Effexor XR
Posted , 7 users are following.
Hi. Has anyone tried Effexor XR for their symptoms?
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Posted , 7 users are following.
Hi. Has anyone tried Effexor XR for their symptoms?
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susan39015 laura26665
Hi Laura i tried it for only a handful of days and it was awful i stopped. Everyone is different tho- Have you started taking it?
I have and am actually reacting to it very well. I am having disturbed sleep though. I did though before starting it, so not sure if it's the medicine or not.
susan39015 laura26665
Thats good that youre reacting to it well maybe its just going to take some more time. When you say disturbed sleep do you mean you wake up and cant fall back asleep or do you have weird dreams. Im not taking anything i have weird vivid dreams all night for past year and half. Toss and turn. Im petrified to take any medication again:(
laura26665 susan39015
Hi Susan,
I wake up every couple of hours. I have nights were I know I am sleeping but it doesn't feel like it; I'm alert but asleep if that makes sense. I have also been having a lot of weird dreams.
susan39015 laura26665
Yes it makes complete sense because thats what ive experienced every night for the past year and a half and im not on any medication and only took the effexor 1 A day for 2 days and then he wanted me taking 2 a day which i did on the 3rd day . Then i just stopped. This was last year. I know i only took it a few days but i hope i didnt do any more damage by stopping. The dreams are killing me. Can i ask when you wake up during the night do you have lot of gas too? Personal i know-sorry:)
Guest laura26665
Hi Laura,
It is always nice to hear 'success' stories when it comes to medication of any kind.
If I may ask, what made you decided to start taking the Effexor? Is this the first AD you have tried? I have been having a very long rough patch - longest ever for me since I started this journey 4 years ago. To say that it is getting me down is an understatement. I am seriously considering an AD to help with the anxiety and new found depression that has begun. I am also looking for relief from the awful physical symptoms.
Would love to hear your story.
laura26665 Guest
Hi Kim,
My gynecologist recommended Effexor to me for my hot flashes, mood swings and anxiety. My GP also told me she has put a lot of her patients on it for menopause and they are having a lot of success with it. I decided to take it because all of my test results came back normal. I don't think I would qualify for hormone therapy. Quite frankly this is the less expensive route as well. My insurance covers everything. I was considering seeing a Homeopath, but just the first visit is about $1000.00 and they don't take insurance.
aly48544 laura26665
hi Laura....yes i was on it for about 15yrs!! had depression when i was younger and got to say for me it was amazing.
really sorted me out im 56 now and i dont take it anymore im on HRT but if i ever needed it i wouldn't hesitate.
and iv heard it can help with Meno symptoms .
what i would say is there can be some side affects when going on it and coming off it ...i had sickness but when i started taking it before bedtime that solved the problem...but also you need to take it 5/6 weeks before you reap the benefits but for me it really made my life so much better. best wishes Aly x
aly48544 laura26665
sorry also meant to say...yes i got the vivid dreams but the great results far outweighed the negatives
tessa1967 laura26665
Hi Laura, I was prescribed Effexor and I took it for a couple of days and it did not work for me. It felt like it aggravated my anxiety. I felt like I was on the edge on those 2 days. Maybe, I should have given it more time because I did take AD/Zoloft years ago and it did help me a lot. It's different for everyone. You can give it a try. It might work for you. Take care.
susan39015 tessa1967
HI Tessa
i took 37.5 MG 1X A DAY for 2 days then took 2 on the 3rd day one in morning other in the afternoon because tgats how the dr wanted me to take it. Thats it, thats all i took- granted i had put my body through the ringer with working out and not eating enough for reasons i wont bore you with but i was only 92LBS. This was a year ago. I literally felt like a caged animal that couldnt sit still and couldnt stop my racing mind. If i had to imagine what it would be like to he on cocaine and acid thats what i would imagine. Saw a spider hanging from ceiling fan and grabbed it wth a tissue there was nothing there. I felt like magda from that movie theres something about mary when he tries to drug the dog but she gets it instead haha. I stopped taking them. Is that how you felt when you say on edge or do you mean you were just like irritable. Everyone told me i didnt give it enough time but there was no way i could keep taking it. Im so bad right now im afraid to take anything and truly dont want to. This other dr suggested taking zoloft and risperidone but i read awful things about risperidone if im even spelling it right.
tessa1967 susan39015
Hi Susan,
Yes. It was a very weird feeling. I was at work on both days and whatever it was, it did not feel good. My mind was racing with thoughts that triggered my anxiety. I'm already very anxious about my health, my kids' future and all those what-if thoughts. My supervisor was talking to me at one point and all I see was her face talking but couldn't really take in whatever she was telling me. I felt like I just wanted to get out of the room because I thought I was going crazy. It happened about an hour after I took one. I drank a lot of water and took a walk outside which helped me a little bit. I decided to take it again the next day coz I thought to myself it might be different this time. I really wanted to find ways to alleviate the ugly symptoms of perimenopause and was
willing to take medication coz I was so desperate. But unfortunately, same thing happened. Right now, I work out more and eat more healthy and take multivitamins, vitamin D3, B12, C and Omega 3. I also try my best to practice meditation. My symptoms have calmed down a bit and I hope it's going to stay this way. I always think that there's a light at the end of the tunnel. And knowing that we're not alone in this journey because of this online community is very helpful and comforting. Take care.
shara04249 laura26665
I was on it for 2 years at age 45.. It kept me from getting depressed BUT I gained 45 pounds and it made me manic. for example it made me do things I would have NEVER done had I not been on it. I look back at that time and realize how dangerous it was as it made me feel too good and made me do inappropriate things. i am not the first one to attest to this. MANIA IS A side effect and if you have it you are not supposed to take it. After the weight gain I went to get off the drug and the withdrawal was so bad it took 6 months to get off it. I got brain zaps when i strained my eyes. my vision was never the same as i could no longer see close up and the weight never came off. it made me insulin resistant which is a side effect too. I finally got rid of doctors and found a homeopathic women practitioner who with acupuncture, diet, meditation and hypnosis i changed my thinking patterns, DIET HAS TO change and kept to a schedule that included no electronics 3 hours before sleep, no alcohol or white processed ANYTHING and that is when my life changed!!!! it took 2 years to balance out. AT 53 i feel amazing but it takes a lot of courage to grow old. My practitioner said that most AD DRUGS DO MORE HARM THAN GOOD and people are so panicked about their health that their anxiety is so bad they will take a prescription drug. 80% of her clientele is helping people wein off their drugs then to further treat them for their underlying true medical issues.
mauiblue shara04249
What a great post. I really relate to your journey and it's so good to hear that naturally youcan get through this.
Having depression, and anxiety due to hormones is very complicated.
I think a lot of us women need relief, and help so badly that we have to try whatever it takes to get better.
Im my 40's I didn't realize I was dealing with perimeno and had health anxiety for certsin, but it was a breeze compared to now post menopausal.
Now that your 53 did you conquer it?
Im 54. Intolerant to anti's
But the moods are tough. Can say I'm slowly getting better.
Great post
shara04249 mauiblue
Hey Mauiblue
I am slowly getting out of it. I just now realize that i have good days and bad but when bad days arise i know it will only last a day so i ride it out. the more you stick to a schedule the better off you are. for example sleep same time a day. eat at regular hours to control blood sugar, DON'T over eat, drinking alcohol rages havuc on digestion because we lose the enzyme to metabolize it thus it causes anxiety, depression. Exercise no matter how bad you feel. walk around the block just get 20 min. minimum. learn to meditate to shut down the brain from
worry and overthinking. I JUST LEARNED THIS 4 years ago and its like medicine. It gets better. i just dont over due anything anymore.