Escaped surgery for 15 years - just

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Hi,  I too have been advised to have my Gallbladder out - since 2000 when I had to have an emergency doctor out. Four years ago I was rushed to hospital by ambulance with Pancreatitus as a Gallstone had stuck. Signed myself out after three days. 

January I had inflamed Gallbladder, Liver and Pancreatitis - finally went to the doctor - and a blood and Urine test weren't good... Strongly advised to go into hospital but I refused. Have now seen a consultant, had an MRI scan and about to see a surgeon in a couple of weeks.  I've got lots of small stones - and a Hiatus Hernia I never knew about. 

...But I've been reading forums, medical reports, surgeons papers and case histories like these since 2000, and I've learnt that this operation is NOT the simple operation the surgeons sell it as. I requested the pills to break down the stones but was told "It would take 30-40 years".  The operation to remove the Gallbladder seems to be the only option they push at us. I couldn't have an operation, I know I couldn't go through with it. I'm also terrified of the gallbladder flush as a stone might get stuck and cause Pancreatitis!  Think I'm out of options :-(  :-(   Perhaps Gallbladder flushes should be offered in hospitals under medical supervision - I'd probably do that. I've been reading the discussions on here - and quite frankly, it's terrible that surgeons and doctors aren't informing people of the full risks and side effects. 

When I first started researching this in 2000 - on the official sites, side effects and complications were 'glossed over' - and hardly mentioned. Now 15 years later, side effects and complications are mentioned, but as a very small risk. Exactly how small is that risk? It's the one thing that's impossible to find out - as no one is collecting data. For everyone suffering after the op; I wish you well - and I really do hope your problems get addressed. 

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30 Replies

  • Posted

    Me oldie, 74 was up and running, not quite running, but functioning after a couple of days. I am not spending hours in the toilet and certainly feel tons better than when my gallbladder was giving me lots of problems, infection and stones. I couldn't wait to get it out. I am not un sympathetic to your concerns but you do have to balance this with the thousands who are like me and are having a much better quality of life after the op. I was gardening today in the north of Scotland for a couple of hours with a friend, not warm, a few degree above freezing only, and that is 6 weeks down the line. Roll on summer. Maggie
    • Posted

      Thanks for taking the time to reply :-)  I'm glad you're doing well :-)  So you've not had one side effect whatsoever? Not one. I hope it continues. Have happy memories of the North of Scotland :-)

      Some people develop problems later down the line, They sort of get hoodwinked into a false sense of security. I hope you're not one of them - and as another person said; lots of people are side effect free!!! For some people it's the best thing they ever did. But the risks and the hospital phobia are stopping me. 


  • Posted

    If you are okay with the possibility of risking your life instead of having it taken care of then that is good that you are clear in the decision making.

    However, you may want to think about other, non-gallbladder related health issues that may or may not come up which could require invasive procedures and result in possible after-effects.  The gallbladder issue is just one among many that can happen to anyone.

    I still suggest you get some help for the fears you have of the medical system and procedures.  You are bound to have to rely on them at some point and it is better to be mentally in a 'good place' when you do than die on a table resisting treatment that may help, for fear of an untoward outcome.

    Sorry to sound blunt but your fears are overriding your logical thinking.

    You've read about all the horror stories of after-effects from this type of surgery, but the individuals who have had good outcomes are not on these boards writing about their issues.  They are out living their lives, and doing well.  You are only reading the BAD, not taking into account the many, many positive experiences others have had. 

    "I've already told the consultant that it is a complete and utter no no.  I refuse. Just let me die. I will not have that. Surely that was a form of torture in WW2,"

    I'm not sure if you realize how out of proportion this sounds.  That 'form of torture' is not torture at all.  It is a potentially life-saving procedure for those who have had to have it done.  It can be the difference (as it was with my friend) between living and dying.  She had it done and is now well and lucky to be alive and in completely good shape.  Your distorted thinking about medical procedures could one day cost you your life.  But, by all accounts, it sounds like you're okay with that.  

    • Posted

      I agree with you be350, and to be honest it makes me rathersad and upset to know that someone would rather die than have surgery, so negative about it all. As just been said yourimagination is running away with you. But it's your choice and do not really understand why you came on this forum if youare not willing to take on board what people are saying, every-one is trying so hard to help you. I have survived lots of surgery and thankfully still alive and kicking. Take a step back and revaluate your situation. Good luck.
    • Posted

      I do agree that people are more likely to find forum boards and medical sites on the net *when they have a problem* - the ones who have no problems wouldn't be so interested in discussing their op. 

      However, the net is full of discussion, help and forum boards with people absolutely desperate after this op. This is ***supposedly*** a straightforward common operation - that's how it's sold - and it's that, that really makes me angry - as it really isn't.  Do what I did and look up other straightforward every day surgeries - there is nowhere near the amount of forums, discussions and people really suffering, with no answers and no help. The Gallbladder removal op is right up there on the charts of truly horrible complications. 

      After what I've been reading, fir quite a few years, I'd be an idiot not take these fears of complications into account. It's akin to sticking your head in the sand - or saying; 'It won't happen to me'.  All surgeries carry risk - but the risks of this one seem to be minimised and glossed over by surgeons and doctors. I've had one friend die of complications after this op (ruptured Bile duct and complications with the Liver) and a colleague had to give up work. He's 35, he was a trained actor, very fit as his hobby/interest was running. He can't work as two years after the surgery he is in pain, and can't take on theatre or TV work anymore as he can't trust his bowels. Do I want that life? I do not.  The ERCP and Bile Duct Sphinterotomy is a terrible orocedure! It's horrendous!!  Of course it has saved lives, (killed a few too mind) I'm not denying that - but the procedure is one of the worst things I can think of. 

      In my mind, my thinking isn't distorted, it's distorted to some as it's an unusual way of looking at medical procedures. To me, putting your life and well being in the hands of a surgeon - and these surgeons are not super human - they DO make mistakes - is distorted thinking. Obviously, many other procedures are nowhere near as risky as this one - and for the most part people have no choice - they need an operation. 

      I grant you it's unusual to rather die than have this risky surgery, but when it goes horribly wrong - or even if I'm only married to the toilet for three years - what quality of life would I have? Staying indoors watching Judge Judy? That's not the life I live or want for myself.  Having to keep going to the docs for help?  That's not me. Life at any cost is not something I support. Quality of life is everything to me. Again thanks for answering. 

    • Posted

      Hi Janet, if it's my imagination then I've done a lot of fantasing these past 15 years. No, it's solid research - not on kooky websites or sites trying to sell you something - but a mixture of Surgeons papers, hospital evaluations and the endless forum and discussion boards on people suffering after this operation. As just mentioned, I've had one friend die after this op and a colleague have to give up work. I didn't come on the forum board for help - not at all - but to discuss this contraversial surgery. And to say, fifteen years on I'm still here and hanging on to my Gallbladder.  The last surgeons report I read said surgeons are far too eager to take Gallbladders out when there are other options (strong lifestyle and dietry changes) some people NEED their Gallbladder out full stop though, I realise that -  and many people will go for 'life at any price'. I'm not one of them. My life is one of freedom, I write, I look after animals, I fund raise, I I'm quite a private person too. The thought of being in hospital and having your personal privacy stripped away - and your dignity... I wouldn't be able to do that. I have to quickly say, this was made about 50% worse when I had a truly horrendous time in hospital four years ago. I promise anyone reading this that you'll be shocked at what happened to me. One thing that hapoened out of very, very many; a nurse opened the curtain at the end of the bed, put her hand on my ankle to pull my pyjamas down and said "I'm going to put a catheter in you now" - the curtain was wide open! There were members of the public and staff walking past!!!! Strangely - I refused that and kept my pyjamas on thank you very much! But that's just one incident, there were very many more. At night I could here the nurses talking, making fun of the patients, they were being cruel to say the very least. So put all that together - and I don't want to be in hospital having my life - or the future quality of it risked. If these discussion forums are for advice only and not for discussion I apologise, I'll disappear quietly. 
    • Posted

      I had my gallbladder remover two years ago, didn't even know I had stones (very small ones but loads). One afternoon in October I started to be sick with bad pains, thought it was a bug, by three am I was so ill phoned for advice, they sent an ambulance, took my temperature and rushed me in to hospital. By 11am I was yellow, took over two weeks to settle me down, needed meds for pain and to stop me being sick. Was advised I had a stone stuck and needed to have it removed, but there was a weeks waiting list so they sent me home. Unfortunately our health authority was only carrying out emergency procedures, as soon as I went home I was no longer an emergency so had to join a six month waiting list. Ended up back in due to dehydration a few weeks later then again at the end of February in horrendous pain very sick and jaundiced again. Thankfully my surgeon had a list that day and decided to take the gallbladder out (fitted me in by not taking lunch). I was up and about the next day and went home the following day. Yes I had a few problems, most of which were caused by having to wait so long, now all I get is an acid stomach every now and again. The only thing I have trouble eating is a lot of bread.

      Like you I read all the pros and come, others stories etc. I decided on the surgery well the constant pain and sickness is one reason but the other was the first time I was in there was a lady who like you didn't want surgery, they treated her and she went home, a few days later she was back in. Her husband begged her to have the surgery she refused, till she was so bad she agreed, unfortunately by the time they got her down to surgery her Gallbladder had burst. The op took six hours, she was ill for months and was still in hospital when I had my surgery, I know without my gallbladder I'm better off, never want that pain again.

      So why am I on this forum? I've broken my ankle and foot and was looking around.

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      Should also add I was 53 at the time, had a few years before had surgery where the surgeon made a mistake (for which I was compensated) which resulted in a second op. Four weeks ago I had to have a screw but in my 5th metatarsal all in the same hospital where I had the surgery which went wrong. And yes the staff where all fantastic.
  • Posted

    Hi my name is Mary. I just had my gallbladder removed 9 days ago. I was so scared especially after hearing about all the people on this forum who ave had terrible results. Like you, I really didn't have any options. I was being faced with a possibilty of having gallbladder cancer. Unfortunately, they were unable to be sure until the gallbladder was removed and taken to pathology. All this was to happen while I was still under anesthesia. I was really scared not knowing what I was going to wake up to. I am happy to say that the mass I had was benign and only after 9 days I am feeling fine. I am returning to work on Monday. Please don't be scared. There are many people who don't have bad results. For the ones that have, my heart goes out to you. I wish you the best of luck..
  • Posted

    Hi Angela my name is Olwen.  I just found this site and I hope you are well and still have your gallbladder. I also decided to keep my gallbladder, I have a lot of information if you are looking for answers contact me
    • Posted

      Hi olwen09733

      hope I find you well.

      i was reading an old post you wrote to Angela 51104

      i wonder if you could give me some help ?

      i was supposed to be at the hospital 12 mins ago

      to have my very sick gallbladder removed,

      however ive had 3 of what they call attacks in the last week alone and in the last 96 hours I've had 11 hours sleep and been in agony, not to mention that this disease has broken me mentally physically and emotionally over the last 3 years,

      i was wondering if your knowledge may help me out in any ways ?

      im desperate and distressed to say the leat and near to staving to death I think.

      would love to talk with you.

      kind regards, Andy.

  • Posted

    I'm afraid to say I agree with you.

    and it's fear that's stopping me and fear anxiety alone.

    i would happily swap my gallbladder for a marriage to the toilet

    and judge Judy.

    but my overwealming fear and extreme anxiety looks likely to

    cost me my life now.

    ive just backed out again, I was supposed to be at hospital to have the thing out 22 mins ago.

    but sadly ,and not an excuse as I don't know that I could have gone through with it anyway, but

    in the last 6 days alone I've had 3 major attacks and only 9 hours sleep ,due to pain and panic.

    and it's broken me mentally physically and emotionally I'm sorry to say,however I'm so distraught 

    'and distressed tired weak confused and scared,

    'I really don't think in this state I give myself a good outcome from surgery.

    so I've not turned up .

    my god the power of fear and extreme irrational yet founded thinking !

    has Beaton me again and I'm so ill, god help me, and everyone else

    who is suffering this evil extremely painful scarey debilitating disease , my heart truly goes out to you.

    im near starving to death or winding up in a looney bin I think.

    god alone knows what I am going to do now. I'm such a coward it would seem.

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