Endometrial biopsy ... should I be worried?
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I continue to spot after 14 months on HRT. An ultrasound found several small fibroids in my uterus — none positioned in a way to cause bleeding — and a normal/desirable thickness (3 mm) on my endometrium. So I've just learned they want to do a biopsy. I know this is just a diagnostic tool and that it could be something other than cancer. But I'm worried. Hoping to find that it's just atrophy or even a polyp — though I realize a polyp would likely need to be removed. Anyone out there with a similar experience?
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becky221 DianeH
I've never been on hrt so I can't give any advice there but 3mm is good so I think they're just being cautious. I was worried because I had a period after menopause so my doctor did a biopsy. But she wasn't worried at all because my lining was 3mm and another time it was less than that. As far as the biopsy goes, just take some pain reliever about 30 minutes before. It really doesn't hurt. Not much more than a pap smear and is done pretty quickly. You will most likely bleed afterwards for a few days. Seems to me that spotting isn't all that uncommon with hrt but maybe someone else can help you with that.
DianeH becky221
becky221 DianeH
You're welcome! And also, the chance of having uterine cancer when your lining is less than 5mm is almost zero. I read that in several places and my doctor told me that too.
gwen04451 becky221
I had a scan when I had a bleed 12 months after the last one - I'm 56. They found the womb lining was 6mm so did a biopsy.as standard practice here in Wales. Results show "Simple Hyperplasia" so they have put me on a 3 month couse of pregesterone and will repeat biopsy in Sept. I take comfort in the fact that they are looking after me very well.
TopsyUK DianeH
Hi Diane
I'm not on HRT but I do have mid cycle spotting and, like you, I also have fibroids that aren't the bleeding type. Doctor did a biopsy to rule out anything sinister and I'm so relieved I had it done. Got the result yesterday which was normal and all OK so while we don't know why it's happening I needn't have any nagging doubt and will put it down to hormones.
Are you only spotting since you started HRT and therefore connected to what you are taking?
Hope it goes OK. As Becky says, take pain relief before you go but to be honest it wasn't that bad and I'm a complete wuss with things like that. Try not to worry, xx
DianeH TopsyUK
I'm not sure if I spotted before HRT. I stayed on BCP until age
52 then fell headlong into menopause when I stopped it. I lasted
about 6 months before starting HRT. I guess it could be HRT, but
we have to rule out other causes. Must be patient and positive in
the meantime, I suppose. Thanks for your reply!
maria101 DianeH
wannaanswer DianeH
Hi, I have been on HRT for the same amount of time and had a smear which showed adnomalities, then next smear showed okay. Last week had some spotting and saw another person for an ultrasound and they confirmed thickening of the wall of the worm (or whatever - sorry not good at woman's stuff). I am waiting to go into hospital on a TWR (two week referrel) for further investigation. I will let you know the outcome.
Thanks to everyone for your responses. The biopsy is set for (next week) July 6, and the doc says the likely cause of my spotting is atrophy. Since the ultrasound showed a good thick/thinness of just 3mm on my endometrium, I'm going to remain positive, take some advil before the procedure and hope I don't cramp too much. I will you all know the outcome.
Just a quick updasge to say I survived the biopsy today. It was unpleasant but not too bad. Considering the horrible mensrual cramps I had in my youth, I guess I was more than prepared for this discomfort. I'll post again after I get results, but doctor thinks the spottng is likely due to atrophy.
TopsyUK DianeH
Good news, Diane, and I bet you're relieved and glad you had it done - I know I was. Could easily have talked myself out of it, especially after reading negative experiences but, as you said, its not too bad and the relief at getting a good result is huge.
Well done - happy days :-)
becky221 DianeH
Great news! I thought that's what it would be since your symptoms were so much like mine. But isn't it nice to have that behind you?!