electrical currents through head and body
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Hi ladies,
I think I've seen some of you comment on this before, but wanted to run it by the forum. I woke up last night to the weirdest sensation- it felt like my head (first) and then my body (second) had all these electrical sensations running through them. The sensation didn't last for more than a minute, but it sure got my attention. I was immediately alarmed. It was like hundreds of little buzzers were going off all through me, from head to toe. Can anyone relate?? I hope so! xo
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rebecca94858 cindy17746
Yes! I had this many times. It was a very scary sensation. Fortunately, it didn't last long for me. I always had to have my husband hold my hand when it was happening. Hopefully, it will go away quickly for you too!
lana26181 cindy17746
I have that often. I have been without period for more than 4 years, but now again - and I believe it is connected and caused by my psychological state - I got worse hot flashes, buzzing and electrical feeling in my head mostly, and night sweats again. I would think something serious is wrong, but I had full check up in April this year and everything was normal. I also developed carpal tunnel in both arms, which I do not believe had anything to do with my job. I had that too in peri, and then it disappeared , and now is back even worse. I am under huge stress on more than one level, and I strongly believe it brought worse menopausal symptoms back.
cindy17746 lana26181
Thanks for the reply! Stress definitely makes my symptoms worse, too. And I too have carpal tunnel in both wrists. Some days it's so painful, I can't take a cap off a pen. Other days, I don't even notice it. Quite the journey. xo
malina55946 lana26181
hello! you mentioned you have the carpal tunnel syndrome because of peri. i have it on both wrists and my fingers, mostly the big and the pointer are in pain most of the time. did you receive any help from your doctor, any remedies? my inner left elbow is also a bit swollen and my whole left upper part of my body, but the breasts and fingers are my main concern in terms of pain. i would appreciate any advice you have, my doctor is completely useless. Happy New Year!
debra16694 cindy17746
hi Cindy - i have had it all...tingling, burning body parts, electric shock to the point you feel like an electrical currant is going thru you - it has all so freaked me out, spent godless amounts of money on drs, supplements, massages,acupunture emergency room visits etc etc - no one can tell me anything except i do know in menopause our nervous system is severely compromised & coupled with anxiety & depression we deal with during this stage, its no wonder - just try & ride thru the storm, i hope it gets better for you -
cindy17746 debra16694
Thank you, Debra. I have all that you described, as well. It's a tough ride! Take care. xo
anita42201 debra16694
Hello! do any of you also experience muscle spasms and twitching in addition to all theses symptoms?
cindy17746 anita42201
Hi Anita,
Every day! All over my body. I don't spasm and twitch at all when I am occupied, but when I am at rest, especially drifting in and out of sleep, I can twitch a lot. My hands, thumbs, legs, feet, arms, even my head, will twitch. And it always varies in intensity and location.
anita42201 cindy17746
Hi Cindy,
Thank you for responding! I've been going out if my mind with all these worrisome symptoms . I've been see a neurologist twice and said all was benign . Going to see another one today. These forums have given me so much solace!!! There is another thread that talks about theses symptoms. Muscle Twitching .
cindy17746 anita42201
Thanks; I'll check out that thread. 😃