Embarrassing, help? (Picture)

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Hi there I've been having GI bleeding for the past couple of weeks and was put on a stomach protecting medication because my stomach was burning. I am being seen by a doctor but won't be able to see her for a couple of days. I passed this and have been trying to figure out what it is. I'm a little freaked out. It seemed to have blood in it which made me think it's not food. Also it was fleshy and kind of rubbery. 

Sorry this is gross but any help?


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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Looks like a mushroom to me.   They are not easily digested especially of you don't chew your food thoroughly .  Can't comment on the blood sorry. 
  • Posted

    My guess is that it's undigested Vegetable.

    But it means your tummy is having trouble digesting things at the moment.

    I would eat easily digestible foods  if it was me I would eat parmisan cheese or other hard cheeses ( less nasty sugars in the hard ones) , porridge ( but many people cannot digest that!)' quark, cottage cheese, - my tummy loves raw cucumber because it is easy to digest and good consistency, NO ANT ACIDS or calcium carbonate at all, I would also swig a can of coca cola a day for the phosphoric acid in it, 

    BUT, that's only what I would do. Hopefully the tummy will see sense and adjust itself.


  • Posted

    Ali id keep this in a container in the fridge and show the doctor when you see her. Have you been eating any mushrooms? id be freaked out too, do let us no the outcome


  • Posted

    Hi Ali

    pretty sure this is an undigested mushroom; i had the same thing come out many months ago & it freaked me out too, i can't digest virtually any fruit or veg now(it comes out looking like the same as it went in) & am having ongoing tests at present. I have colitis which is quiet at present (going by last biopsies), but still getting terrible symptoms of diarrhea, stomach & back pain, tiredness like i've never known & as i mention non digestion of fruit & veg. i also have a rectal tear because of all the bowel activity/urgency/spasming down there which is hideously painful every time i have a bm & bleeds most times. thy suspect i have ibs too, but are doing several tests to rule out other things that produce similar symptoms. I would asked to be referred to gastroenterology at hosp when you see your doc - if you have bleeding i think they see you quicker. take care

  • Posted

    Thanks guys I don't know what I was eating (if I was eating mushrooms they would not have been in that size of a piece). I would have just passed it off as  food had I not seen the bloody looking spots. When I pulled it apart a bit they were actually inside it not just on the outside. Very strange!


  • Posted

    At least I didn't think I ate any that big, maybe it was in something though...hmm

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