Endoscopy all clear. Still have issues

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Hi all,

I posted here about having issues swallowing food with it getting stuck in my esophagus and getting pain in my back after i ate. Ive been on ppi's for 3 weeks which have kinda helped. I was sent for an endoscopy and told everything was clear for anything sinister but i have a slight hiatus hernia and mild gastritis.

Thing is I still have issues with food getting stuck in my esophagus and pain in my back after i eat.

Anybody got any ideas ?

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    You shoul get a swallow test. Barium can see you through throat. ULTA spun too.
  • Posted

    Hi. I'm also on a PPI which can lead to Anemia, so keep your eyes out for symptoms if on your PPI long term.

    With regard to swallowing and pain in your back, they could be the same thing. What strength and which PPI are you on? Have you checked your meds info leaflet incase a side effect?

    I know on PPI I don't vomit as much from acid reflux so it controls what comes up. I'm guessing food too.

    Could your PPI be too strong or either not strong enough?

    Sounds like muscle control, doesn't it.

    Do you take ibuprofen? Can you ask your gp if it would help?

    Let me know.

    My muscular spasms are now helped with ibuprofen and buscupan. But I may have IBS too.

    Muscular pain can be easier by ibuprofen but disguises things if looking for answers. Inform your medical team as long term ibuprofen can cause more problems. They contain sucrose so if diabetic be aware and if heart disease don't take them at all. Ok?

    • Posted

      I was having back pain after eating before I ever went to the doctor. It was one of the reasons I went so I dont think the ppi's are the cause. I didn't want to take ibuprofen while i have gastritis as it can irritate it even more.

      Finding this all very strange, just want to find the cause and fix it as im not that hungry these days and im losing weight. Endoscopy clear, blood tests clear.

  • Posted

    Just as a matter of interest can you look at report please..can you see an exclamation mark ! After anything.. I have one after comment on improvement on my hiatus hernia diagnosed a couple of previous endoscopies...

    I think this means something but I am not quite sure what..can anyone else help with this question...I’ve tried to look it up and can’t come with difinite answer though I have one or two thoughts.

    thank yo

    • Posted

      Hi Suzanne,

      My report didn't say much. Just that everything was clear bar a slight hiatus hernia and mild gastritis.

  • Posted

    If they've checked your esophagus with the endoscopy then maybe the medication will help. Sometimes inflammation makes foods hard to move and feel stuck.  Anything sinister will have shown up with the camera 

    Have they told you foods to avoid or cut Down on as some can irritate and inflame the esophagus.  It should settle down with the ppi's.

    I had a barium swallow test too where they got me to eat small amounts of bread in some liquid while they watched it pass through to my stomach.  This would show up any narrowing.

    Also sounds simple but chew your food loads. 

    • Posted

      Yeah they told me to start cleaning up my diet and avoid spicy food, alchohol and only have a bad meal once a week.

      I see my GP on tuesday so ill be asking lots more questions and for more tests.

    • Posted

      Also I'd stay well clear now of any anti inflammatory meds.  They eventually cause damage to the stomach and caused mine to bleed. 

      I peeled fruits too as the peel made me want to vomit and gave extra heartburn. 

      It's best to prevent the hernia increasing in size as surgery isn't great! Good luck and I hope your meds help and change in diet.

  • Posted

    A hiatus hernia can cause swallowing difficulties.  I had a friend who had a hiatus henia and her throat went into sapams when trying to eat steak. Gastritis can cause back pain.  Try eating smaller portions, cut your food up into sizes that you can digest and chew your food well. Take time with your meals.  If you know what foods are harder for you to digest, avoid these foods and opt for softer foods and avoid anything raw such as raw vegetables.  Cook your food well.  If you don’t know what foods are problematic, try a food diary.
  • Posted

    Have had a stomach emptying test? Perhaps ask for that if your symptoms don’t improve.
    • Posted

      Gastric emptying scans are performed at hospitals by professionals trained in nuclear medicine or radiology.

      Before the scan, you’ll eat something solid (usually scrambled eggs), something liquid, and a small amount of tasteless radioactive material. The radioactive substance allows the camera to follow the food through the digestive process.

      Then you will lie on a table while the camera takes pictures. Over the course of three to five hours, the camera will take four to six scans lasting about a minute each. Some hospitals use a gamma camera that takes pictures while you’re standing. In either case, it’s important to remain still during the scan.

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