Endless Bleeding - very concerned about it
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Hi I'm nearly 48 and after not having a period for 84 days I've been bleeding for the last 6 weeks.
It started quite light but then for two weeks it was very very heavy with flooding and clots and was just soaking through pads and tampons. It then reduced to 'normal' period heaviness but when I was still bleeding after 3 weeks I saw GP.
She gave me some progesterone to help stop the bleeding but then it became significantly lighter so I didn't take it. Dr also referred me for a scan (i'm still waiting for the appointment to come through.)
I then had lighter bleeding and some days dark brown discharge. But last night very heavy bleeding started again.
Very sadly my lovely husband has life limiting cancer and I am quite anxious generally at the moment - but ive also got scared that there is something serious wrong with me (and the impact on our children.)
Sorry this is so long but would love to hear from people with any similar experience.
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littleme1969 sallyyyy
hardev24538 sallyyyy
Sooty to hear of ur stress and having 2 vote with all this .. I had heavy bleeding for 35 days non stop .. flooding and big clots .. my blood count (HB) was 62 .. I had all the investigations .. trans vaginal scan showed a small fibriod.. I want 2 a Homopathic who gave me natural remedy which worked .. don't worry it's normal
maria76995 hardev24538
Hi yes I had the same small fibroid but had it out couple years ago I'm not having periods anymore so I guess nothing to feed on because that's what happens periods feed them and the longer they stay with you the bigger they become so I was glad that mine was caught in time
Thank you for taking the time reply - it's good to know that this is quite a common thing.
tina00239 sallyyyy
Hi Sally. Firstly may I say how sorry I am to hear about what you are going through with your husband. The stress you are under is most definitely making your symptoms worse. It does that because it makes your body over produce other hormones which just makes meno worse. I had a very similar bleeding pattern to you for most of last year. Then when my mum passed away in October, the real fun and games started. The pills I had been given by my gynae to surpress the bleeding suddenly stopped working. I began bleeding very heavily using a super plus tampon every 45 mins and extra thick pads which I soaked through aswell. I used up to 2 packs of pads per day on top of the large economy pack of Tampax super plus! I was severely anaemic so my dr took bloods to check what was going on. Nothing showed up except the anaemia. Then at end of December I began getting allsorts of symptoms. My dr came to see me at home, I was so bad that I couldnt go out. He took one look at me and took full bloods again. My ovaries had crashed along with my hormones. I was a complete mess. My dr put me straight on hrt and told me to get high strength meno vitamin supplements aswell. He gave me diazepam for anxiety and after 3 months I've improved alot. Changing to hrt patches and dr going to send me to endo who can give me BHRT. So alot of this process is trial and error as to how bad you are, what suits you and what doesnt. But one thing I can be sure of is this forum and all the ladies on it wherever they are in the world are all there for everyone and we all support, care and share with eachother to make this process a little easier. I hope you find something that can help you through this as you have enough s**t on your plate already hun. Lots of love and big hugs to you at this really crap time. XXX
sallyyyy tina00239
I'm really sorry about your mum Tina x
tina00239 sallyyyy
maria76995 sallyyyy
Hi sallyyyyy, that happens I was clotting overly bleeding got through 2 packs of pads a I a day I think it's normal periods get erratic at this time of life they go mad..I got up one morning and I bleed right through to my bathroom dripping away my poor carpet but with time it slows down and you will find that they will lighten up and get less and less till they tailor off and stop..you could also check if you have any fibroids to they can also cause heavy bleeding ok..but you will be fine..I'm now 15 months with out periods and having a hard time with the Anxiety bit but what can I do I need sleep at night bad
Hello everyone - after 7 weeks of continuous bleeding (some of it flooding and clots,some of it lighter) I started the norethisterone tablets my gp gave me yesterday.
? My scan is just over a week away and I'm trying not to panic. (I'm worried that something sinister is going on - I think partly because of the high anxiety re my husband.) x
tina00239 sallyyyy
Hi Sally, I have taken norethisterone happily for a number of times ease heavy clotty bleeding. I'm sure your symptoms will improve with it and as someone who is hypersensitive to drugs I never had any problems with it. You definitely need something for your anxiety. The nore may help that as its progesterone ask the dr for something for the anxiety. Try to avoid SSRIs as they are not only addictive but have some nasty side effects like making you worse before you feel better and can give horrid side effects due to long term use. Try and get something well tested and tolerated. Also try not to use it all the time to avoid either physical or psychological addiction. Hope this helps! XXX