Emergency hemorrhoidectomy recovery 5 days after childbirth

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Hi guys. This site has been so useful to me in my post op recovery.. I wanted to share my story in hopes of helping someone else. 

I'm a 30 year old female.. in relatively good health. I've  had some pretty gnarly internal hemorrhoids from the age of 22 that always prolapsed after every bm, but they've always been manageable and have only given me real grief about ten times. I gave birth to a child last Tuesday (first time) and while pushing.. it appears my internal hemmies exploded to the size of a full orange ( no exaggeration ). My OB kept insisting the swelling would go down.. but by day 4 of not being able to sit stand or walk.. one of the nurses at the hospital insisted I get checked out at the ER. I went just to see if maybe they could shrink it with some lidocaine injections as I also had a second degree episiotomy tear from child labor and was still in a lot of pain and on painkillers from that.

Instead.. the on call colorectal surgeon decided to come in from home because he said my hemorrhoids had turned necrotic and would turn into a severe infection sooner than later.. I went into emergency surgery not even 6 hours later at 1am on 10/29. 

At this point I had not had a bowel movement for 5 days due to the Percocet I was on for my episiotomy.. I was already severely impacted fecally but my surgeon told me he was able to remove what he could as well as removing all the necrotic tissue. To my understanding he removed over 5 large hemorrhoids all internal that had prolapsed and died.

Right after surgery.. I was given dilaudin as soon as the numbing agent starting wearing off.. the pain was excruciating... I begged the nurse to give me an additional dose of anything.. eventually she gave in and gave me a dose of oxycodone as well. While the pain didn't completely go away.. it did make me drowsy enough to get a couple hours of sleep.. only to wake up to excruciating pain again. I was literally counting down the seconds for the next dosage except this dose of dilaudin and ocycodine didn't alleviate anything and for the next 6 hours I was left to be in excruciating pain because they could not give me any other options in fear of overdose. After 6 hours.. they gave me a combination of Tylenol and tramadol and actually this helped SO MUCH MORE than the strong dilaudin. After getting sent home.. I realized that the combination of Tylenol and ibuprofen actually help a lot more than the oxycodone they prescribed me.. but in an effort to not feel anymore pain I continued to take Tylenol, ibuprofen, oxycodone and Valium(for the anal muscle spasms). THIS IS A BAD IDEA especially when you already have not had a bowel movement in over 5 days as oxycodone and Valium are both constipating narcotics.

Day 1. Taking all the meds I can take.. which are currently 4000g of Tylenol, 2400g of ibuprofen, 40g of oxycodone and 20g of Valium per day as well as a daily dose of miralax. Unable to do anything but without the meds pain level was an 11 out of 10.. with the meds I would say pain level was a 7. While not great, it's much better than an 11 and expected for day 1 Post op. Spent most of the day crying.. but even that hurt.. so tried to just lay there and sleep as much as I could. 

Day 2

Still taking all meds.. pain is slightly better.. maybe a 6.8 instead of a 7.. but still an improvement. No bowel movement yet, but again not able to do much. If you think you're gonna read or do any hobbies.. forget it.. just try to get some sleep and heal your body. 

Day 3

Feeling much better except for the uncomfortableness of not having had a bowel movement. Decided to cut out oxycodone and so now I'm only taking the other three plus miralax. My husband also went out and got recticare which I highly recommend. It's a lidocaine cream which you put on after baths, showers, or after bowel movements. It kind of numbs the area.. and makes you feel so much better. Pain level is 5 today even without the painkillers.. only real pain is coming from the stuck bowel movement that won't come out but is sitting in my rectum.

Day 4

Only took one dose of Valium and two doses of ibuprofen(1200g) and Tylenol (2000g). Pain level 4.5. By day 4 I was completely desperate.. I had been taking colace since childbirth, senna-s, and after my hemorrhoidectomy I was taking miralax. NOTHING WORKED. As someone who usually has a bowel movement everyday.. not having one for ten days is terrifying. I was determined to have one today. I got some milk of magnesia and took two doses of that throughout the day on top of the miralax. The problem with all these stool softeners/laxatives is they work from the top down. So while I could feel the rumblings in my stomach.. there was no action taking place.. I decided to take action into my own hands.. literally. 

This next section is going to be pretty gross.. but I'm sharing it for those who are truly desperate for relief.  So please skip over if you don't want to read.. I finally figured out that using my squatty potty was going to be the only way I would have a bowel movement. Previously I was not using this because everytime I squatted it felt like my stitches and anus were gonna drop out of my body. It won't. Make sure to squat. It won't help with the pain but it will help your movement come. The first bowel movement took an hour with only a quarter sized piece. Even with such a small amount.. I felt extreme success. I got into the groove of what I needed to do.. I would rock back and forth on the seat and then the urge came I would lean all the way back and push. For anyone that's been in child labor.. the doctor doesn't let you push until your uterus contracts.. this is the same concept. Let your body involuntarily strain first and you only push during these times. Straining at any old time will only resurface new hemorrhoids. The second bowel movement started not even 30 min later due to my newfound success. However, this one was about 8 inches of 2.5 inch wide feces that would NOT be coming out on its own. It took me 3 hours, a glove and lots of walking back and forth and pushing. I honestly felt like I was in labor again except worst because I had no epidural this time. I literally had to push and then remove whatever little came out with my gloves. Gross I know but I honestly believe that this piece would never have came out on its own due to how sticky and impacted it was. After 3 hours my butt was pretty swollen so I decided to call it a day. 

Too bad all the laxatives I had taken decided they wanted to work now. For the next two hours, I was running back and forth.. completely sore now.. having explosive diarrhea. Normally I would complain but at least my insides were finally clearing out. I'm not gonna lie though.. after this.. pain level shot back up to an 8. I don't know if this was also because of all my diarrhea.. but I immediately had to take a full dosage of Tylenol, ibuprofen and Valium again to ease the pain. I purposely left out oxycodone because I'm not trying to give birth to a poop again. 

Day 5

While I just woke up.. I do feel much better.. pain level is back to 4 with Tylenol and ibuprofen. 

I guess my point is.. that now while I'm completely sore from all the bowel movements.. it is only day 5 and I am feeling much much better. I have stopped oxycodone since day 3.. I only take Valium sparingly (once a day max) if I'm having a ton of spasms.. and I've lowered my Tylenol dosage from 4000 grams a day to 2000geams a day and my ibuprofen from 2400g to 1800 g a day. It does get better everyday and already I'm feeling hopeful. I can walk much better not without completely waddling.. and plan on going up and down the stairs at least once today. 

I am experiencing anal leakage.. but I have been religiously wearing pads and hopefully that will go away. Please feel free to ask any questions and I'll answer to my best ability. I hope this gives hope to people and I'll continue to update as I go. 

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29 Replies

  • Posted

    Gosh that's terrible. I also had to have an emergency haemorrhoidectomy 3 weeks after a planned caesar so I can truly empathise with having a newborn and dealing with this AWFUL  AWFUL OPERATION!!! 

    Keep updating us 

    Hope we heal soon xxx

    • Posted

      Thank you!!! Quick question.. were you able to pick up your newborn after your surgery? They said no heavy lifting but I'm getting mixed rules on what qualifies as 'heavy' ... I would love to be able to take care of my baby again but don't want to exacerbate the current situation... any help is appreciated!! Thank you!!

    • Posted

      Yes you can most definitely pick up ur newborn 

      Heavy lifting is classified as 5kgs and above 

      So for instance I didn't pick up my toddler during this time. I had a Caesar too so couldn't anyway 

      How horrid is this op ?!? 

      It's rough when u have a newborn 

      Are you breast feeding? 

    • Posted

      Apply some rectogesic ointment too. It'll speed up the healing

      It's called  rectogesic here in Australia , it maybe called something else where you are? 

    • Posted

      I've been pumping and dumping since the op.. yes having had this and childbirth in the same week.. I can honestly say I'd rather give birth 1000 more times than have this operation again.. having said that.. I'm hoping this cures it and changes my quality of life... and I will say recovery has been better than I expected.. although still horrid. I cut off all painkillers several days ago and am 24 hours without ibuprofen and Tylenol so I'm starting to breastfeed again today hopefully 

    • Posted

      Oh no why pumping and dumping??  

      As long as you take the meds straight after you feed they will be out of your system by the time you feed again.  

      I have been feeding as per normal.  I just try and not feed for 2 hours once I put the rectogesic cream on 

      My recovery as awful. Still is.  Even tho I'm 8 weeks post op I'm in a bit of pain when I go to the loo

      2 wounds haven't healed apparently explaining the pain

      I'm glad ur recovery has been better   Hope it continues xxxx

    • Posted

      If I was taking low doses I would just feed.. but I've been taking the maximum dose for all meds.. and I was drugged up when the doctors gave me the instructions.. so I can't remember what I was supposed to do and they won't call me back! Haha. 

      8 weeks post op!!!! I hope you heal soon!!!! That is insane. I am praying that we recover asap.. 

      I definitely feel a ton of pain every BM.. and then I'm usually sore for the next several hours.. hoping this ends soon.. 

  • Posted

    hi Niles, I am 30 years old too first time mom, gave birth to a baby girl this year in June.. I never had any problems with hemorrhoids, although my dad and one of my sister have had suffered from this merciless disease since quite a long time. I am quite depress to go through this problem after having my baby through natural vaginal delivery and no epidural. my baby came out in just four pushes plus I had no tears and no epistiomy. but just about after 5 days post delivery I had these monsters coming out of my anus.

    I am having my hemorrhoidectomiy next week that's about in 4 days.. I can't express how much dreadful and worried I am. I didn't know pregnancy wasnt enough to deal with .. and then having these hemorrhoids are like killing my day to day life .. it's been five months since I gave birth and I haven't enjoyed being a mother as my concentration is always divided into my bottom and my baby's need. I cry coz had so many plans and I haven't been able to accomplish even one.

    and now I have to go through one of the most sensitive surgery. my hopes are too low..

    doctor said I had internal and external hemorrhoids and it will take 6 to 8 weeks to recover. there are a few things he asked me to do post surgery.

    1. clear liquid diet two days post operation.

    2. low fibre diet for 2 weeks and increasing the fibre in third week.

    3. he strictly said no seeds or insoluble fiber until I heal completely... specifically corn and green veggies stalks.

    4. he asked me to puree every thing I eat and can have rice congee.

    5. gave me stool softeners

    6. pain killers and a numbing gel and antiseptic lotion.

    7. antibiotics ( I am not happy to take it, but I dread to have an infection )

    8. the nurse will give me enema one hour prior to operation to clear my bowels.


    1. did ur doctor gave you antibiotics?

    2. wot was the method of ur hemorroidectomy, I am having harmonic scalpel hemorrhoideactomy under general anesthesia.

    3. most important how do u feel so far?

    4. is there anything you think I should know ?

    5. can we stay in touch via email. I would really appreciate to have someone talk to me during my recovery as no one really understands wot I am going thru.

    ( my eldest sister told me i am over reacting and not having a heart transplant. it made me feel like I shud not speak to anyone)

    and I want to congratulate you for becoming a mother and still striving to breast feed your baby. u must be really brave! and empathize to all those whose gone thru dealing with hemorrhoids all thru their lives including my dad and my sister and only 5 months of me dealing with it made me so depressed. I hope and pray we can get our normal lives back soon. I.a.

    eagerly waiting for your response.

    • Posted

      Hi haj

      I had this op 3 weeks after a planned caesar to deliver my son

      So I empathise with you. 

      My recovery hasn’t been easy  I have to go back on the 4th dec to have my wound scraped out so it heals properly

      Recovery does take a long while 6 weeks sounds abt right, but you will hopefully heal little by little daily.     Just make sure ur keeping your stool soft 

      If you need any support please let me know 

      Try and get “rectogesic” ointment or ask ur dr abt GTN ointment.  It certainly speeds up the recovery as it draws blood flow to the area healing the wounds quicker

      Take care  xx

    • Posted

      Also to answer ur question as well as niles..

      I did get antibiotics (metronidazole). It helps with pain but also prevents infection.   I think they do it for everybody! 

      Re-method. I had mine knifed out/ excisioned   Didn’t have laser or anything.

      Fun! Not! 

    • Posted

      hi sez,

      thanks a ton for responding .... and alot of good wishes for you and ur family especially the new member, sending lots of love to the new bee.

      I really wish you recover soon.. I also have been given metronidazole and one more antibiotic. dunt remember the name.. I really wud like someone to stay in touch with me during my recovery as it's really hard to explain to people who aren't going thru this disease

      I will get rectogesic ... will ask the doc ....

      thanks a tone

    • Posted

      also I wanted to add. I am planning to take ashwagandha ~ it's a herb, 250mg regularly to deal with stress of surgery. and turmeric powder few pinches in lemon water for healing the wounds..

      coz I haven't got my periods on the expected date I shall be postponing the surgery, as I dunt want to deal with more bloody mess.

      before getting into this surgery I tried to get as much information as I could. met three doctors for their opinion on the most effective method. guess wot traditional hemorroidectomy is still considered the best surgery for hemorrhoids and laser is not preferred by surgeons and used rarely. as one of the doctor said laser does the same thing as a conventional scalpel just that it cuts with heat energy. post operation is just about the same.

      I opted for harmonic scalpel just to avoid stitches... I just hate stitches ...but again post operation pain and complication are the same as the doctor explained me the different procedures ... so I guess no method is fun... no escape from pain...

      anyways I can just hope we all heal soon. I am about to witness the worst pain of my life and I hope it's the last time I see operation theater.

      thanks again for responding! take care, you guys are in my prayers.

    • Posted

      Yeah he dr is right there isn’t much difference in post op recovery between laser and scalpel type of surgery

      It will be good to just do it and recover ASAP

      As long as ur keeping the area clean and dry you should heal 

      To keep it dry by the way my dr said to put some gauze or cotton ball sandwiched between the cheeks to collect all the drainage and change the cotton or gauze often during the day 

      I agree with turmeric as it’s very healing.  I haven’t heard of the other herb you mentioned. Are you of Indian descent out of curiosity? 

      Keep posted on your journey and recovery.  I’m here for support 🙂

    • Posted

      hi sez,

      best of luck for ur coming appointment, I pray it's your last visit and u never have to see ur doc again. I.a

      my husband is Indian and he introduced me this herb for post natal recovery period. mostly very commonly used to deal with daily stress and anxiety in India. you can read about it on internet ... it's an adaptogen herb and I mainly use it for my anxiety issues..

      I am from Pakistan but live in Hong Kong with my husband and my new little one... far far away from my family ... sad. even though my husband is quite supportive but trust me I feel nuthing helps with these boggers hanging from one's bottom hole. and it effected me so bad that me and my husband decided not to have anymore children, as mothers health is so important and I can't agree enough...

      my doctor also gave me gauze and antiseptic to keep the wound dry and need to change as per need.

      my surgery is delayed already waiting for my periods and hope I come back more positive every time.. so far I am very low... and hopeless.

      you take care and thank you for responding .. I hope ur feeling better everyday ..

    • Posted

      hi sez,

      today is 4th December I hope and pray ur appointment with the doc goes well.. and u heal completely.. I.a

    • Posted

      hi all

      operation done ... might give a weekly update if possible ...

    • Posted


      Was thinking of u on the 9th

      How r u healing?? 


    • Posted

      hi sez,

      how was ur appointment .. I hope ur not in pain ...

      it's just day 1 after surgery ... yesterday after surgery I had alot of pressure down there but no pain most probably coz of local anesthesia they inject down there. I slept almost pain free.. even though I had no pain I still took panadol extend and antibiotics first doze.

      as I am writing here it's my first day after surgery and I still so far have no pain but on and off pressure .. but I have read in different forums pains mostly kick in the third day or when u have ur first bowel movements. so I am mentally prepared wotsoever.

      .before surgery the doctor gave me fleet enema to clear my bowels.. and am on liquid diet .. coconut water , electrolyte water, , home made clear juice made of cucumber, bitter gourd, celery, carrot and cranberry.

      I am going to start my day with lemon honey and turmeric drink.

      a person I know who's friend had a colon removed suggested to curb hunger by SMOOTH peanut butter ... I guess that helps, I tried a day before my surgery with all the liquid diet... and peanut butter as soon as I wanted to eat something and it helps instantly ..

      my doctor strictly said no insoluble fiber in diet and follow low residue diet which mostly consists of soluble fiber and NO Spice, ginger, oats and no skin of fruits and vegetables. 8 glasses of water a MUST.

      soluble fiber he gave example of a cucumber , winter melon , zucchini no skin.

      I hope we all heal completely and sooner ... we have babies

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