End of perimenopause
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Does anybody know if there is anyway of knowing when perimenopause is close to the end, and menopause is getting closer? I know that absent periods for a year means one has entered menopause but I ask because my periods are light, and my mental symptoms have worsened over the past yr. I'm wondering if this may mean I'm getting closer to the end of this nightmare
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bri1206 colleen90305
Hi, Colleen-
I certainly am no expert but am now 2 weeks away from that "official" year w/o a period and understand what you are saying. My periods became increasingly lighter in 2015 while my mental symptoms became increasingly worse. :-(
I am now having all those hot flashes, night sweats/chills, insomnia, and joint pain. Quite frankly, it has been terrible. Ironically, I just had a doctor's appt yesterday about all of this and may try low dose of estrogen for a bit. She said HRT has had a bad rap and obviously isn't for everyone, but for me it could be helpful to get me through this transitional period (I didn't want to know right now her estimation of how long that would be so I didn't ask).
It has helped me to educate myself about menopause as well as seek support. This recent website discovery has been very validating so I don't freak out that I am losing it.
Best wishes to you!
colleen90305 bri1206
Hi BRI, thank you for your reply. Let's just say things are getting much worse and hope my periods stop soon. I'm hopeless thinking I still have to go through hell during the 12 months of missed periods. When does this all end? Peri is bad, but read these symptoms still linger when women are at your stage and even after! Tired of living this way. I also don't understand why some women are put on estrogen, some on progesterone. Im supposed to start progesterone next week but I also read that it doesn't help! I'm so frustrated with all of this.
jennifer01077 colleen90305
Hi Colleen, I think the reason some women are on estrogen while some are on progesterone is that the balance between the two hormones varies from woman to woman. It's probably impossible to really gauge those hormones, so I think trying this and that and going with what works is a good way to go. I use progesterone because I am heavily estrogen dominant, and it really works well for me. I hope it does for you too. I have also been taking Rhodiola, which you can Google, and I sleep much better now.
colleen90305 jennifer01077
mary27278 colleen90305
alison28608 colleen90305
colleen90305 alison28608
No kidding? Everyone is so different. If I have to live like this in menopause and post, I'm jumping!!! Hope you find relief💙
alison28608 colleen90305
bri1206 colleen90305
I do understand. Quite frankly I thought everything was ok and I was good to go until the past 6 months. The hard thing is that we are each so different. I have many friends who are relatively okay thru peri and menopause, others in between and others not so great. Maybe peri will be awful for you and menopause good! :-)
For me, the estrogen is being considered because of my sudden and severe joint pain that could be from a drop in estrogen levels. I am not gung-ho on HRT but trying to take things one at a time and keep an open mind. It is so hard when one is so miserable, I know. And to think how happy I was to be close to no more periods. :-/
I wish we could all fast forward thru this hell.
jennifer01077 bri1206
bri1206 jennifer01077
Deborah5051 colleen90305
Lisamarie1971 colleen90305
maria76995 colleen90305
Hi Coleen, I'm like you wondering too what happens when periods finish..I'm also few weeks away and my periods end..and can't just hope to feel better on the other side,but I guess it's different strokes for different strokes and how we all approach is another worry but we just have to wait and see..I went through to much frightening stuff in peri and would like to see some light at the end , better sleep, No racing heart, less hot flashes, No aniexty, better moods just the more of me less of the crap until it all goes, wait and see I hope for the best 2018 Hugs xxxx
maria76995 colleen90305
Hi, Colleen yes I'm at the end of peri and God know what a waits me..I have been sail through this quietly at all Anixety panic attacks and bit of the list goes on..you reach the end and you still I here go through more crap, 8 years for me and more again,to much I praying and praying that I get better next year and that goes for everyone else..I just don't know no more.