Embarrassing B.O.
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i don't know if it is menopause caused, but in the last year, i have noticed that i have a nasty body odor. i do have other health problems, it could be caused by them, but was wondering if anyone out there has noticed this change since menopause started.
I understand that sweating is a natural and helps the body stay cool and eliminate toxins and it supports proper immune function, prevents diseases related to toxic overload, kills certain viruses and bacteria and cleans the skin’s pores . . . I get all that, but why is it stinking so much now?
I am not concerned about it, just courious.
Your thoughts?
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jannie9770 dee53012
I have noticed a sweaty smell, it's not a BO smell but just a funny sweaty smell
that no never had before particularly noticeable by me when I wake up in the morning but it's all over,even on my arms!!
Just to share with you ladies the "Dove" or "Sure" maximum protection deodorant £5 is brilliant!! We are all a similar age in work and wear white uniforms..wouldn't be without it!!
dee53012 jannie9770
i read that dehydration can cause it and certain foods, but the only food on the list that i use on occasion is hot pepper powder. i drink alot, i thought!
thanks for the advice 🙏
Dee Stinky Girl.
maisie05 dee53012
Hi Dee,
Yes I think what we eat can affect how we smell. I've mentioned previously, when I was suffering with the night sweats I tried meno pace night which had the ingredient hops. I would wake sweating in the night and couldn't decide if I smelled like a brewery or bakery! Very weird.
I remember my mum used to put talc in her knickers which I thought strange and my gran always smelled of palma violets. She had sweeties and perfume with her always.
The things we have to put up with!
dee53012 maisie05
looloo43 maisie05
LOL about smelling like a brewery Maisie
!!! I bet your hubby liked it though! xx
Sochima822 dee53012
Hi dee, yes it is caused by hormonal fluctuations of oestrogen. Drink water with lemon to help neutralize your ph. I even got the strips to test my ph on a daily basis, stay hydrated but add lemon juice to help with the body odor. I found baby powder was my lifesaver for the smell. You can put baby powder, cornstarch not talc on your body until the odor subsides. I was even rubbing it into my scalp because the odor was so bad, the powder neutralizes the smell, or using a good smelling dry shampoo to help eliminate the odor. It really helps when you're in close proximity with people at work. Hope this helps.
dee53012 Sochima822
good ideas! thank you
i guess i am grateful for not being able to work. i sure don't want to offend anyone senses!
Thank you, I never would have thought abotu cornstarch! Great cheap idea without stinky things!
ImagineOneDay dee53012
Yes, for months I get I smell and my body odour is awful. Before peri I hardly ever sweat. It is a bit better now. But it has gone for months. So yes I say it is very normal, unfortunately!
Good luck with your new body odour
dee53012 ImagineOneDay
thank you
dunnit dee53012
Hi Dee,
One of the first symptoms I experienced was really vile strong-smelling feet, even the dog would slink away if I so much as slipped my shoes off. Happily, the symptoms and problems caused by the curse of the menopause really don't last forever (it just feels that way). Look forward to joining us in the "Survivors Club"
dee53012 dunnit
Oh my! Stinly feet, I had that a while back, i stopped wearing socks and only wore sandles that could be hosed off. that lasted about 3 years, but i noticed i have not had that of late and I've been wearing socks AND boots w/o stinky. now i am afraid to hug people. I sniff my pits throughout the day now all the time . . . soooo self conscience! haha!!
yesterday i bought some deoderant for the first time in 20+ years. it helped a lot!
surviors club, i can't wait to graduate! Thanks!