Emotional symptoms of peri
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hello ladies... I have been a mess for about a year now with all kinds of peri symptoms. but lately I feel so guilty about things that I normally would not, also over analyze everything and blame myself for almost everything I am going through. I feel I'm not a good wife, not good mother to my children since I have been hit by peri hell, all the anxiety, headaches and so on. I cry about smallest things, I just feel so helpless. I have a supportive spouse and children who are too young to know what I'm going thru yet very good towards me despite my anger bursts. Is this part of peri ??? anyone else feel this way?
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is there any light at the end of this long dark tunnel?
sunaina1983 ampat1
Dear we r in same boat...ur not alone.....hoping we will cross this dark horrible tunnel soon..waoting for better days....Good Luck
unico31026 ampat1
I definately feel the same way !
christina81747 ampat1
I feel same way as you i feel guilty about little things the last two days i have been on the anxiety emotional coaster but i hold it all incause wither im working ir kids home ughh it makes menfeel crazy! It is perimenopause! maybi ask your age? IM 49 just had recent blood work done and def in peri lucky me!!! I Will day anxiety is the worst! I Spent yesterday all day and night anxious over taking my 6 yr old to dentist today cause he hasnt been there in a year! I woke up this morning anxious of course and been this way all day stuck in the cycle of whats wrong with me!!!
ampat1 christina81747
I'm 39, two young kids, 7 and 4. omg I also felt anxious when I had to take them to dentist about a month ago for next year school requirements. I spent most of my weekend with anxiety and headaches. I too hold it in, try not to show my symptoms in front of my kids but it gets overwhelming and I just burst out crying in the bathroom.
christina81747 ampat1
Can i be 39 again! lol!!! At that age i had no symptoms!! SORRY you have to go through this now!! Were do you live? They say it will pass but it doesnt feel like it sometimes!!!Keep in touch
ampat1 christina81747
I'm from Chicago. the weather here doesn't help much either lol...
nancys21 ampat1
Are we twins?! You basically described the way I've felt for at least a year. I'm 2 years post. Peri was absolute hell for 7 years. Since finding this forum and you wonderful woman here, I better understand what's happening. I still feel crappy most days, but better. The guilt is overwhelming sometimes. I'm not the person I used to be. You're not alone. My son is graduating this year. He thinks I blame everything on menopause. Praying that this gets better some day. Hugs!
ampat1 nancys21
peri can definitely create a havoc in one's life and change them. it's hard to explain to people who are not living through this hell on a daily basis. hugs to you dear, let's hope and pray we see the light at the end of this tunnel SOON.
nanc00951 ampat1
I feel many of these same emotions. First off I may be much older as I have much older children (at 23 and 21) I am 56, unfortunately spotted a few months back after not having a period for months on end.
I will say the anxiety is the worst of the symptoms (and I had the majority of symptoms of peri)
I also think everyone is against me, take everything personally, worry about everything.
I always feel like something bad is going to happen, so I spend the day just waiting for it.
I will say that I am seeing a therapist, it does help when I am talking to her. I also read (or listened to) a couple of good books. Because some of these things I am experiencing I have always had, but have been heightened by perimenopause. Such as the worry and taking everything so personal.
My GYN, when I went for my yearly, suggested HRT or an antideppressant. I have decided against both. My primary did prescibe the antidepressant but as of now I haven't begun either.
So, yes I believe these symptoms are hormonal. Oh, and many days I wake up and want to cry, as soon as I open my eyes. I will say, some days are worse than others. Once in awhile, (if this helps at all) , I will have a day that actually isn't horrible. And, I have been on this forum on some of my worst days, with all the nice woman being kind and giving encouragement.
sunaina1983 ampat1
Ur not alone my dear
Along with sooo many physical symtomes i am having this emotional symtoms too
I feel like crying without any reason..want to be in room alone and cry for hrs...start thinking about my life..start q myself y i did this y not that in past..i feel depressed.. ...i myself donot understand reason for that but then i thought it might be peri effect.
i become very frustrated in small things...in small issues which earlier i just ignore i start arguing with my hubby and then start crying....just small issue which donot have much importance in life...it become every eve story when he came back from office and full night i cannot sleep and in morning i always regret what i am doing..y i am behaving like this...........i feel something has happen to me..i change compl earlier i was fun loving jollyful girl and now what happen to me ..i become introvert..
me too 39 year old..suffering from peri last year .
my life compl change ..i left my job because of dizziness and off balance issues..donot feel like going anywhere..donot want to meet friends..they all r enjoying life doing parties and mee ....
anyways its phase of life and will pass
Tought phase of life ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
HANG IS THERE i remind myself everyday