Epigastric , chest, threat and ear pain

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Hi everyone, my problems started about 3-4 weeks ago when I went to emergency with severe epigastric pain (pain just below the sternum) - it was a stabbing pain that also left me with a burning sensation across my abdomen - almost like heartburn but I'm not sure as I've never had it before. They ran a whole heap of tests - blood / urine / chest x ray and everything came back normal. Their final diagnosis was reflux, which was very surprising to me as I've never suffered a day of heartburn in my life??

The last couple of weeks my symptoms have changed to severe chest and throats pain, with associated ear pain also. I've been given pantoprozole which I believe is very similar to  nexium. I've also been trying all sort s of natural things like slippery elm, aloe Vera juice etc and nothing seems to be working. I'm getting worried as my symptoms don't seem to be improving.

I had an endoscopy and colonoscopy 4 months ago and all observations and bioposies came back normal.

Been to my GI specialist a couple of time and he seems to think it's my gallbladder causing all of this as a recent ultrasound showed a lot of small gall stones - almost like rubble.

At my wits end , would be very appreciative for any advice anyone could offer me.



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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Sam - I can relate you your story having had a very similar problem last year with exactly the same symptoms.  I have had many many tests and scans and two endoscopies both showed chronic gastritis.  I was also positive for hpylori which causes havoc with your gastric system.  Try to keep to a bland low fat diet (I know it’s not easy) and be patient as the pantoprozole can take a while before you feel better - I tried several PPIs before getting any relief but I promise it does get better!  I also tried DGL liquorice which helped a lot.  Hope you get more replies and suggestions and feel better soon.
    • Posted

      HI Linda,

      Thank you very much for your response. I really appreciate you taking the time. 

      I'm sticking with the pantoprozole and I will try to be patient with it. I'm praying things improve soon.

      I just went for a cholangiogram a couple of days back, so will be interesting to see what those results are if it is indeed the gall bladder.

      It's the throats and ear pain now which are really bothersome. I'm just perplexed as it started in my abdomen, went to my chest and now is in the ears and throat. Is that what you had? Can I ask if you are better now and what is dgl licorice? 

  • Posted

    Hi Sam 

    it started for me with chest and right sided abdominal pain but then moved to my throat and right ear - the pain really was excruciating at times!  I was diagnosed with silent reflux but I am still convinced it was from gall bladder but all scans were clear and showed no stones or blockages.  I got DGL from a health store following recommendations from people on this site it seemed to sooth the throat a little bit.  The intense painful stage for me lasted 4 months but don’t let that trouble you everyone is different in the way they react to the PPI drugs 12 months on I am back to normal and can eat anything without problems but will take nexium forever probably.  I occasionally get mild symptoms but they are manageable.  It’s good that your tests have been all clear and I hope you see some improvement very soon.  Take care.

    • Posted

      Thanks Linda, 

      Our symptoms sounds very similar. I feel like the PPIs are starting to improve things which is good. I'm really glad to hear you are all back to normal and can enjoy all your foods. I will look into the DGL . 

      Thanks again for your responses, it's always encouraging to hear from someone who has been through a similar things.

      God bless

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