Empty nest
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Dear women,
Im so sorry to bother you with this. You probably got tougher things on your plates right now. But... I'm lying in bed right now, crying my eyes out. My son just told me he'll move to England. I mean, he's my prince, my baby, my youngest child. I want him to follow his dreams. But I'm sooo sad. Been in horrible peri since about7 years now, dizziness and migraines killing me since eons it feels. And now this shock for me! I have no clue how to handle this pain. Am so fragile emotionally these last years. Am 48. I directed all my effords towards being as good a mother as I possibly could since I had a non existent one myself. And now I have to let go... I don't know how I survived these last years of horror peri. Now I got one more sorrow on top of it all! Life can be cruel. Sorry, needed to share this. Thanks for reading.
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nanc00951 Vodlsabine
You are so not s bother. I am older 56, but can relateI have empty nest along with the other horrible symptoms of peri
I wake up and cry pretty much every day
I have terrible anxiety as well
I just posted yesterday , and many nice responses, to the terrible day I had
I can relate as all I know is to be a mother
Its very hard
christine-Perim Vodlsabine
my 2 sons just moved out last week. i have thrown myself into redoing their rooms. I ripped up carpet and painted. my body hurts and my hand are aching but its a great distraction.
find something to distract your mind and your heart. exercise, decorating, gardening, new hair style, new clothes, book club anything to focus on.
hang in there. congratulations on your new stage in YOUR life.
notsure47790 Vodlsabine
I am so so sorry. This is so tough. All I can tell is that eventually it will start feeling a bit better especially knowing he is following his dream. I wish I had something better to say. I am feeling depressed only thinking about my kids leaving home so I can imagine how you are feeling.
Although it feels so painful now- you have obviously done an amazing job and your kids are independent and brave. I hope it all works out so that you see each other very often. wishing you strength. sending hugs!
tam34579 Vodlsabine
Vodlsabine , Same for me and I'm practically dying ! I'm so thankful to see a post like this . I have felt so alone plus I suffer from ms and an anxiety problem where I have problems doing things out and going places alone. But what you said goes right along with all we are going through. The time of life when our babies leave and our ovaries start to go . Yes it is cruel yet in a way fitting in nature. As we have raised our children and reproduced when our bodies were at their peaks and now when they grow up our body's near that time start to transition into a new phase. it's not the end look at all the other ladies that have obviously been through this. It sure feels like it though . I read somewhere here where a lady said this is our special time now once we transition into menopause and in going through peri to finally take some time to listen to our bodies and nurture them. I am lost I feel it will be nearly if not my end when my youngest leaves . Her sister moved out less than a year ago after graduating from nursing school and now they have mentioned maybe her sister moving in with her after she graduates next month. I have regressed as I did more with them on the daily and did more for them supporting them in many ways . My kids were my investment my life and all I have known since I was 19. I am 47 now. My husband and I aren't really that close although we are together alot we dont really have things in common . The older he gets he seems to revert more into his past adolescent years in acting like a boy who hasn't a clue about being serious about his or our future. No planning no bettering his self and he constantly has his mind on race cars or politics . This in turn makes me even more insecure. My children were my job my gifts my life. . I was blessed with them so I tried to instill the best of everything I knew in them to help them later in life . You empower them and then when it comes to them becoming this strong independent person spreading their wings to fly , we are heart broken, despaired and lost. Life is so tough but you will get through . I guess I will too. We just can't see it now. Concentrate more on you and the things that make you feel good. If only for a few minutes. You will be ok. Please keep us posted on how you are and what you are doing to get through this rough time. I would love to know . I also need all the ideas I can get. Bless you . sorry this was so long i could just really relate .
Vodlsabine tam34579
Hello tam,
Thank you so much for your time and thoughtful answer. Yes, last night I was devastated. My children are a true blessing. Luckily I have chosen a very good boyfriend about8 years ago. We are, luckily, very alike and he's my best friend. My ex also discovered his young boy inside and chose a woman about 12 years younger than me. He then had a new baby with her (although he didn't want more children). They had it very hard raising that new baby, since none of them knew how to raise kids. Smile! I've raised mine very well and always loved doing that. My little baby, he's 24, is leaving me. That's the fact. I'll have to dig more into my job. Also just got done with another school and will build up my business. Tiny business on the side, since I love my first and main job. I'm a registered geriatric nurse and just did school for Psychotherapie. Maybe I'll just tend to a small number of patients. And yes, maybe I'll finally be able to tackle my household... Declutter my bedroom. Hugs for you, tam
Gigi368 Vodlsabine
I was a very young mom, had my daughter at 18. She moved out soon after graduation, I was 36. My son moved out 7 yrs ago at age 23. I was 44. I was lost! I went from non stop kids in my house to none in a short time frame. I missed them terribly and still do sometimes, but with the onset of menopause I'm glad they're not here lol. I'm too cranky to deal with chaos. I now have 3 grandkids, 12, 7 and 5. When I feel the need to have my nerves trampled on I grab them for the weekend 😂
It does get easier, just have to do what the other ladies suggested, keep busy and finally take time to focus on you. You did your job and should be proud you raised a wonderful child/children!