ecstasy pills and sperms
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I am an 34 year old man. We have just learned that my wife is pregnant (5 weeks). When we look at our calendar we see that the sexual relationship is at 8th June night which most possibly caused the pregnancy. I have used two ecstacy pills at the midnight which connects 4th June to 5th June. (This was a rare condition and I do not normally use drugs. The previous one which I has used was 2 months ago). You may think that there are three days between the ecstascy usage and the sexual relationship.
My question is: Did the pills made any harm to my sperms and effect the babies health ? Can this situation give any harm to our baby ? Can there be any problem ? Can this cause any birth defect or any negative condition ?
I am so sad about this coincidence because pills or alcohol or ony other material is not a part of my life. I am so sad and worried. If you answer my question I will be so happy. Thanks in advance.
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Purpledobermann brkcan2003
Hi. I wouldn't worry too much about this except to beg you to not torture your body with use of any recreational drugs in the future - your body does not need a boost! Technically, sperm quality is affected by anything you consume, yes, BUT it normally takes more than one night of drugs or alcohol to alter their chemistry to any important degree in terms of future baby's health. The mother's biology and emotional state is typically considered a far more immediately important factor in baby's development. Having said that, you will find that there is no science that could prove beyond all doubt that there are no effects of whatever the man consumes or experiences on the baby in the long run. So if you were to end up with a child with some kind of problem - you would probably always wonder if it is something you did or somehow your fault. Fears, overwhelming responsibility and guilt always shadow parenthood. Welcome to the club I trust your bbaby will turn out fine with regards to your recent consumption. Keep the mum happy. Keep yourselves healthy and enjoy the magic of new life. All the best.
brkcan2003 Purpledobermann
Thank you very much for the valuable info that you have given Purpledobermann. I have written my fears to other forums on the internet. One of the answers was very logical to me. She was saying that it takes two and a half month for a sperm to become mature and be able to fertilize the egg. So what I had done (once) in 4 or 5 days before the sexual relationship does not really effect this baby. Do you agree to that ?
And another comment was just like yours. Periodic drug usage which spans to longer periods (for example months) may affect the DNA of the sperm. But one time or twice usage like that does not cause this kind of problems the user said. Do you also agree to that ?
Why I am asking you about these comments is that your comment included very much and valuable knowledge inside. I really wonder what you think about the other users' comments.
Thank you very much for your valuable time,
Purpledobermann brkcan2003
I am no expert by any means but i have researched the topic extensively for similar reasons. Both the responses are in my opinion correct and are in essence saying the same thing. Using common sense, batches of sperm are developing throughout your lifetime and each one takes time to mature. When sperm first comes into being it is using various resources from your organism to form itself. In that sense whatever you have consumed is part of it. But as far as harming it by one-off use of whatever toxic substance: they are more likely to die off if at all affected OR fail in fertilizing an egg than becoming immediately deformed and passing this faulty dna to the child they sprout As i said - the science on this topic is still inconclusive however and likely will remain so for a long time as there are so many factors to consider when estimating the causes of any congenital abnormalities in children. But experiential 'data' would rather point to no "notable" effect of such limited use of any agent. At the end of the day, it is what it is. You are 99% UNlikely to have harmed your sprout in any way. Your baby will most likely be ok. And this is the best anyone can offer you in terms of reassurance. It would be nice if you could come back here once the baby is here and let us know how it all went. All the best!
johan02086 brkcan2003
Very unfortunately the very same thing that happened to you, happened to me as well. My wife and I found out 3 days ago that she's pregnant, and I also calculated that I've used XTC 4 days before she got pregnant. I've been worried sick ever since I found this out. And by googling my question I've found this discussion.
It would be very much apreciated if you could share if your child turned out ok.
Many thanks in advance.