EBV - need advice, support

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Hello, I’m a 17  year old girl. I’ve had EBV since 9 months now. I’ve shown no signs of recovery and I’m miserable. I have body ache, brain fog, exhaustion, and a million other things everyday. Since all these months, my body has become weaker than ever, and slower then ever. I cannot find any medicine for this. I’m scared this will turn into chronic fatigue syndrome or something else. I’m giving my exams currently, and these exams are life altering, and I’m not able to concentrate, studyanything. I was a grade A student, and now I feel like I will barely pass. I cannot drop the year. I was a happy, and now I’m getting depressed. My body hasn’t felt like mine since so long, and I feel like I’m dying inside because of this illness. It has manage to take away everything from me. Please help. 

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi..Do you want to try homoepathy and accupunture?It helps..
  • Posted

    I'm sorry you're having such a rough course of mono. I am, too. There are probably a lot of people in this community who would advise that pushing themselves too hard and too soon caused this a$$h@le of an illness to push back and last longer.

    Please be kind to yourself. I know that losing a year seems like the end of the world, but all the years that come after are more important. "Today you" needs to make rest and healing the top priorities in order to protect "tomorrow you". There are second and third chances at most exams, even if they're only offered every year or two. It sounds like you might be putting a lot of pressure on yourself to recover by a certain date. I wish mono responded to that kind of pressure, but it doesn't. I understand how hard this is and how much it sucks. Hugs!

  • Posted

    Hi Aahilya,

    ?I am so sorry to hear that you are having such a tough time. Like Sarah said be kind to yourself. I'm based in the Uk and I understand that if you are ill, and in education you are able to re-take your year. Are you able to focus on recovering and then go back into education? Allowing yourself tome to heal, may benefit you and your grades in the long run.


    ?Try and rest, allow yourself to be surrounded by positive thought's books, podcast and friends. Listen to stories of recovery and try and make sure you look after yourself. Listen to stories of  people who have overcome massive obstacles in there life. 

    ?Life will get easier it's just really tough when your unsure how long it will take 

    ?Consider reviewing your diet, drink plenty of water, limit sugar and eat lots of lovely wholefoods, do small amounts of exercise to increase your growth hormone, homeopathic treatments like acupuncture, hypnosis and reflexoly and allow your head to have some time to itself and mediate.  Your diet and mind-set can effect and help your recovery. 

  • Posted

    Hi Aahilya,

    I know how miserable this illness is, I didn't start recovery until 11 months in and it was slow going after that, but every month since has been better.

    You will get through this as hard as it is to believe. Is it possible to go on independent study? My granddaughter came down with the virus in April last year and is only now starting to feel better. She did finally go on independent study( she is a senior) it made a world of difference.


  • Posted

    HI Aahilya,

    So sorry to hear you're going through such a tough time with mono. I just want to write to offer some encouragement and hope, because I went through the same when I was a bit older (25) and it took about 10 months for me to start to see a major turning point. I got over it with time Aahilya thanks to God's help and I believe you will too. Hang in there. Taking vitamins and herbs really helped me - a good strong multi-vitamin per day, high doses of Vitamin C (1000mg-3000mg per day), B complex (great for energy levels) and immune boosting herbs such as siberian ginseng and echinicea.

    Thinking of you Aahilya and remember just hang in there - things do get better with time and you won't have chronic fatigue or anything like that, you will make a full recovery I truly believe that God will heal - take things slowly and the forums here have some good people with good advice and info - worth keeping a check in on them.


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