efexor xl

Posted , 2 users are following.

Hi Im so glad i was put on efexor im on 150mg and it as really started to work. I had tryed other anti depressants and it was hell with side effects i just wanted to give up and die. I have had hardly no side effects with efexor except wanting to eat for England but i think I was always like that before the depression. I think different people need different anti depressants its just a case of keep trying to you find the right one which can be hell but i find now worth it smile

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    It was so reassuring to hear that this has worked for you. I have been putting off starting the tablets as I have been scared of them so hopefully I'll have a go now. How long have you been on them?

    All the best :p

  • Posted

    sorry about the ending of the message!! I don't know how that happened
  • Posted

    HI jhe

    I have been on them for about 4 months first taking 75mg a day. I first started feeling better within a couple of weeks and feel so much back to normal now which i didn't think I ever would. Hope it does the same for you and good luck. Thanks for your reply

  • Posted

    It was good to hear from you. I'm really glad to hear that this has worked for you. I am just terrified of these tablets for some reason and can't yet bring myself to take them, I don't know when to take them morning or evening (the chemist says its up to me). I'm due to go back to GP next week having taken 75mg for two weeks which I won't have done - so all in all it feels like a worse mess than I'm already in.

    Feel awful!

  • Posted

    :D I have taken venlafaxine since November 2006. I was absolutely terrified to take it due to fear and I was already suffering from anxiety/depression. I did get worse for a few weeks but gradually I improved. Just remember how it was before the venlafaxine. I am pretty much back to doing everything I did before. I am still taking 150 mg of venlafaxine and to be honest I am not ready to consider coming off them yet. I never want to feel as bad as I did. I would say that all medicines come with risks and side effects. It's finding the one that's right for you. I didn't believe that antidepressants could help but I now realise they do. I would not hesitate to take them now I know their value.

    If anyone is afraid to take them I would say to give them a try - sometimes the way you are feeling without them is worse than the initial side effects. I was so ill I couldn't say if it was me or the venlafaxin causing the problem. At the moment I am suffering sweats. However, the menopause causes these symptoms so sometimes it's a case of putting up with this if that's the only side effect. Just wait till you reach the menopause (women only) then you'll have night sweats, hot flushes etc. etc. I have friends who are like me - sometimes I just take a change of clothes etc to work or wear a bikini in the house! Certainly causes a stir. Seriously, trust in your GP and give them a try. I intend to come off them eventually but at a very slow pace ie over a period of years and not months. Good Luck to allx

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