Endometrial Hyperplasia?

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Hello, all, I'm new to this group. I'm 67, and have been in full menopause  since age 40 because of a thyroid condition.  On April 14, 2016, I found some brown discharge, not much, but since then have had cramping mostly when I sit or lie down. Not bad cramping, just enough so I know something's there.  My OB/GYN gave me a pap smear, and had blood taken to test for ovarian cancer markers.  In the US, it's not recommended to do pap smears after 65, but my doctor disagrees, he said that the recommendation was based on the expense of the test.  So, pap smear normal, no indication of ovarian cancer markers in blood.  I also had an ultrasound and my uterine stripe measured at 8mm.  Next step is a biopsy done in office and I'm scared to death. Would any of you be willing to share your experiences with that procedure?  I'd really appreciate it!  Thank you!     

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    I had a hysteroscopy, thats where they put a camera in/ up and they took a biopsiy of my lining, i didnt realise they had done it. Its best getting it checked though.

    Good luck x

    • Posted

      Thank you, Pudds!  xx I've read accounts of the different procedures--I'm not sure which one my doctor will prefer.  Some said it was uncomfortable for a short period; others said it was very painful. Were you sedated?  I agree it's best to get it checked--but I am fearful, I admit.  
    • Posted

      I didn't have any anaesthetic for the hysteroscopy at all . It was slightly uncomfortable, not much more than a smear test. I didn't feel him take the biopsy at all. I do have to have a polyp removed and I have to have a general for that but don't want to . Wish they would do it whilst I was awake . I was advised to take paracetamol an hour before but I only took one.
    • Posted

      Thanks so much!  I've read other accounts on-line that scared me to death!  I'll take heart!  Best of luck to you!  Lynda
  • Posted

    Hi Lynda, i'm 54 and recently diagnosed with the same after 1 1/2 yrs no bleeding.  i also have a polyp.  i was scheduled for the biopsy and a D&C for june 9th but had to put that off so i can get cardiology approval.  i am having general anesthesia and it is being done in the hospital. not to scare you but i've read on this forum a few women who had it done in the office and they said it was painful . 
    • Posted

      Hi, Kathleen, thanks for responding.  I've heard that it's painful. My doctor mentioned that one type of test could be done under general anesthesia, rather than prying open my cervix and obtaining tissue samples by suction frown (these are my words, not his).  He said that 'it isn't pleasant.'  My concern is that he will be able to just suck some tissue from somewhere, while I'm balancing on the end of the table scared and hurting and that it won't be truly representative of what's inside my uterus. He's advocating for a hysterectomy.  I don't want to keep going through problems like this, so having a hysterectomy doesn't bother me.  Once again, thanks!      
  • Posted

    I had one done. It was a bit uncomfortable, but usually a nurse is there to help you through it. Turned out everything was fine for me, but I only had random spotting a year ago. However, I have not had my period since last Oct. so I'm hoping to make it 4 more mos., and Ill be in full menopause. Hopefully, I won't have any future spotting or full- blown periods after that, but who knows I heard sometimes it does come back.

    Good Luck. Try not to worry Lynda. I'm sure all will work out fine.

    • Posted

      Thanks so much, Didi!  I'm so grateful to all the "sisters on this site!"  Lynda
  • Posted

    Hi Lynda. I had a hysteroscopy few years ago to investigate abnormal bleeding at my local hospital as day patient under ga. I knew nothing about, had a great sleep, & period type pain for 4/5days afterwards & bit of light bleeding. they took biopsies. had small cystic lesion on uterus, & womb lining bit thick, they suggested an endometrial ablation. the gynaecologist i saw on follow up was an awful man - threw his hands in air when i mentioned cyst on uterus said "its nothing - they shouldnt have told you"!!!!! & said no ablation womb lining was not that thick. he didnt do procedure & have a direct look!!! biopsies were fine. anyway, off at a tangent there! If I had to have another hysteroscopy, I would definately have it done in hosp under ga. I find pap smears terribly painful (I've not had kids), so was recommended to have it done this way. I certainly would NOT entertain having it done in a doctor's office!! hope this helps hun. xxx
    • Posted

      Thanks, Looloo!  I agree with you about the doctor.  He sounds like one of those men who says to himself, "I know what's best and will tell you only what I think you should know." Feel bad for his wife and any girlfriend he ever had!  Thanks, again! xxx

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