ESA assessment

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I am looking for anyone that had an esa assesment at Colchester on 22nd May 2017, I was there with my son, there were 4 other people in the waiting room.

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26 Replies

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    May i ask the reason why you're asking this? I wasn't there i'm afraid. You maybe looking for a needle in a hay stack though, sadly.

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      As i dont think there could be hundreds that had an assessment on that day i dont agree, what does i matter what the reason is if you were not there. Sorry if this sounds rude, but dont see the conection to my question.
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      Well i was just trying help. Sorry if i sounded rude but i won't ask again. Good luck in finding what you want.

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      I did not say you sounded rude, i said sorry if i sound rude, but saying why do you you want to know, and you wont find anyone anyway, is not being helpfull, yes that also sounds rude, i would not be asking if it was not inportant to me, the reason, and question, is for the people in the waiting room.
    • Posted

      Like i said i was TRYING to help! I also said SORRY if i was being rude! First you say i wasn't being rude then you say i was. Seriously, i try to help people then get it thrown back in my face! This is an internet forum and you will get people asking the reason why you're asking this....

  • Posted

    Hi Joan, No I wasn't there, and I agree with Denise that your chance of finding someone this way seems a bit remote, good luck, but if you explained what it was about other people might be able to help you!

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      Thank you Newbury! I didn't actually say she wouldn't find anyone, like she stated. I said it was like trying to find a needle in a haystack. There's most likely 1000's or even millions of people claiming ESA and to find 4 people well it seems like it's an imposible task.

  • Posted

    Hello Joan,

    I do think that Denise had a point asking for the reason why you were looking for someone from that assessment.  I wasn't there, but to be honest, if I had been I probably wouldn't admit to it unless I knew the reason you were asking.

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      Thanks sukes for your support! I geniunely wasn't being rude. xx

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      I know weren't, you are always genuinely trying to help people.  smile

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      I meant to say I know you weren't, I really wish we could edit things 

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      Oh my god, i did not say anyone was being rude exept me. I have a trust insue, I dont want to tell everyone and enyone that was not there, i want the people that was there on the 22nd July 2017 about 9 oclock am, it is not anything bad, i want to ask a question that only they could answer.
    • Posted

      I think it's a needle in a haystack job to be honest, but I hope you get lucky and find them.  Having said that, I stick to what I said before that  if I had been there, I probably wouldn't admit to it unless I knew the reason you were asking.  

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      I agree with you sukes, i wouldn't admit to being there either unless i knew the reasons why. Joan i know you said you have trust issues but with an internet forum no one is going to actually know who you are. Did you or your son get found fit for work because of something that happened in the waiting room? I know they watch you from the minute you arrive at these assessments.

    • Posted

      Hi Joan, one of the main problems you will encounter is that this forum will consist of maybe 5% of people claiming ESA, so that basically leaves the 95% left who don't come on the forum so your four people in the waiting room that day if they had no problems with there claim would consider coming on a forum that caters for people struggling to sort out there claim, as Denise said asking why is a normal practice on hear and could get you help that you didn't realise was available, also yoy have to remember that if one of them were on here and you didn't disclose the reason you are looking to contact them they could imagine you were doing it to stalk them, I'm not saying you are, but you admit yourself you have trust issues, would you openly say you were and let a stranger contact you.

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      I would because they do not know me, i have no idea of there names or where they live, and i would  not ask them. Just as jou have answered me, i do not know you.change of descution.

      How do you go about having you assessment recorded.

    • Posted

      You need to ring the assessment providers to arrange for this to be done. If you want to record it, you have to ask permission. You need to make 2 recordings, 1 for yourself and one for them which you must hand in straighter after the assessment. You must use the appropriate recording equipment phones are not acceptable. If you don't ring and ask for permission and just record it you risk having your assessment stopped immediately and your file returned to DWP with a possible refusal for benefits.

    • Posted

      Ok, so you phone ask for it to be recorded, they say yes that is fine, it will be recorded. Do you then have to write to them?, or get a letter confurming you want it recorded?, do you have to phone the assessment centre that you have been assined to, to tell them you want it recorded, and when you get there, do you have to ask again in writting or verbaly to have it recorded before the assessment starts. sorry about spelling, dislexic.
    • Posted

      You need to ring the assessment centre, you could put it in writing yes. No need to put it in writing when you get there though, just tell them you've asked for it to be recorded. Is your assessment soon? if it is then it could delay your assessment date and time.

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      If they agree then you'll also need to sign a form on the day of your assessment. Plenty of info on the internet about recording assessments, i just can't put links here.

    • Posted

      I talked to 4 people three times, different days times, and places, all assurd me it was on the computer,it would be recorded.

      It was not,  was told i was my falut i didnt ask.

      I dont think i could have done anything else, as i have no paper work, i have no come back, however, they have admitted at last i did ask, it was a clerical error, as this is not possable, 3 people 4 times differant places with my nat ins number to get it on screen, yes i have complained, they said sorry, i have not accepted the sorry. the reason for the recording is so that it could not be lied about, and they did exactly that, resulting in me no having no money, no food, I take strong pain relif, and diazimap.

      Yes i have complained, yes i have done the Mar/Rev, they just ingnorded everything i said, and put what the assesser had already lied about, yes i have complained about her, not had a reply. How do i get a SSCS1 form sent to me, not print it off, i have no ink, and no money to by any. sorry I do sound very aggresive, and to be honest, that is exactly how i am feeling, i do not like to be lied about, there is no need, they have all my med records, bank details, they know more about me than i do.

    • Posted

      I'm sorry to hear all that. What you should have done was ask about the recording before you went into the assessment because you would have needed to sign an agreement form before it started. Too late now i know but for futrue you'll know.

      About the SSCS1 that's not what you need to do first. What you need to to first before you fill out this form is ask DWP for a Mandatory Reconsideration (MR) you can't fill out this form and send it to Tribunal Appeal until you have done this step. Ring them on Monday to ask for this then you MUST put this in writing. Google ESA criteria and a list of points scoring will come up. Have you rang DWP to ask for a copy of the assessment report? this helps with this stage. You only have 1 month from the date of your decision as get this MR in so please don't delay. Most MR decisions remain the same so be prepared to take it to Tribunal. Once you have the decision for the MR if you need more advice then please do come back and i'll gladly advice you on your next step.

      It would be great if you could get some help with this MR request from CAB (citizens advice) but you probably don't have time now. When was the decision made please? With ESA they assess you to be able to do any type of work so it's not easy to get this decision. Have you been in one of the groups before or was this your first assessment? Sorry for all the questions.

      So.. MR (Mandatory Reconsideration) comes first. Then Appeal Tribunal after. The Tribunal won't accept your form until this has been done. MR decisions can take anything up to 8 weeks or more. Hope this helps, if you need anymore advice please do just ask.


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      if you had read the last thing i wrote, i have all ready done that, which is why i want the SSCS1 form.
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      Hi Joan I asked for my assessment to be recorded, I had to do this in writing, I had to use an appropriate system that recorded 2 copies simultaneously ie ghetto blaster or a twin deck tape recorder or a twin deck CD recorder.

      I asked if they could record it, no they couldn't and I decided that I wouldn't bother as I had an independent adult present.

      You also need to request permission to take notes.

    • Posted

      Actually i just re-read it again and all i can see is you said you done the Mar/rev, i have no idea what that is?? is that the MR? (Mandatory Reconsideration?? Joan, i've tried really really hard to help you, i spent a long time writing what i've wrote and you're not exactly very polite in any way. I'm sorry, i understand you're very angry but when people are trying to help that's not the way to be. I have my health problems too and plenty of them but i spend my time trying to help others. If you google SSCS1 and Tribunal Appeal it will tell you what you need to know. I'm done with trying to help you. Good luck on the Tribunal and i hope you get the decision that's right for you.

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