Empty Head & Bad Achy Legs

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Hi all - I have posted on this forum way more than i would like to admit - i think i have had every menopause symptom imaginable - i am 7 years post, but really only started experiencing the most symptoms in the last 3 years - i have had the "brain fog" or "meno brain" where its hard to concentrate, & you feel like your head is filled with cotton - but today i woke up after a long night of tingling, burning body parts & electric zapping to a head that feels empty & i almost felt like i wasnt getting signals from my brain & on top of that my body aches (especially my legs) are so achy - i feel like i dont have an ounce of oil or hormone left in me to function - i look @ other woman my age & they all have so much life left in them -what is the solution? i am just worried that this is something more sinister even though i have had every test outside of a lobotomy - so over this -

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  • Posted

    hello, i am 4 years post menopause, and the symptoms just seem to be added to every day. i got brain zap pains in july, and then had every day headache. its wearing off, fingers crossed. Though i am awaiting s neurology appointment, had lumber puncture, ct scan etc etc. my mimd feels like it is awol.and i cant seem to remember things, i feel i cant trust it anymore. i find the anxiety makes everything worse. I also look at other women my age, and think I look and feel absolutely crap in comparision. I dont know if its because they are on hrt, i cant take it. We have to somehow carry on and try to be kind and forgiving to ourselves.

    • Posted

      i am right with u ladies i been going through this bad for a year now. at first i was literally bed ridden. i went to running around always busy to feeling like im dying everyday. had every test ..i even tried having a few drinks only to feel 1000x worse when my little buzz wore off.now at this moment its 237 am im still up with electric feelings in my head feeling like im not breathing anxiety...im jyst not me ..i at first was veey sad cause noone should have to feel this bad everyday..now im just angry..my partner suffers cause at times i snap and get angry or im just feeling too bad to go anywhere. any solutions would help..hugs to all women going through this. its hell.

    • Posted

      hi Claire - i am a pretty tough cookie, never in my wildest dreams did i think this was going to happen to me, physically, mentally & emotionally - its really sucked the life out of me - i just pray everyday -

    • Posted

      hi jaynie - i have been with my husband for 40 years, he has only ever known me to be the work horse that gets everything done...at first he was understanding when i didnt feel up to doing anything or cleaning anything, now he is just plain losing his temper about it - he told me to get a motor scooter the other day because he said you walk like you are 100 - its really horrible what has happened to me on every level - & nobody understands it!!! its really feels like i am going nuts -

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