Ejaculation Preserving TURP

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I recently viewed a youtube video which touched on this proceedure. The Urologist is located in AZ. I searched for more information and found a short article on the NIH (National Institute of Health) website, which confirmed this is a real procedure with backed research studies.

Has anyone had this procedure done?

If so, what were your results?

Did it keep you from having retrograde ejaculation?

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm not sure why my post was deleted, but I'll just say that Aquablation is a modern way of doing EP TURP. I would look into aquablation if your insurance covers it.

  • Edited

    I've been looking at Aquablation, The closest Doc to me is 230 miles, 1 way. Everyone does a TURP. I am on daily coumadin, so bleeding is a big concern, thus would prefer to be closer to home for either of the procedures. I found out about the EP TURP a week past my last Urology appt. I'm currently, looking at the TUIP procedure, which doesn't have the bleeding or retrograde issues. The problem is it may or may not work. I have UroLift implants which are working. The problem is I have a large median lobe which is acting as a ball valve between my bladder and prostate. So, starting a stream and flow is hit or miss depending on inflammation and the ball valve position. My prostate measures 55g.

    I would like to talk to a Interventional Radiologist about the Prostate Arterial Embolism Procedure. The procedure would reduce the prostate size and my High Bladder neck issues, however, I'm not sure about the median lobe. The issue there is, I need a Urologist referral to talk to him. I've not had much success so far on the referral.

    The other option would be to have the REZUME procedure on the median lobe. 6% result in retrograde.

    This leads me to why I started this post. If EP TURP is an option close to home, then I would consider it. I'm looking for input from those that have had the procedure done, so I have more information that just what's rattle around in my head.

  • Posted

    I had a urolift procedure done 9 months ago and I experiencing off and on issues like having a bladder infection. Some days are great while others are a so drip that takes forever to drain. The worst part is the burning in the morning urinating or ejaculating. My prostate was 33g so I'm wondering if I have the same issue you have? At the time I did hear of the Aquablation and did see a doctor that did it. he told me that even though I had it done it wouldn't stop the prostate from growing again so it seem the smartest move was the urolift.

  • Edited

    Sounds like you have periodic inflammation, possibly from the UroLift. Its taken me 2 years to get rid of the burning.

    33g is almost normal size (25-30g). I think your on to something. They may have help 1 condition but there's another they haven't found.

    Inflammation: Something to try. 1 tbsp of organic lemon Juice concentrate with a glass of water 1st thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Do this daily for about a month. That should be enough time to see if it will help you. This will shift your Urine ph to more of an alkaline base, less acid/burning. It shifted my ph about 1 point (5.2 to 6.2).

    If you have prostatitis, no procedures will fix that.

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