esa/pip knowledge.

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ive now been on benefits for 2 1/2 years. at that time I was asked to attend jc+. no explanation. just do it. I went. unbeknown to me I took what I know now to be an oral test. I asked why. because it's mandatory. 1week later told I was on esa. never heard of it. 1 year later told I'm on wrag. never heard of it. didn't think of it. then out of blue came letter going for assessment.what the hell's that? letter explained everything THEY thought I needed to know. 2 1/2 years ago no told me anything. nothing. now I'm learning different things. can only be good. because they don't know I now know. my question is has anyone else been so treated as an imbecile as this? I'd love to know.

thanks ivan.

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Don't worry had medical years ago never was told anything as benefit keeped going in my back did not ask after third phone call to them.

    Tock years before I know name of benefit I was on had changed name and now it has changed again, I have to go to JC Thursdays they say to see if I am getting everything I should be!!!! ?

  • Posted

    Yes I think we all are as soon as we enter the benefits system.  When I was signed on Job seekers allowance they kept trying to make me attend work groups which would show me how to write letters and c's!    As I have a degree and have worked in admin all my life I do know how to do this....

    It's par for the course I'm afraid.  x


    • Posted

      That reminds me of an amusing tale. My son in law is a lawyer and was waiting to join the london practice.

      He had taken all of his annual leave that was owing to him from his previous employment that meant that he was 'unemployed' for nearly 9 weeks.

      Off he went to the JC+ to claim Contribution based JSA. All went well for him until they suggested that he may need help with writing a CV, letters of application, basic IT and numeracy.

      When he explained that he had a job to go to and that he had degrees in English and Law so didn't see how they could help him.

      The JC+ continued with the pressure so off he went. Sat there for half a day doing nothing when the 'job coach' realised that he was far more qualified that he was!!

  • Posted

    Unfortunately Ivan you may not have been as badly treated as you believe. When the DWP wrote to on the 2 previous occasions (to inform you of ESA/WRAG) the rather lengthy letter would have at some point stated that if you needed further information you should contact the DWP ‘helpline’ or contact your local Citizens Advice.

    The responsibility at that point to find out more about the benefit’s system then fell fairly on your shoulders.

    Of course a large % of us never read past the ‘you have been awarded’ page but it is prudent to do so if future.

    As for the assessment nearly every claimant has to be assessed at some point. You should concentrate on your evidence and you explanation to why you need to still receive ESA. Indeed this could even be an opportunity to get transferred into the Support Group where you will receive more money and not have to look for work.

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