Epsom Salts - A Multitude of Benefits!!
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I've posted on here about my now-frequent bouts of constipation. Have relied on Stool Softners which have done the trick. I eat veg, not keen on fruit and can't stand fruit juice, Have upp'd my water intake: good results. But I don't want to take these for long periods.
Well for some reason I was remembering my dear ol' mum and her issues around constipation. I believe she, myself and one sister had this tendency: the rest seem to go as often as a racing Greyhound!!
Well, I remember my mum each morning making up a small concoction of Epsom Salts, mixed to a paste with water then washed down with a cup of tea. Within half hour she was flying past us to the loo!
When I was feeling completely bunged up, I did wonder if this might work for me. But I have to say, as great as she was, my mum had some funny ideas about medicines etc, so wondered if this was just one of her many 'alternative' ideas she'd come up with herself! She would have been 95 now, and died (not from constipation!!) at 81, so she had a good innings.
Well, that funny lil ol' girl was doing something right for once! I read a really good article about Epsom Salts and their health benefits. The article name-dropped Gwyneth Paltrow and Victoria Beckham soaking in E'salt baths to reduce bloating (what? on them two - who they kidding?!). But more importantly it went on to mention soaking in a bath with the salts to help aching joints.
Don't laugh: it also had a possible solution to my 'Greasy Hair' Thread: make up a paste and slather it on your hair for that too!
Blimey! If this little pot does all its said to do, it'll be the best £1.49 I've spent in ages (Boots)!!
I just thought I'd share this with you, as it may work for one of us. Well girls, here goes nothing.........!
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alison_94436 shaznay96184
barbara49965 shaznay96184
justlease shaznay96184
My guy has always had issues with constipation, and as soon as I started giving him magnesium citrate powder before bed every night, his morning 'sit-down' has been smooth sailing. He used to rely on stool softeners and is pleased that he no longer has to think about making sure he takes them. I wish I could get him to soak in the bath with Epsom salts too, but he refuses! (silly man.) I have heard that you can add vitamin c powder to your Espom salt mixture to make it taste better if you plan to drink the salts, plus that aids in absorption.
joyyoga shaznay96184
Been to chemist to get some, am adding to the already huge list of stuff I am trying to do to help myself
What a mission!
Sandy07 shaznay96184
fofoma shaznay96184
My late Mother was a great believer in Epsom Salts however for quite a different reason...I asked her one day why there was 8 years between my sister and me. She told me that she had held off having another baby until they were in a better financial position,on asking how she managed this( this was the fifties by the way) she said that she had used Epsom Salts!! I was too embarrassed to ask her for any details so I don't know if she bathed in them...took them or rubbed them somewhere! Lol
shaznay96184 fofoma
My mum had 5 kids. After my brother (the 3rd) she was advised not to have any more children due to having had a major spinal op. And then sister number 4 came along and me.........commonly known as the 'Menopause Baby' (or the Ginger milkman's, according to my 'orrible, teasing sibs!!).
One things for sure, there's 8yrs between me and the next sister up (No 4)............can you see where this is leading?!!!
fofoma shaznay96184