Easing the symptoms of IBS
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I have suffered from IBS for about two years.
I was given the usual peppermint oil and then colofac tablets by my GP which did not work for me.
The best thing that I have found so far is fennel seed. You can either eat the seeds or make some tea with it. The cramping and wind stops within twenty minutes.
Hope this works for you
Best regards
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gorgeousgeordiegirl bobcrachet
donclaudio gorgeousgeordiegirl
spent most of the day digging...and "learning"...find all scientific studies that fennel and all plant based phytoestrogens are benefical not harmful and now know why...should you have science based stuff, pm me if you have the time...again...thanks for your post...claudio
donclaudio bobcrachet
The latest study I could find just now was 2011 that indicated fenel essential oil was "anti tumor" along with being an antioxidant. Perhaps gorgeousgeordiegirl can help clarification/s...
Some mnd patients with IBS have used fennel and or fenogreek with good success....so your good response to fennel has corroboration...
you might help the forum by providing your dosage..timing etc?
gorgeousgeordiegirl donclaudio
gorgeousgeordiegirl donclaudio
If it works then take it im not saying dont just be careful as there are side effects to natural remedies as well as medication side effects.
donclaudio gorgeousgeordiegirl
donclaudio gorgeousgeordiegirl
Thanks, did so....reported case is "nonsense", hormonal topic is outdated. 2011 scientific study shows plant phytoestrogens are weak compared to human, and may bind to receptors thus there may be less breast cell division. Women with diets rich in phytoestrogens also excrete more estrogens into their urine, and have lower blood estrogen levels. Some studies have shown that women with a diet rich in phytoestrogens have longer, and hence fewer, menstrual cycles. All of these factors may contribute to reduced breast cancer risk.
Too many current studies using phytoestrogens and their derivitives to target resistant cancer cells to chemo/therapies.
Again, I do not use these type of websites...for basics..go to wiki, phytoegrogens, then to your national institutes of health for further evaluation. These md website often use outdated info, post irrelevant cases resulting in inaccurate conclusions.
Not all and not always...I personally prefer science....absracts are peer reviewed by thousands of scientists thru out the world. Claudio
gorgeousgeordiegirl donclaudio
Its me bob again. I would like to stress that I am not medically trained in any way. I am just a person who has IBS. I don't no anything about cancers or breast milk, I just thought I would share the fact that I have discovered fennel seeds, the thing they give you at the end of indian meals, seems to stop bowel cramps and wind. I am 60 years old and also have type two diabetes. My blood sugar seems to come down when I eat fennel seed. The best advice I can give is speak to your GP before taking any notice of untrained people like me.
donclaudio bobcrachet
just for your info...since my response to the moderator and our good forum member...I've done scholar academic homework... without any scientific support for the hypothesis that FEO is a problem.
Most all studies I can find reflect fennel is anti cancer, anti tumor specifically.
I would suggest as the moderator has, to stick to the side of prudence...premenaupausal's should either avoid or take with the approval of their healthcare provider.
Hopefully, some University will do a study, and the a major publishing company will have it published...fat chance...for now...No reason for men to avoid ..btw...there are several essential oils that "may" improve IBS symptom..I continue to support your initial post...as well as gorgeousgeordiegirl and a good for a change moderator.
gorgeousgeordiegirl donclaudio
I am no way disputing the fact that it might work as im for everything and anything that will work. Just suggesting that before trying anything to research the pros and cons of any natural remedie along with medications.
As it seems to be working for you .. well done in finding something that helps. I wish you all the best.