Early menopause/osteoporosis
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hi everyone,
i went through an early menopause at 40. Other than thinking I'd lost my mind, I didn't have any other symptoms and didn't take HRT. I've had a bone density scan and my bones are good. I'm worried that not taking HRT will affect my bones in years to come. Is there anybody here who had an early menopause and didn't take HRT? Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
many thanks
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jayneejay Hed1066
i started peri at 40-41 .. But only only year post menopause now aged 50.
i dont take HRT .. But do takes lots of supplements and was told ten years ago to take Calcium and Vit D so i have ..
I take Natecal its got both Calcium and Vit D .. In one and chewable lozenger type..
jay xx
Hed1066 jayneejay
jayneejay Hed1066
what else do you take supplement wise ..
jay xx
Hed1066 jayneejay
jayneejay Hed1066
its all personal choice what you take hun..
jay xx
kelly-ann2308 Hed1066
I have just turned 40 and recently been told I am peri. Spoken to my GP today and being referred to gynae to talk about HRT. Not sure I want to go down that route but same as you I am concerned about my heart/bones. As Jay, been prescribed a chewable calcium/vit D lozenge.
Kelly xx
jayneejay kelly-ann2308
i also take many other things too .. Not just Natecal 😃
if your not sure about HRT then look at the naturals too..
decide whats best for you..
remember HRT boosts the hormones back up then when you stop HRT they decline again and menopause kicks in again as the hormones decline again ..
also .. If they give you Premarin , Prempak C or Premique ..
do your homework as this is Equine HRT ...
Pregnant Mares Urine .. best to know as they dont tell you..
jay xx
kelly-ann2308 jayneejay
Kelly xx
jayneejay kelly-ann2308
well if you want any help on what to choose i can tell you my list 😃
had 10 years of peri and post menopause now ..
age 50 now ..
jay xx
Hed1066 kelly-ann2308
please do let me know what your doctor says. Mine was quite happy for me to not take HRT. Make sure you have a bone density scan so you know exactly what state your bones are in. I waited until I had the results before I made my decision. X