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Having this soon. Please contact if you have had it. Scared stiff.  Have nobody to go with me and if I have the sedation I would be returning to an empty house with nobody able to come over, is that ok?

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40 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi, I had an endoscopy recently and was offered sedation, you have to stay longer with it and have someone take you home. I wanted to leave straight away so I opted for no sedation and although uncomfortable it was ok. They put the camera up my nose and then down into my stomach, I heaved about 4 times but the nurse was holding my hand and telling me I was doing great and to breath. Then it was over. Hope you are ok with yours.
  • Posted


    Yes I have also had Endoscopy with sedation and as Lynda160659 said if you have sedation you must have someone accompany you (it says in the leaflet anyway)

    I found the whole process absolutely fine, yes i was terrified before having it done and read horror stories about others having it done (which i wish i never done now!) however the doctor and nurses were so extremely friendly instantly put me at ease and the whole process was over in about 10 minutes (which felt like a minute!)

    Good luck and try not to worry (i know it is easier said than done!)

    • Posted

      Thank you so much. I do want to have the sedation but it is going there and coming back on my own.  If I lie and say I will have someone here I can have the sedation.
  • Posted

    Hi carmel

    Can you tell me why you are having an endoscopy, what symptoms etc?

    • Posted

      Hi Alan, OK here goes.Take a deep breath and have a drink and twenty minutes before you start reading...

      Had lots of problems with sinus and after years of that and taking antib iotics and steroids about a year ago started to get bad headaches all the time and stomach. They saw no connection and put me on proton pump inhibitors saying I had an ulcer. Afer a bit it was a lot better. About three months ago felt very well on cimetridine which also got rid of the headaches.

      But the headches would keep coming and going and they never looked into that.  Then the sinus was bad again and ears got blocked and more antib otics and steroids. Then took a high dose of probiotics and wham the following morning stomach was terrible and started to keep burping and having nausea.  Gave it a few days to let it pass but a week later still the same.  Am not taking anything now as the cimetridine no longer works.

  • Posted

    Hi sorry to hear about your problems,

    Hope they get it sorted soon

    My stomach goes into turmoil everytime I eat then I feel sick for hours until my stomach is empty which can be 5-7 hours

    • Posted

      Sorry to hear of  your problems Alan.  Is it worse after eating certain things  It sounds like it sort of goes on almost all day? How long have you had it altogetther and have you had a diagnosis or some idea of what it is?
  • Posted

    Ye it happens everytime I eat, ive stopped eating as much through the day because of it and have lost a stone in weight throughout the duration of 5 weeks, it seems like dyspepsia all my symptoms mimic stomach cancer, its scaring the hell out of me. Im vomiting daily aswell
    • Posted

      Are you trying to cope with this on your own  Alan? What support do you get?
  • Posted

    I have a missus and a daughter of 4 months live with me but find it hard to communicate about these problems, im 36 years old and in turmoil, :-(
    • Posted

      I am all alone Alan. I wish I had a husband and such here to talk to and be there for me. But it must be hard sometimes if you feel you cannot talk to the person, which is why I suppose you are on here instead?  I can see you are in turmoil   but 36 would be young to get cancer and why wuld you get it at all
  • Posted

    Im a heavy smoker with a history binge drinking but I quit the drinking early last year

    Had a previous endoscopy 3 years ago roughly for persistant nausea but nothing like what im getting now

    That came up clear, just a weak sphincter, I have a long history of reflux,

    Im trying to get into my head wether its just a nervous stomach creating all the agro but its persistant everytime I eat

  • Posted

    Yes I am and I feel so sick that they might find the worst case scenario this time as everything ie symptoms are not good at all :-(
    • Posted

      If I remember right Alan did you say you got ill at a barbecue when you had some food and some beer?  That would not give you cancer.

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