Energy surge
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Does anyone else feel anxiety and then this incredible surge of energy during a hot flash. I don't get too hot nor sweaty, but I get this wave of intense anxiety followed by my body/mind going haywire. My heart pounds out of my chest and my pulse increases. It is so hard to describe. It is very intense, like this energy is just running through my body. It makes me dizzy and faint. Oh, and it is hard to breathe through it. I have seen women say they are having a hot flash and they just get red in the face and sweaty. To me, it is not that at all. It is a surge of energy that is all encompassing. I cannot function during it. I just have to try to breathe through it and not fall to the ground. Anyone???
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Guest staci88515
Hi Staci,
Yes for me. I describe them as adrenaline rushes, but you describe it accurately. It can make you feel really dreadful. Mine used to be worse, starting to lessen a bit.
I've always said here that I thought it was my version of a hot flash.
staci88515 Guest
It is so scary and awful. It almost feels like when y have a drop in blood sugar too. It is just the worst feeling ever.
jamie37119 staci88515
I completely understand. I remember the first time it happened terrified me. I was at home thankfully but it reminded me when I hemorrhaged once 😦 so I was very scared that I was dying.
staci88515 jamie37119
Oh, my...that sounds terrifying!
mrs_susan74280 staci88515
I get buzzing feeling in body , terrible
staci88515 mrs_susan74280
I have heard that said before, but not sure what that means exactly.
jamie37119 staci88515
Yes although I kind of feel like it drains my energy, I feel like I have to lie down with it sometimes. I also now get this rushing sound in my head and get high anxiety with it all. I hate it. I actually was hopeful it was gone until I had a bad one yesterday. I don't sweat I feel strange and horrid
staci88515 jamie37119
It happened at work and I had no place to escape awful. I am not coping with this well at all.
jamie37119 staci88515
If you can sit where you are and just breath into three and out to three, refocus on something else even a picture on a wall.... that will help you through it ... so sorry you are going through this
staci88515 jamie37119
Unfortunately, thats not really an option either. I work in a school. I am constantly surrounded by students. I don't have a minute to myself. Often, there are hours between being able to even use the bathroom. I am seriously thinking of leaving this year.
Guest staci88515
Hi Staci,
I know I have responded to some of your posts previously and we have a few similar symptoms, so when I read this post I was reminded of when this all started for me a little over 2 years ago when I was 41. I was having this terrifying surges, they almost felt electrical and affected my head and my whole body. I also had tingling sensations, which initially lead me to see a Neurologist. I was also having blurry vision, dizziness, head and sinus pressure, neck pain, the list goes on and on. I was tested for MS and other neuro related diseases, but nothing showed up on any of my tests. I have now seen 3 different Neuro's, an ENT, Ophthalmologist, Neuro-Ophthalmologist, GP, dentists, Functional Medicine doctors, physio's, chiro, acupuncturist, osteopath and more recently a Gynecologist. After all the testing and nothing found, it has come back to hormones. I have found it SO difficult to accept that this could all be caused by hormones and a natural process of changing hormones in preparation for another stage in my life! But these days I tend to accept it all a lot better and just try to keep going. My kids have been a blessing throughout this journey, I have no choice but to get out of bed and get them sorted for school every day and I have to go to work to support us. I can't believe that some of us suffer so badly from this and others just seem to breeze through it. My sister is 2 years older than me and aside from being tired and having some insomnia, she is completely fine and healthy. It is a tough road for some of us...
staci88515 Guest
Yes, we have spoke before and thank you. My symptoms subsided for a few short months, but now are back. I have to work too and thankfully do not have children of my own to tend to (lots of work!). The surges almost feel like a sudden and dramatic drop in blood sugar. It is as if you are completely and utterly helpless in the moment and unable to cope or
function in any way. Your body goes haywire. Plus, working in a school gives me immense anxiety. When these episodes happen, I have no where to escape. I am constantly surrounded by students and don't have a moment to myself. There are hours were I can't even use the restroom. It is difficult to be fine one moment and then be close to fainting the next and still have to be 100% responsible for students. I am leaving after this school year, but that brings a host of other problems. I am single and take care of my mom. I am the sole earner in the home. I feel like a complete failure not being able to take care of myself and mom. I don't even know where else to work. It is all so stressful. Thanks for listening.
Betty97 staci88515
I have a sudden intense thirst during a hot flush.
staci88515 Betty97
I don't have thirst, but I always grab a gatorade. I think it is because a hot flash sorta feels like a sudden an dramatic drop in blood sugar to me. So, I grab something I think will make me feel better.
Betty97 staci88515
just reading through some of the replies on your post, and I can relate to some of it in that if I am standing during a hot flush I feel the need to sit down because I suddenly feel drained, this is ok if at home but not so good when say stood in a queue!! I have been having hot flushes for about 12/13 years so have got used to them, I do wonder if I am stuck with them!!
staci88515 Betty97
12/13 years? You poor thing!!!