Erratic blood pressure
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I've been on ramipril and bisoprolol since May. Blood pressure seemed stable until a few weeks ago when my GP doubled the ramipril to 5mg and I was put back on bisoprolol (1.25) having been told I didn't need to take it. All good initially but now my blood pressure seems ok during the day and then gets too high in the evenings Just taken it and it was 153/86 (and it has been higher) whereas this morning ii was 122/73. Struggling on the current meds - really don't want my dosage increased.
Also are reasons for hypertension ever investigated or is it standard practice just to treat the symptoms? Thanks..
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Tazchurch Alexandra123
derek76 Alexandra123
If mine never went above 153/86 (that is just over my average ) I would be happy. Mine can often be 210/110 in the morning and 90/60 by night time and has been for fourteen years.
You could Google 'hypertension referral centres' to see if there is one near you. There are not many of them and the one I finally got referred to is manned by one consultant and a nurse only operates one afternoon a week. So obviously do not see many patients.
MrsO-UK_Surrey derek76
"If mine never went above 153/86 (that is just over my average ) I would be happy."
Snap! After a really good week last week and feeling excited that my BP was the lowest it has ever been, last night it hit 203/91. Have had one helluva nosebleed this morning and am wondering if it's acting as a release valve for the high BP last night - anyone with any views on that?
Alexandra, sorry to jump in on your thread
. Have you had a 24 hour BP monitor fitted - that could perhaps give you a better idea of what is happening. I'm not a medic but am wondering if it could just be your body adjusting to the increase in one med and reduction in the other? If that is the case, it can take up to 6 weeks for things to stabilise. Your morning reading is excellent, and your evening one isn't that bad, depending on your age, of course.
derek76 MrsO-UK_Surrey
MrsO-UK_Surrey derek76
derek76 MrsO-UK_Surrey
Were it not for insurance I'd spend winter outside Europe.
Does not always work as last time we went to Florida in January the temp dropped so much that fish were dying in the sea and Iguanas were falling out of trees due to hypothermia and citrus fruits were freezing on the trees.
MrsO-UK_Surrey derek76
I often dream about spending the worst of our winter months in warmer climes. How disappointing to have that holiday experience with the weather in Florida of all places. The weather seems to spring its surprises all over the world these days - I've just been out to lunch with a friend who tells me that they're experiencing dreadful weather in Greece at the moment.
jane243 Alexandra123
My dr said I wouldn't be able to lower my initial 163/96 reading taken at an NHS health check [18 mths ago] without meds. 3 weeks later I had the 24 hr monitor
which revealed 160/93, not a vast difference. Shortly afterwards I started on Ramipril which was raised a month later. BP responded well and was transferred onto an equivalent dose of Losartan. A few months ago I had the dose reduced and after a few blips it has settled down around <125 5="">..
Like you I really didn't want meds at all but I learnt on this and other sites that BP is a silent killer. I gave up salt, never imagined I'd be able to do that! I took up walking and bought a dog and the weight fell off. I'm still on the ditsy dose and have never really got used to taking meds for life.
Good luck to you, hope you can control it without any additions.
Dr Malcolm Kendrick has some useful info on his web page. He's one of the guys who exposes the great cholesterol con and has an interesting site. He does however state categorically that hypeertension must never be ignored.125>
Alexandra123 jane243
MrsO-UK_Surrey Alexandra123
jane243 Alexandra123
Just my opinion but I wouldn't have thought Ramipril would have made you lethargic. Bisoprolol is an Alpha or Beta blocker I believe. My son in law took one of those and he went from being very fit and active to tiring very easily. He said that is what these blockers do, they slow your heart down. Having had a heart attack were you put on a statin?
I forget the dosage of Ramipril I was initially on but it was the very lowest dose. I think it's normal for drs to start you on the very lowest then raise the dose after a month or so and perhaps add another type of pill at the same time. I think the idea is to get the body accustomed to the drug gradually. I developed a nasty cough with the higher dose of Ramipril and the dr changed me to an equivalent dose of Losartan [50 mg] which I believe is fairly normal.I took that for about ten months before my dr lowered the dose to 25mg as I had consistently low readings. I went on holiday and found the BP was all over the place when I came home. Maybe it had something to do with the vast quantity of wine i drank!! I did consider making a trip to the surgery to get it checked before asking for a new prescription but suddenly it appeared to settle down.. Next time I have a check up I would like to ask whether had I not adopted various life style changes [walking, cutting out salt and hardly any alcohol - except on holiday and losing weight] the BP would not have dropped and I would have had to take additional meds.Who knows.
Hypertension is a silent killer and, like you, before I was diagnosed I had always thought of myself as very healthy. Mostly it is what they call 'essential hypertension' ie no known cause. I was given all sorts of tests as a result of the NHS check and all were fine. Maybe you could ask for a full blood check.
I'm glad to see they did finally 'pass' my earlier posting, there is a lot of useful info if you google hypertension. Best of luck
Alexandra123 MrsO-UK_Surrey
Alexandra123 jane243
Definitely the Bisoprolol which makes me lethargic and has messed up my sleep routine completely. It's a beta blocker which lowers pulse rate and is also supposed to contribute to lowering blood pressure. I get up very late and am up half the night! Yes and I was put on a statin too but have recently had the dose reduced from 40 to 20. Never had blood pressure or cholesterol problems before May and went from taking no medication to the whole gamut of stuff they put you on after a heart attack mainly as a precaution. Am having regular blood checks and results have been fine. I also attended the hospital gym for a 6 week course of cardio rehab and had blood pressure and pulse taken before and after exercise and that was fine too so wasn't expecting current bp problem. Good that your bp settled down. Guess I'll see what happens. Good to chat!