Early menopause with anxiety, will Kalms help me?

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Hi all,

I'm new here, so I'm unsure if this has been posted before. I'm just turned 38 years old. I've had no 'natural' periods since about August 2015. Any I've had have been brought on through medications given by the go, the pill ect. I noticed a low mood about this time and went on Sertraline and the pill. Unfortunately I just didn't feel myself, emotionally numb and zero sex drive. I decided to stop the sertraline and have been off them now for about 2 month's, I also stopped the pill about 4 months ago.

My mood is not low, I have loads to be excited about, and lots going on, I'm studying with the open university full time, hoping to graduate in 2019, I'm volunteering at my local food bank, and attempting to move into professional photography part time soon. I also am married and mum of 4.

My problem is, I just feel anxious about the silliest things and can't concentrate on anything else! If I am doing it planning something new, it will consume my thoughts for days before, stressing about it, and more often than not, I'll have worked myself up so much, that I will cancel or just not turn up! I'm hot flushing to death! I feel bloody minging 24 hrs a day, even ten mins after a shower! And still zero sex drive! Will Kalms help with these symptoms? They claim to, but I'd rather hear real experiences from women like me.

Apologies for long post, I feel with my age, I'm just not taken seriously

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Loretta 

    Sorry to here how your feeling, we are all the same on here, right I take kalms, and have for a while, for ME Iv found they just take the edge of  things, so I will just continue to while, going through the dreaded menopause...

    We are all so, so diffent, so what helps for me (kalms) May not have worked for others.. 

    as they are herbel I would say just give them a go, that’s what I did, you may fine they help, or may not, but it’s just worth giving a go and won’t halm you in any way wil they..

    Best of luck, let us know if you decide to try and how you feel good luck big hug 🤗x

    • Posted

      Hi Dawn, Thankyou so much for replying! I'm going to give them a go,cant do any harm, and if they take the edge off, can only be a good thing 😂.

      I suppose it will take a while to figure out what's right for me, I feel like I'm in peak menopause now, I hope so anyway 😂 couldn't cope if it gets worse, really wasn't expecting to be dealing with any for another decade, so I'm not clued up on any of it yet.

      Urgghhh why do us women have to deal with this stuff! Xx

    • Posted

      Hi Loretta 

      Lol I know what you mean, we have to put up with the periods, pms, then the crap if the menopause...

      You are very young ( but can happen ) to be going through this, I’m 53 and started about 4 years ago, which I suppose it’s the norm, wen I saw my doc he said I was well in to the menopause after doing a blood test... Iv not had a period since march this year, so doc said if I get through to one year with out a period, then I should be out the other end, fingers crossed, knowing my look I’ll get to 11mth then have a period so have to start again 😡...

      The hot flashes are a nitemare, I know what you mean, I use to always wear make up, would never ever go out without it on, but since this crap, it’s been a waste of time putting makeup  on as it just, slides😆, mine are not so bad at the mo so I’m hoping it’s comin to a end soon, u never seem to feel clean do you with hot flashes, I feel embarrassed with them, and having to say, sorry it’s that time of my life, I have my own central heating lol..

      Do try karlms, like I said nothing to lose, there’s also black gosh which is herbel as well, and suppose to work for the menopause....

      Best of look to you chic.. just try to remember we are woman, and very strong, even if at times we don’t think so, and it’s not with you for life, and there will be a end to this crap at some time...

      Just keep coming on here and talking to the lovely ladies on here, we are all in the same boat, so will try to help each other out...

      Good luk, and keep in touch to how you are going, big hug 🤗x

  • Posted

    Hi LorettaMac

    I am now 51 and back when I was a little younger than you I started feeling like you but with regular periods. Back then no one could tell me what was wrong as all my tests were ok bloods etc. I know now what it is and others are going through the same. I went on HRT for 3 months but didn't really help. Overall I am fine but would be worrying about small things and lack of concentration etc.....anxiety seems to be a very common symptom. Hope this helps.

    • Posted

      Hi Willow,

      Thankyou very much for replying 🙂 so out of curiosity, are you post menopause now? I can't be sure as to when mine began, as it was early, i would never have noticed any mild symptoms, it was only my periods stopping completely that made me go to my GP and ruling everything else out first. I don't think I'll cope if I have to deal with this for another ten years 😂 xx

    • Posted

      Hi again. My periods were fairly regular but I started to get very heavy bleeds every few months and bad pains with them. My GP said HRT would stop the heavy bleeds. They did alright but I felt more anxious particularly taking the estrogen pills. I think my estrogen levels were too high. I just decided last month to stop taking them. So I'll know soon if my natural periods are still happening. A few years ago someone recommended Kalms. I felt strange after taking just 1 or 2. That was my experience with them. It was like a zombie feeling as far as I remember. So just be aware when taking them.

    • Posted

      Hi hope your feeling better or some what better any way, as for kalms they are herbel so very mild, not like your doc would give you, I take 6 a day and never had the slightest prob with them, since day 1 lol... but we are all different so what suits one mite not another, but because they are so mild it just takes the edge of things.. good luk and I do hope you feel some what better big hug 🤗x

  • Posted

    Hi! Sorry to feel so anxious! I'm 42 and on hrt. I was peri at the same age with you! I also feel too young to handle all these awful symptoms. I'm grateful for hrt, it gives my life back. Hope you feel better! I'm afraid of breast cancer risks but the quality of life is more important for me! Take care!

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