Electrical shocks and feeling heart beating out of chest
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ladies i feel so lost and crazy. i get these weird feeling electrical shaking through my whole body and all day long i feel my pulse and heart beating its driving me nuts and scares me . does anyone understand? and oh the ANXIETY the worse im so scared
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jamie37119 rosemarie1967
I have this sometimes... I also constantly deal with intermittent tinnitus ..heart beating in head changing sides sometimes. Sometimes I feel like I have run a marathon yet have only put the washing out with weakness in legs and arms, but mainly arms. .... this is a cruel joke isn't it 😦
I forgot to add, I have a new symptom and its like I have bugs crawling on my head, occassionally face and hands too... this is a new one for me
rosemarie1967 jamie37119
its horrible , i had two babies and thought that Was bad , I would rather have more babies then go through this . i’m so sorry you’re going through this also we need to keep praying for one another
jamie37119 rosemarie1967
I hear you... I hated being pregnant but yes, would much prefer that again.
Lisaippie rosemarie1967
i get all sorts of weird things happening since menapause the anxiety is off the charts right now its driving me nuts i totally understand i had a sharp jabbing pain under my right rib last night and it literally scared me too death i layed there and prayed and it went away God is good hes been my saving grace through all this but im still struggling unfortunately hugs to you❤
rosemarie1967 Lisaippie
im so grateful for our GOD above i pray every nite and its he who gets me through it all , hugs back
shylee rosemarie1967
hi rosemarie
im sorry you are feeling so scared and horrible. peri and meno really can be so terrible for so many of us but you're not alone.
I had horrific anxiety often waking from sleep with my mind saying over and over again. i am so scared. it was frightening and my heart would be thumping out my neck and id feel electrical zaps and buzzes and drs refused to listen constantly trying to label some mental health issue. it was maddening. I'm in no way pushing HRT or meds only saying that for me they helped relieve all this. i do still get it from time to time but in smaller doses usually during hormone fluctuations. I still deal with many other very unpleasant symptoms but i cope through it where i couldn't at all before. i do hope you find some relief soon. in the meantime keep telling yourself over and over.
its ok, you're ok, we're ok, it will pass, just breath.
rosemarie1967 shylee
thank you for replying i am on bhrt but im all out of whack , GOD bless and i pray you are well and fighting forward ❤
Lkl2019 shylee
i also have woke with the morning anxiety saying over and over...I.m so scared, with nothing to actually be scared of other than all this madness with my body. my body would be so tense. I have also started BHRT And it has helped in some ways But my most miserable stuff is still with me. idk what is happening to my body anymore. it's horrific. I.m at 1.5 years since all the horrific stuff and I can't imagine another 5 plus years of this!
jamie37119 Lkl2019
Right there with you lovely...hang in there, we have each other through this
Nettie261962 rosemarie1967
I totally have the same feeling and the awful anxiety.
rosemarie1967 Nettie261962
be strong were going to get through this ❤
sallyann1964 rosemarie1967
I'm so glad I'm not alone with the anxiety and electric shocks that have surfaced in recent weeks to join the constant overheating (not so much flushes but just constant!) sleepiness and forgetfulness. I know it will go in time but am edging toward asking my GP for some help. Hope you get some too xx
rosemarie1967 sallyann1964
your def not alone , so Grateful that we have each other to lean on, God bless you and I pray you get through this too we will be ok
Irene1210 rosemarie1967
Yes Rosemari, I have this all the time esp when I am under stress or anxiety. My internal body & legs shake so much to a point I am so scared that I have seizures & just pass out. My heart beat keeps racing & I feel tightness on my chest & throat. Do u feel the same or does anyone have these horrible horrible symptoms too?
rosemarie1967 Irene1210
i feel like that when anxiety bad but i try to remind myself last time this happened i got through it and im ok . you will be ok too , we all will