Ebv weight gain and thyroid

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month 19 with ebv and doing better however gained massive 70 lbs . this happened within 7 months. thyroid was good in april but recent blood tests shows some changes and dr is concerned . going for more tests then a possible scan. anybody else have this problem? Im very worried depressed ....

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Lori,

    It is good to see a post from you, I'm so sorry to hear you're having issues with thyroid. I hope and pray so much that this will just be a temporary setback for you as I know you've been through so much. I've also been going through a really horrible time lately, feeling all sorts of nerve pain type symptoms and has also been getting me very down and depressed, that's why I've not been able to post as much recently.

    Just wanted you to know I was thinking about you and praying for the Lord to come and help and heal this situation for you - you will get through this Lori and be well again, I am praying for and believing that.


    • Posted

      thank you craig ! yesfor some reason i wasnt getting notifications so i had to create a new account. yesi have been doing well for a few months doing mini workouts.. but have relapsed a bit this week. my kitty got sick too ....so its ALOT !! looking after myself and her now .. i need a break !

      sorry youre having issues too ... things need to change .. its all going in too long !

    • Posted

      Really pleased to hear that you seen some progress the last few months Lori, I really hope and pray this is only a temporary setback that you are experiencing at the moment - praying for God to come and help and heal you.

      Oh I've really been struggling with pain issues particulary in my feet and hands, all prayers for me are greatly appreciated. I am trusting that God is working for my healing and for your healing too Lori. I definitely pray for and command that change and breakthrough for healing in our lives in Jesus' name.


  • Posted

    I'm sorry about the issues youre experencing. its completely understandable to be upset, but dealing with it for so long definitely proves youre tough and have it in you to fight it. please keep us updated. if there is a problem, there more than likely will be a solution!

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