Electric/Energy surge to brain when trying to fall asleep.

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Hi guys, I'm new to the site but glad I found somewhere to share my symptoms.

I'm getting a sort of electrical shock when trying to fall asleep. This electrical shock seems to be described on other sites as 'jumps' or 'zaps' or 'surges of energy'. It happens not when I'm sleeping but the moment I am about to fall asleep. Its like a sort of butterflies feeling in the stomach and then a rush/surge of energy to the brain which gives you a 'jump' and electrical feeling in the head and sometimes upper body. The more extreme they are sometimes produce a twitch in maybe the arm or leg. Its not painful but I guess is quite scary when it happens. These can happen numerous times a night.

Many friends/family I have spoken to say this is normal and they are familiar with the symptoms (I understand what they mean as it can be quite similar to when you suddenly wake from a bad dream) but mine seem to be a lot more often and extreme. I know my symptoms don't seem to be normal.

I've been having these for about 5-6 weeks now (some nights are worse than others) but generally its been more or less every night. This has turned into a vicious cycle because when you actually close your eyes at night to go to sleep you are actually waiting for the 'shock' to happen instead of trying to sleep. Obviously the less sleep you have, the less functional you are the next day and so on and so on. You then get sleep deprived which I believe also may trigger this.

The only other thing I can add to my symptoms is sometimes during the day I get a spaced out/empty/dizzy/cloudy feeling in the head (hard to explain). Sometimes this can turn into a sort of brain/head sensation where you feel you need to kind of 'shake it off'. Again, its hard to explain, something like if you have restless feet and you need to kick out of it but its in the head so you need to give yourself a shake to snap out of it.

I have read quite a bit about anxiety/stress and these symptoms may fall into this category but the issue I have with this, is that I have nothing to be anxious/stressful about! All is OK with job, money, house, relationship etc so I'm not sure how this all started. Could I be anxious about this illness? Again, a vicious cycle?

About me - I'm a fit and healthy 35 year old guy. I actually exercise quite a lot (go to gym/swim 4 times a week and have run numerous marathons over the past year). Although this fitness regime has stopped since I have started having these symptoms as I am feeling quite weak/tired due to not getting much sleep due to it. I have no major prior illnesses and I am not on any medication. I don't want to get in the habit of taking sleep medication.

I have been to the hospital and spent the night where they performed numerous blood tests/Heart ECG/X Rays/Urine and all came back OK. The only issue I had was slightly high blood pressure (but not high enough to be put on any medication). I have also been for an MRI scan and EEG epilepsy test. I will find the results with these in about 5 weeks time.

Anyway, that's my symptoms and hopefully someone might feel at ease that they are going through something similar.

Reading similar posts on the internet I don't think anyone has come to the conclusion on what in fact is causing these problems, even though a lot of the people actually been for tests and seen doctors. Has anyone experienced these issues?

Thanks guys, feel free to get in touch smile

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    what’s up guys… Haven’t been on here in a while I come on every now and then to see the comments in to see how everyone’s doing. However, last night was a bad night for me… I don’t know what it was but my zaps came back last night pretty bad in full force. I wasn’t necessarily stressed out before I was sleeping which is what worries me because I did come To the conclusion that it comes down to stress and anxiety for me… That wasn’t the case last night though. Had about 10 zaps last night got really bad sleep. I think I was zap Free for about 3-4 months and I was sleeping fine every night....

    Something was weird though I was however shocking everything I touched all day yesterday I don’t know if that has anything to do with anything but I thought I would report that to you guys… Anyway if anyone has any comments or questions or advice please feel free to respond back to me I’ll be checking my emails more frequently

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    Some doctors think that brain zaps are considered hypnic jerks. My hypnic jerks started almost 2 months ago (coincidentally I tried to unsuccessfully cure my insomnia with Trazodone for a couple of nights) and before that I've been having 'brain zaps' for about 4 months. Brain zaps would happen multiple times every night (usually in the second half of the night) at sleep onset right on dozing off so do the jerks, however they tend to happen in both first and second half of the night. The jerks usually affect many body parts and even my face and jaw (depending on the position). I also feel a sudden burning sensation in my stomach almost each time I experience the jerks, and every sound (even a quiet one) can make me startle when I'm in bed. I'm an hypochondriac so my doctor prescribed Prozac and I'm 3 weeks in on it but it has no effect so far. I follow all sleep hygiene rules.

    I think I can say that I was stressed when all of that started. A 48h EEG didn't show any abnormal activity same as my blood work results.

    My feet started to twitch even in the day time but maybe it's not related (might be caused by extensive walking as I try to walk at least 10k steps/day).

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    Need to have your doctor run blood tests to check your iron levels, iron saturation, ferritin, and vitamin D. I had these exact symptoms with random muscle pain during the day, and I found out I was deficient in both iron and vitamin D. I've started supplementation of both and even though my iron stores/vitamin D are not fully replenished I have seen significant improvement in symptoms. Also, I don't recommend starting supplements before having your blood tests done, you want to make sure you have the issue before treating it- and if you are deficient your dr will tell you how much to take to get caught up. Hope this helps!

  • Posted

    ive had this for 4 years now. started in my spine to my brain right at the moment of falling asleep. now its in my knees to my stomach or my stomach to my chest. i can even feel cool breath in my lungs when it happens. sorry man. i know its awful

  • Posted

    ive had this for 4 years now. started in my spine to my brain right at the moment of falling asleep. now its in my knees to my stomach or my stomach to my chest. i can even feel cool breath in my lungs when it happens. sorry man. i know its awful

  • Posted

    Hello everyone,

    I was so happy to find this site as you all probably were too. For 3 years now I've had what feels like electric jolts from my lower gut up to my brain, OR from my neck to my brain, just the second when there is enough melatonin and relaxation to fall into a dream. It startles me awake, producing alarmed adrenaline, for about another 15-30 seconds, until I again come back to that very first moment of being able to fall into a dream again, and then it happens again, and again, and again, ALL night long. It's like a built in torture device. When I first came down with the symptoms I would cry my eyes out from the sheer oppression of this issue. Sleep deprivation on that level is very abusive. I had to cancel work constantly due to exhaustion so severe I couldn't form words or walk.

    Here is what I've found that helps immensely and talk to your doctors to see if they approve:

    1. Chiropractic for SOME mysterious reason really dramatically improved my symptoms for a time. It's only a treatment, not a cure for me so far. Same with massage.

    2. Staying super hydrated keeps zaps from happening it seems OR once the zaps start I drink 4 big glasses of water and the zaps hush and I go to sleep.

    3. Avoid regular coffee. I drink organic, Swiss Water Process decaf which still has enough caffeine but not enough to trigger brain zaps.

    4. Food that is not organic ALWAYS causes brain zaps in me. Must be the pesticides. I've proved this to myself time and again. I cannot do ANYTHING that isn't organic.

    5. Sitting too much as this issue seems to be aggravated by tight muscles and lack of blood flow so water with a lot of movement keeps me peacefully without them the majority of the time. As in 99% of the time.

    6. Highly stressful conversations trigger adrenaline which can trigger this issue in me, for a week to up to one month. Normal stress and anxiety does not trigger zaps, HUGE stress does.

    7. I cannot drink alcohol that isn't organic and I can only drink clean alcohol about 3 times a year, one drink per time, as the sugar is a problem too.

    8. NO refined sugar for me. It causes brain zaps always unless it's the tiniest bite OR coconut sugar in sweets is safe. Monkfruit sweetener is safe for ME.

    9. That time of the month usually causes zaps the first 2-4 nights and then stops

    10. Eating nightshades always causes zaps in ME. ALWAYS. Night shades mess with our thyroids in a negative, inflammatory way, due to evolving to become more poisonous to defend off new predators as the environment is changing.

    So that list makes the paragraph below make more sense for MY situation.

    Talk to your doctors about this b/c maybe different things are causing this symptom in different people.

    My doctors, like so many of your doctors, do not know what it is but have strong theories. I do not have Lime disease. This is NOT from anxiety. Absolutely confirmed not from anxiety as my list above confirms. Very thorough tests have showed no Lime but most importantly, I have NONE of the Lime symptoms. The tests are too erratic and unreliable to trust in MY opinion ANYWAY. My doctor says there isn't a single one that is actually reliable but you may disagree. (I have to be honest in saying I do not believe Lime disease is a real thing. Extensive research suggests it's a "Patsy" title, scapegoat-label for an abundance of chemical overload in our bodies; Atmospheric poisoning our bodies were not designed to handle.)

    My paranthetic quote above is because suddenly EVERYONE has "Lime". Overnight. Suddenly 40% of everyone I'm ever in contact with has Lime, clients, family, friends. People who NEVER go camping. Indoor city kids, so to speak. It's absurd to me. And all the symptoms mentioned in Lime are also the identical list of symptoms of heavy medal overload. In the last 2 years, according to CDC numbers, pollution has spiked in all the major cities around the world, causing an increase in chemical related illness or deaths by 38-50%. That has tripled from what it was the year before, causing 7 million chemical related deaths per year instead of 2 million. I wonder if a lot of the people healthy enough to survive chemical overload are most likely just dealing with issues like we have - brain zaps. My doctors said that their number one issue with clients around the country is heavy medal overload so severe they don't know how to begin to detox patients. That the detoxing process has to be so slow and gentle that it can take years to clean out. Also, that my tests showed that my cells are not absorbing water more than 50% of what they should and my doctors said that this is almost always due to toxic overload in the cells. Explains weakness so bad I couldn't walk in initial days of my symptoms. Over 3 years I've done very slow and gentle detoxing and have gotten better overall but it hasn't stopped the zaps yet entirely.

    Again when I eat nightshades, proven to be evolving to be more poisonous, I get very aggressive brain zaps. Night shades mess with our thyroids, and everyone's thyroids are under attack from Wifi radiation my Doctor said. Being heavy medal overloaded causes sensitivity to Wifi and therefore thyroid issues, my docs said. THREE of my doctors agree to this. Your docs may not agree. For ME, I've not been able to hold my phone for long periods of time or be in a room full of device users without needing to faint so I think for ME, my docs are on to something. Being dehydrated messes with thyroid, drinking coffee messes with thyroid, etc. and all these things inevitably cause brain zaps in ME. So I believe the strongest lead is that it's possibly a Thyroid issue for ME because my tests also showed my thyroid was very dysfunctional. Further affordability of treatment of this has been made impossible during Covid so I have nothing else to report. I hope deeply for recovery for all of you as it controls absolutely everything. Too many days out of the month are 100% destroyed. Even if I have very high functioning days mixed in - It has hurt my business badly enough that it needs to be considered a disability until SAFE and effective treatments arise.

  • Posted

    Hi, I'm so glad I saw your message & story regarding the brain surges. I recently started getting the same exact symptoms while trying to go to sleep. It is a bit scary & causes me to lose sleep. Very problematic when going to work the next morning. The 1st time it happened I'm thinking brain tumor. I calmed a bit after reading more about the symptoms other people, like yourself, described. Thank you for sharing. I also get pain in my left wrist. Near the pulse area. Anyone get this? I also received my 1st Pfizer Covid Vaccine & not sure if it started before or after. Definitely got worse since. Not sure if there is a connection. Let me know if anyone experienced this the 1st time after the vaccine. Just curious. Thank you all for calming me down somewhat. Hoping it goes away

  • Posted

    I've had this for years, actually experiencing it tonight.

    It's linked to anxiety definitely, if you've had a stressful day or simply the form of anxiety that is a chemical imbalance in your brain that makes your body Iver produce adrenaline, it can trigger it. I myself have this, and after chasing down and rescuing an imp of a dog in the middle of traffic I can say my nerves are shot today!! Lol.

    How I over come it is playing a mobile game, watching/listening to a video or audio book or petting my dog for that serotonin boost to remind my brain all is good.

    Good luck!!!

  • Posted

    This is EXACTLY what I have experienced. And the way you describe the vicious cycle is EXACTLY how I have explained it. I tried to tell people that I became fearful of going to sleep because then I would lay there and wait for it to happen, and it did. This is different than hypnagogic jerks, which is what some people think we are describing. I am sorry you are experiencing this, but I am relieved to find I am not alone. Are you or were you taking Gabapentin? Because a doctor told me it sounds like it could be Gabapentin withdrawals. And I actually just so happened to be going off my gabapentin at the time, which was probably 1.5 years ago. They did stop happening after having them a few months, for a long time. However, my husband died 6 months ago, and the last 2 months, they have started back up. I am not taking gabapentin again, so now I am really confused. Did you ever figure out what was causing yours?

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    you could have a look at holistic medicine and alternative health. also what you described sounds a lot like entering lucid dreaming or astral projection.

    possibly research chakras and awakening (evolving).

    ive had similar experience although I am still learning.

  • Posted

    Hey guys just wanted to come on here and write what’s been going on lately with me… I’m always Coming on the thread and reading everyone’s comments because I’m so very interested of

    this horrible horrible thing. The past month hasn’t been that great for me I’ve been experiencing the “brain shakes” , “brain zaps” almost every single night this entire month… Some nights were much better than others where I only had about a couple zaps night and then fell asleep… However, the past few days have been the worst I’ve ever experienced since I started getting them… Last night I literally thought I was going to have a brain aneurysm or something they were happening in every single position I slept in up until about 6 o’clock in the morning… I got the worst sleep of my life had to go to work the next morning… I Musta had about 30 to 40 zaps last night all of them very intense I don’t know what to think about them anymore I thought I was getting over them and then they bounce right back and hit me in worse than ever… Only thing I really know for sure and I told my wife this is that it seems that it’s directed to your mental health overall… I think about it way too much before I go to bed I’m way too scared to go to sleep now… I also noticed when I have a drinking day and drink a lot I pass out and I don’t experience any zaps at all… That is something to say because whenever I’m not drunk I’m sober I get them every single night obviously when I’m drunk I’m not thinking about it and I fall asleep fine I’m obviously hung over in the morning but no zaps at all before I go to sleep… Not sure what to think about them anymore...has anyone covered any ground on anything? I even got prescribed some Ativan to help my anxiety and that didn’t work at all. Just made me more tired.

  • Edited

    I am so glad to see I am not the only one. I get a surge of energy every time I start to fall sleep. It is so severe sometimes it hurts my chest. It probably happens 100 times a night. It's like my body perceives sleep as a threat. I never actually go to sleep; It happens all night long. I have been taking a sleeping pill every other night because I don't want to get addicted. I'm exhausted and just starting the Dr process now. I believe I have over stressed my body with keto diet, intermittant fasting and hiit workouts. I have no racing thoughts but my body is hyper vigilant and anything makes it react. the normal startling noise, dog barking, doorbell ringing etc, are more like a car has just beeped its horn at me with a major startle response. Has anyone had this so severe they are not sleeping at all? Thanks for your time.

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      every single night man, I dont know what the hell to do i am so damn exhausted. people say dont take z drugs like zopiclone but its the only thing in this living hell that works to get any sleep. docs are clueless psychologists and psychiatrists are clueless. where the hell are the people knowledgeable with this stuff?

      how are you now?

  • Posted

    i’ve been having this issue too, but only when I try try to take a naps. It happens every single time. It’s been a few years and I’ve been tested for everything. I do have high blood blood pressure, drink alcohol regularly (hence maybe why i dont get it at night). But I do exercise and have a good BMI. 43-year-old male. I might try Diamox as someone suggested here as i have borderline sleep apnea and high BP.

  • Posted

    Hello ,I'm currently experiencing those jerks ,it scares me often.I smoke daily and drink alot of soda , I really thought i was the only one going through this.I did my research and i think this happens because the body is trying to shut down for sleep before the brain ,this is also caused by stress,and anxiety.If anyone wants to chat feel free to call me 8046051798.thanks

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