Erythema nodosum pain
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I was recently diagnosed with EN by my dermatologist. She thinks it started from taking Advil (for neck pain from an adjustment). She believes I had a hypersensitivity allergic reaction & it will go away. I pray she is right! After 13 days on prednisone the bumps on my shins went away! After a week off 2 came back but I'm more concerned with the extreme pain in my knee & the awful body aches. I had a great day the last 2 days which left me home & feeling terrible today.
I recently bought turmeric pills & took 1 today...didn't help so far.
Any special blood tests you recommend? I do not have any underlying issues. This just all came about a week after taking Advil for pain twice a day!
Any & all advice is appreciated!! This has been going on for almost 7 weeks.
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Bex131189 kim95051
Hey kim
I can really sympathise with you as I know exactly how bad the pain is in the lumps and the excruciating joint pains. Mine started at Xmas and thankfully for the last month it seems to all be going now but it took a blooming long time. If you are in that much pain and very worried about it I would go to a&e. That's what I did and there they X-ray my chest and done a special blood test to check for sarcoidosis both came back clear thankfully. You can also have blood tests to check for TB just as a precaution as that can be another underlying cause. I found these tests put your mind at rest more than anything because stresss makes it all worse. I have been in and out of hospital so many times in the last 5 months and all they ever say to me is there is no treatment for it but it will go. It can take months (like me) but it will go eventually so you know there will be an end to it eventually. Also you can get stocking. Like the ones you wear on a plane they can help and keep feel elevated where you can. I hope it all starts to clear up for you soon. Oh and as for the steroids I was the same got better whilst I was on them then returned soon as I stopped plus the steroids are so bad for you in the long run and if your anything like me give you horrible insomnia, so I try and avoid them unless I have absolutely no other option. It will get better in time xx
kim95051 Bex131189
Thank you for your response!! I'm hoping I'm at the tail end of this as everyday seems to be a little different. Today my knee was better, only 1 lump & now my ankle is totally pain though. Did your symptoms come & go towards the end & vary in how you felt? Some days I have more energy than others...crazy because I have always exercised & had tons of energy & now I haven't been able to workout & feel all over the place depending on the day.
Bex131189 kim95051
Yes mine did vary. And it was completely out of the blue for me too I was loving going to the gym and getting out all the time then the lumps started on the bottoms of my feet then went down. Then one popped up on my shin. Then one night I woke up with extreme joint pain and couldn't walk then two days later it had all calmed down then a few days later more lumps come up and joint pain, so was very up and down for weeks then my ankle swelled really bad too. I didn't even notice at first because it didn't hurt but then after a few days the pain got really bad as it kept swelling. For a few weeks in the middle of it all I had no energy at all felt so tired and exhausted all the time. But I did have a bad case of it as mine went on for 4 months on and off. But fingers crossed I am just left with a fair bit of bruising now and it's all clearing finally, it's a horrible thing to go through but there is an end to it eventually, just hope it doesn't return
kim95051 Bex131189
Yes, I hope it doesn't return, EVER, for either one of us! We will have to stay in touch! It's so nice to talk to someone who knows this crazy condition! I had another great day & instead of taking advantage of it, I got a massage & relaxed all day! Really hoping this means the end is very near! I could actually bend my knee & walk up & down stairs w/o going 1 by 1! Huge progress!! Good luck to you & please let me know how you are doing! I would say my case isn't good's been 8 weeks😩 We will overcome this! Do you mind my asking how old you are? I'm female & 40.
Bex131189 kim95051
I know your exact pain I was having to walk up and down stairs one by one too and some days I could walk at all, it's really scary coz you think it will never go and no one has ever heard of it before. It would be really good to stay in touch because it's always good to have someone to talk to that understands. Do you have Facebook, I'm 27 female. Seems to be majority females that get EN. And yes massage is a good idea I have been doing that too as I have learnt it's good to relax in other ways than sitting with your feet up (it gets boring and frustrating after two weeks of it) lol. I hope this is the end of it for you!!
kim95051 Bex131189
Do you have any idea what brought yours on? Resting for so long is SO hard but I've been noticing it does help with healing, I think!
Yes, I have Facebook, Kimberly Nelson...what's your name in case you cannot find me?
Bex131189 kim95051
Rebecca Christine mills I have a black and white pic ATM. Yes I have Crohn's disease but everyone was baffled because my crohns is totally in remission so it doesn't usually occur in people in remission, so they had to do all sorts of tests to check if it was something else causing it. Nightmare really but glad it's all pretty much over now 🤞🏻
kim95051 Bex131189
I think I found you on FB? I sent a friend request. This whole thing is strange but happy you seem to be rid of it! My doctors have not run any tests which I don't really understand. They think the whole thing started over Advil so no need to test further unless it doesn't go away. Not sure at what point that is! Hopefully no need to find out! I felt better today...only knee pain. What makes me think it's almost over is that the flulike symptoms are not happening very often, only 1 or 2 bumps appear & go down overnight, & I have some energy back! I can't sleep that well but I assume that's anxiety which I don't normally have but is here thanks to all I've been going through! You give me hope! Stay in touch!