Escitalopram side effects HELP :((

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i'm just really looking for some advice or reassurance. I was on citalopram around 4 years ago and had a few start up side effects as im sensitive to meds but was on this for a year and worked wonders.

i recently have had a severe episode of anxiety and Dr recommended citalopram again, i'm very sensitive to meds, started on 10mg, however after 3 months i was feeling the same constant panic onlt depressed as well.

dr suggested switching to escitalopram 10mg due to less side effects, i have been on it for 3 weeks and honestly been the worst 3 weeks of my life. i wake up every morning with the most severe anxiety, the nausea is wearing off but i am in a constant state of anxiety, i have propanolol 10mg and diazepam when needed, and it is the only thing getting me through. the anxiety is worse than ever and im feeling hopeless, dr says these side effects are bormal, please help 😦((

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    everyone experiences these medication‘s in their own way. I am also very sensitive to medication. I have not yet found one that works for my anxiety. Currently I’m not on anything and I’m trying to reduce my anxiety by regular exercise, meditation and also listening to talks about how to deal with anxiety , and eating healthy. I found that a huge aspect of managing anxiety is knowing how to deal with the unwanted thoughts. It strengthens the mind.

    no other person not even a doctor can truly know how people feel who have anxiety. The same thing with medication’s. No doctor can tell a patient that they should stay on a particular medication if it’s increasing their anxiety.

    i wish I knew what to tell you but in the end it’s up to you. If you’ve been on a medication long enough but it still makes you feel horrible, then it’s not for you. don’t torture yourself thinking you have to stay on it for a long time. Just give it enough time like the six or eight weeks to really kick in and then see how you feel. I know it’s a pain to switch medication and try another one.

    maybe combine the medication with some counseling? Just talking to someone else who understands anxiety could be very helpful to you! I hope you feel better soon

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