ESA renewal.

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Hi everyone.

Just a quick question that's puzzled me about f2f renewal. On 1st ever claiming esa income related and having 1st producing consultants report at 1st face2face, would it be expected of me on the renewal f2f to provide yet another consultants report for the same illness. I ask only because she did not ask me for it at the 2nd f2f. is it normal for them Not to ask for it or am I obliged to provide it whether or not they ask for it? Many thanks Ian.

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    The onus is on you to make sure you send all your evidence with the ESA50 form. They very rarely contact anyone for any evidence. Doesn't matter how many times you're reviewed over the years the same applies, you need to make sure the evidence is sent. It will tell you on the front of the ESA50 form the evidence that's accepted.

    A lot of times they refuse to take evidence during an assessment, this is most likely the reason why you weren't asked for it. If you don't send the evidence then you risk being found fit for work. My advice is the more evidence, the better. Each ESA assessment is classed as a new claim because they don't take the previous form/evidence into consideration.


    • Posted

      Hi Denise good advice, I think that most people presume that if they have given medical proof when sending in their first application then that is adequate to cover the reassessment, if only, hope your well .
    • Posted

      Hi Alexandria, thanks. Yes, very true. I've always made sure i sent all my evidence whether it's first claim or review and that's for PIP and ESA.

      I'm not too bad, thanks for asking. Hope you're well too. x

    • Posted

      Hi Denise.

      Thank you for your reply.good to hear from you didn't explain myself well totally. Reason I said I was bit puzzled was I originally thought alongside you in thinking I should send proof alongside my filled in e50 form and post it to them, which I did. Then I got letter from they who must be obeyed with the time and date for f2f. All well and good. I thought.. Had face2face noticed my file, but didn't see report(separate paper) from consultant. Didn't say anything about it. Got home and reread letter stating time and day for f2f. Low and behold saw this time it stated(which I'd missed originally) a line saying also any proof of consultants diagnosis, views history etc must be taken with me to the appointment that's where I'm puzzled how, if I've posted it to them could I then take it with me to my f2f?

      A very puzzled Ian.

    • Posted

      Hi Ian,

      So you sent your evidence when you posted the ESA50 form? Sorry i'm a little confused because you say you have a face 2 face then when you got home you noticed that the letter stated that you can take any evidence with you to the assessment?

      If you've already sent your evidence with the ESA50 form then there's no need to take it with you to the assessment. If you have more to give then you can certainly try to hand it in, but as i said to be surprised if you're told they can't accept that evidence.

    • Posted

      Hi again Denise.

      Sorry confuse you. You can imagine how I was when I reread the letter stating I should take any info I have to the f2f, but how can I if I'd posted it alongside my e50 form! She made no mention of my consultants report of me and didn't offer it back to me when finished like the woman at the original f2f 2years ago did. I'm wondering now if I slipped up not asking for it back at this renewal f2f. Or are there new procedures I don't know of or haven't heard of anyway I keep reading the letter and it never changes! I'm to take consultants evidence with me to the f2f even though I posted it to Wolverhampton and I live in another county. Anyway I'm keeping the letter hope you understand my point bit better. Should get letter soon(lol) stating if I remain on this benefit. I'll keep you posted if that's OK.

    • Posted

      Hi Ian,

      If you send evidence with the ESA50 form (and i urge you to send it with the form) then no, you do not need to take it with you to the assessment.

      When you return the ESA50 form to DWP, DWP then send your file to the assessment providers, this file will include your ESA50 and all the evidence you sent with it. Living in a different part of the country to where you sent your form, is perfectly normal.

      The letter you're reading is a standard letter sent to everyone who has an assessment. There are people who don't send evidence with their form. Either because they didn't have any or they didn't know they had to because they think they will contact their GP for evidence.

      When you send evidence to DWP always send copies only, the same if you try to hand it in at the assessment, take copies only because DWP will not return it to you and very often the HCP's won't give it back either, if they accept it that is.

      What you need to do is forget about your last assessment and everything you sent, including the ESA50 form. When you do receive your next one just concentrate on that and nothing else because the previous ones don't count.

      They don't always send the ESA50 forms exactly to time, unlike PIP. For ESA they very often go way over the time allowed. Even more so for those already in the Support Group. Your money will continue until a decision is made on the next renewal because they can't find you fit for work without an assessment.

      Gather some evidence and then try to relax until you do receive that form.

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