult to deal with. I have a daughter from previous relationship so I'm very lucky but I'm married now and me and my husband can't have a baby together which breaks my heart. I had terrible night sweats was badly depressed and terrible anxiety. HRT has helped quite a bit with this. Finding things a lot harder as all my friends are having kids breaks my heart knowing my incredible husband who has supported me so much won't experince this and can't stop blaming myself.
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BellaRubia Cherryblossom32
HotDot7 Cherryblossom32
HOTpicks99 Cherryblossom32
sharcerv52408 Cherryblossom32
danne Cherryblossom32
First of all, you must not blame yourself. You should discuss these feelings with your doctor and get some support. Life is never what we plan in one way or another. I am menopausal , albeit at a more normal age to you. Howwver, I too have 1 child, feel blesse althopough I would have liked to have had 3 or 4!. I've also been single for the majority of the last 15 years - its tough. I do have friends in their late 40's and fifties who do not hav eany children becasue they never met the right man or could not have children - heartbreaking. That old addage about being greatful for what you do have, that;s so annoyint, is I've earnt very true I'm afraid - we have to learn to love as is not waht was or what we hanker for. However, we are allwoed to feel sad sometimes for what might have been or what has happended. I do feel for you at your age going through the menopause. This forum is so good to see there are many people struggling with different issues aroud menopause, and good support. Repeat DO NOT BLAME YOURSELF!!! Take care.