Endometrial cancer - what were your symptoms?

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Women with endometrial cancer have a variety of symptoms that differ between individual women, and, after diagnosis, many women wish they had acted earlier on something they thought was irrelevant.

If you have been diagnosed with endometrial cancer, please feel free to contribute your symptoms to this discussion, so that others reading this might get an earlier diagnosis.

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    Last January I had an odd almost black discharge, there was no pain or anything, I honestly thought it was a one off, but 2 months later I had a bright red bleed and got a biopsy done. I am 59 and 10 years past menopause. The diagnoses is FIGO Stage 1 cancer, I am having surgery on Thursday. In retrospect I have had  odd cramping over the last few years, usually in the middle of the night, and some vague soreness on my right side, I now think that this is related, but it was so occasional that I didn't pay much attention.
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      Welcome to this forum Sue, sorry to hear about your diagnosis, I was almost 14 years post menopause when I was diagnosed, symptoms a bit further up the page, mine was stage 1A.

      Good luck on Thursday.


  • Posted

    Hello. My sister was diagnosed with endometrial cancer stage 1a last week. She is undergoing hysterectomy/cervix/ovaries on Saturday. So please keep her in your thoughts. 

    I am now worried for myself. I had an endometrial hydro-ablation about 6 years ago due to v v heavy bleeding (I am 57) - this stopped the bleeding,which is great. However around a year later I had 'period' taupe pains which were really bad - locus GP visited and said it was probably constipation. I told him it felt womb related but he said not!  Later that day I had a massive bleed of black and bright red blood. Rushed in to hospital - all was well, they said a 'pocket' had formed and it was old blood. Everything fine since then until....... Have recently noticed a green/yellow discharge - no smell. I have also got a slight pink/bloody mucus which is not appearing on knickers and I only noticed after using an estradiol pessary  - for is prescribed for vaginal dryness etc - but blood is there if I place a finger in vagina. I will make an appointment to see GP. 

    I am glad to have found this group ! 

    • Posted

      Hi Hilary, Did you ever find out what was causing the green discharge without smell? I have just had a Pap smear, STI & HPV testing (common in US gym care). Everything came back negative. I have had a lime-green discharge for 4 months & can't figure out what it could be, nor can my gynecologist. Please let me know if you still have that or whether it has been diagnosed. I wish you (and all women) well & hope your health challenges have been resolved. Thank you!

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      Donna, Any new info on that green discharge? I have the same - about once every 2 weeks to a month. Also no odor and all STD tests negative. I'm 56 and postmenopausal 1 year. Not finding any answers for this.

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      Were your tubes tied before your ablation by any chance?? I suffer intense pain for 3-6 days at a time, mass mucus 'drops' mixed with mild and pain in my spinal cord that will keep me immobil for a day or two as well (I already have severe spinal issues so I assume the pressure and/ or swelling may aggrivate the spine). After years of this going from mild to debilitaing I found that it may be:

      Post-ablation-tubal sterilization syndrome.

      Townsend DE1, McCausland V, McCausland A, Fields G, Kauffman K.

      Author information



      To determine the cause of unilateral or bilateral pelvic pain associated with vaginal spotting in women who had previously undergone tubal ligation followed by roller-ball endometrial ablation.


      Women who had undergone previous tubal sterilization followed by rollerball endometrial ablation were evaluated laparoscopically and hysteroscopically when they presented with a symptom complex of intermittent vaginal bleeding associated with severe cramping pain in the lower abdomen.


      During a 1.5-year observation period, six women with the symptom complex had laparoscopy and hysteroscopy. In all cases, marked endometrial scarring was noted. In every case, the proximal portions of either one or both fallopian tubes were swollen, and two cases had the appearance of an early ectopic pregnancy. In the remaining cases, the fallopian tubes were rubbery and swollen to as much as twice normal size. Symptoms in five of six patients subsided after laparoscopic removal of the oviduct.


      It appears that women who have had a tubal sterilization followed by endometrial ablation are at risk of developing an ectopic-like symptom complex. Salpingectomy appears to be effective in relieving symptoms. Whether this represents a new syndrome or just an unusual association between tubal sterilization and endometrial ablation remains to be seen.

      Due to healthcare coverage issues and transportation issues I have yet to see a Gyno on the topic but as I sit here on day 4 of this agony and I type this I ponder whether this is something more or just this syndrome... I just wanted t give you the info in case you spend a lot of time pondering as well... 

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      Me too I have green discharge a week before my period and sometimes two weeks. I have been going through this for four years. I had all the discharge tested and all came back negative. After doing my own research it's bacteria that forms from eating to much sugar, like candida but in the vagina. Only it's not a yeast infection and your body can fight it off but usually returns if your not in good health.

  • Posted

    I just got told two weeks ago that I have malignant polyps in my uterus. I had irregular bleeding for about three weeks while being on the depo shot for almost 9 years. The Dr had me take a pregnancy test just to make sure I wasn't. I then went for an internal sono then was called the next morning to come in for a biopsy. The Dr also hasn't told me exact stage or anything yet. I'm also only 27 years old. If anyone has any advice I'd greatly appreciate it. I meet with my ob/gyn tomorrow afternoon definitely hoping for some good news.
    • Posted

      Hi cassy, staging of cancer can only be confirmed after hysterectomy. I am waiting for mine now. I had total abdominal hysterectomy last week and preserved my ovaries. At your young age, do check with Doctor whether preserving ovaries is possible rather than having you going though menopause. Take care and be strong
    • Posted

      Hi Sue

      I was diagnosed with Endometriosis 3 years ago and had the laparoscopy ablation done.

      This past year has been horrendous, more pain, bleeding and now my bladder seems to be involved as I have the sensation of needing to urinate all the time! I went in for biopsy in June, benign polyps found. Surgery scheduled again for laparoscopy and D&C. I'm terrified that some of the polyps could be cancerous. My mom died of Uterine cancer mid 40s. I'm 34.

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    Hello I'm a 22 years old and have irregular periods, I have a polyp on my womb lining and was sent to a specialist, she said because of my age she wouldn't need to do a biopsy but now I'm worried , I had a cbc and everything was within normal, I have a lot of watery discharge and fatigue, feeling sick

    Pregnancy test was negative, what do I do now? What could it be?

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      Hi Leanne,

      You could request for a D&C to be done. During this procedure, doctor will clear your uterus lining (if it's thick) and possibly removed ployps as well.

      Are you bleeding heavily as well and spotting? Chances of ployps as maglinant is slighty low but best to get it checked. Mine is cancerous.


    • Posted

      I have finally received a biopsy, polypectomy and hysteroscopy and they found other abnormal areas in uterus waiting by for results today or tomorrow,

      Since the procedure I have bled heavy for a 22 days, and have since been very bloated looks like I'm pregnant but obviously not,

      Before the procedure I had heavy bleeds and spotting by in between. Seems to be getting worse, I just want to be normal and at least no if I'm OK rolleyes x

    • Posted

      Hey Leanne, 

      I'm 28 and have been diagnosed with a polyp on my endometrial lining. I've had heavy bleeding since October of last year with only two or three days of no bleeding throughout. I never knew when my period even was, and there were so many clots. 

      I've been scheduled for a polypectomy, hysteroscory, and D&C of the polyp in the next month or so, whenever they ring me. I feel you when you say you just want to be normal... have you made an appointment to see the doctor again?

      My bleeding stopped two weeks ago and since then i've had a sharp pinching pain low in my abdomen, on either side, so hope everything is ok and they know what to do when they do the procedure. Goodluck! Bleeding so much is so expensive on sanitary products and the disruption to the hormones, and I didn't realise that I probably should be taking iron supplements because I've been so tired. I hope everything works out for you smile

    • Posted

      Nice to talk to someone of similar age I haven't got an appointment to see anyone, but the biopsy results are due within a day or two so should be another appointment on there hopefully, it just dawned on me how long I've been suffering for when. I think back I've never been normal and it's annoying for 7 years at least but things are getting worse.

      I agree on the expense of sanitary products it's mounting up haha, the pinching sound like it could be your ovaries do you have any other medical conditions?

      I just feel like I have cancer I know it's stupid but it would explain things xx

    • Posted

      It is nice to talk to someone who is of similar age and also experiencing similar issues. Did you get the results back from the biopsy? Yes, when i read the cancer symptoms and saw I had two of the four and then saw I had four risk factors, i was like 'well that explains it all' and I got so nervous and tense I had to put it out of my mind. My friends all thought I was exaggerating and I could be, but as you say, it does explain it.

      A lady at work said the pinching could be 'poo pain' and so I was too embarrassed to go to the doctor for that. It's still there but not terrible. I now have my period and it's heavy as all hell, so I guesst hat could be it

    • Posted

      Hey I got my results and it said there essentially normal, what does the essentially mean?,

      I hope your OK I know how youfeel If u need to talk private message me, I no its hardtop think the worst but it only makes good news if everythings is OK and you won't be surprised if it's bad news xx

    • Posted

      I hope everything worked out for u.   Did the doc say why u got the polup.  I hAve one now in my uterus. 

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