Elbow Dislocation Question

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I am 33 year old female, fell off a horse and dislocated my elbow 1 week ago, it was only in a cast for 4 days, been in a motion brace for 3. Feeling and movement has started to come back in my hand, I was just wondering if anyone knows how long it should take to be able to start moving my arm a little. At the minute it feels like it's never going to move at all by itself again.



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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi, Lisa --

    I just broke both arms and one was a radial head fracture of the elbow on my left. I went undiagnosed for over weeks before the ace in Beverly Hills nailed the cause my left arm wasn't working. I felt like you do: I was thinking will this ever heal?! But at 4 weeks I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and it's beginning to work again. These are tougher injuries to cope with than we realize, aren't they? I have been shocked at how little appreciation we have for our bones and joints and how completely incapacitated we are when we injur them.

    • Posted

      Yes it's certainly made me think about the many obstacles people who have disabilities must encounter just on a day to day basis.
    • Posted

      P.s hope you are on the well on the road to recovery and better soon.
  • Posted

    I meant to say three weeks before they realized the left arm was broken. And injure is, of course, spelled with an e. I am typing with 2 broken arms and sent that inadvertently. One thing you might look into is essex-lopresti fractures which can damage the IOM [Interosseous Membrane]. Torn ligaments and tendons are also a risk. What fun -- but this explains why the arm doesn't work well after the initial injury. Dislocations often seem to be nearly as devastating as a break!
  • Posted

    Oh you're online now! Glad to see you got my message quickly. I am a reporter and have been doing a lot of research because I knew something terrible had happened to my left arm although the Phoenix hand and wrist surgeon missed the diagnosis on that one completely. I am into horses, too. They told me December before I can ride again. 
    • Posted

      Sorry my messages seem to be appearing in a strange order, I am new to forums!
  • Posted

    I should also mention: I am using [alternately] horsey type DMSO and apple cider vinegar compresses as well as  massage to counter any numbness with great success. Oregon cream is 12.00 a jar and that helps a lot, too. Magnesium and D3 supplements, tons of vitamin C and a product called Immunocal seems to be speeding recovery. 
  • Posted

    My messages are posting strangely, too. I don't see yours until I've posted. Call the Flyboyrescue DOT org line if you think I can help -- this was a hard lesson to learn and, in researching it, I've consulted with a number of pros about the elbow fracture and all those weird symptoms! 
  • Posted

    ow , ow , ow , give it time , and heed doctors orders , I'm in a cast a well for a badly broken metacarpal , the feeling will come back , it never pays to rush these things by doing to much and causing more damage in the long term , give it 3-4 weeks at a guess .

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